Sunday, January 26, 2020

Alice so Far

Hi there. So today I am back with as much of my Alice book 2 as I have done so far. You might remember she has gotten up and it is a beautiful spring day. (Yes, wouldn't it be nice to be able to sleep through much of winter, or at least the cold and the touch weather parts-smile) She realizes she is very tall, and she hears a humming noise coming from outside.
So my next page is my take on the Father William part, which if you don't remember, he is standing on his head.
"You are old, Father William," the young man said,
    "And your hair has become very white;
And yet you incessantly stand on your head—
    Do you think, at your age, it is right?"
I made my William Uncle Bill.

Here's what my page says:
And she saw her Uncle Bill
but he was standing on his head.
"Uncle Bill, what are you doing?" Alice asked.
"Why I a doing my daily yoga." He replied.
"Oh dear,"  said Alice " I think I need some air."

The next page then says:
Outside it was a glorious spring day.
Birds were singing .
Leaves were popping out on the trees
Flowers were blooming and bees were buzzing.
And then Alice noticed 
something strange in the garden.
it was a flamingo.
"What are you doing in my garden?" Alice asked.
Then Alice saw a face
she thought she should know.
"Think. Think. Think. Why should I know that face?"
"Come play on my team girl."
"Play what? I am Alice not girl."
"We are playing croquet of course.
That's why the flamingoes are here."

And the next couple of pages.

"Curiouser and curiouser.

Sketches and doodles as well as some images from Art By Marlene. And yes, Alice has a different outfit on here.  Well, socks and skirt because all you can see is her legs. Remember, Alice has  gotten very tall. And the lady on the far right is the queen, who has been seen before.

I'll get back to this book and should have the rest of the story soon also.

Thanks for visiting.


  1. Oh, I love the flamingoes!!! And the clouds! And... just all!
    And... I should do some yoga again, too (but never on my head, LOL).
    Thank you, I´m looking forward to more! A nice day to you and hugs

  2. You have made some great fun pages today, love them. And we used to sing 'Father William' at school, it'll be in my head all day now! Have a good start in the new week, Hugs, Valerie

  3. Another super installment, and fabulous arty pages too Erika!
    Happy new week xxx

  4. This is so much fun. I'm loving this. I knew nothing about Alice in Wonderland, so I'm glad you shared the "uncle Bill" reference. Loved the flamingos, too. You did SO well with this book. I'm loving it.

  5. This is so delightful and so creative! I love how you've taken off and flown with this project!

  6. I love your Uncle Bill. This is such a fun story. Enjoy your day!

  7. Delightful! I love the background for Uncle Bill's yoga practice. And those flowers! I'll be sorry to see "Alice" end. Perhaps a sequel?

  8. Always good to stay on once head to thing things from another perspective!! Lol!
    Fantastic pages Erika- a dream book!
    Big hugs,

  9. It is so good to read the latest pages about Alice . The art illustrations to go with your version of Alice looks fabulous. Your pages are awesome.
    Yvonne xx

  10. I always found the Father William poem very disturbing for some reason - I like your take on it with the yoga, though. And the garden pages are wonderful - first with all those glorious flowers and then the fabulous knobbly knees playing flamingo croquet. Alice's adventures are so full of colour in your version - fabulous!
    Alison x

  11. More lovely pages from the Alice book and such interesting words which made me look forward to brighter days. Art by Marlene fits in so well with your style of work here and there is so much the reader can see in these pages.
    I think I have said before how I enjoy the Alice stories and so it was refreshing to see you introduce Father William and the young man, so rarely seen in others work.
    Hugs, Neet xx

  12. I love your fun and beautiful pages, Erika!


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