Friday, January 3, 2020

The Buzz

Hello there folks. It's the first Friday of the new year and my long work week (ha-ha-just 2 days) will wrap sooner rather than later.  I like this kind of week. 
I spend several hours on New Years Day having some productive art time, including making this page.  I put a lot of yellow paint on one sheet of watercolor paper, way more than I needed so I rubbed another page onto top of it and that's how I got this yellow background. I like the slightly worn effect that it created. Almost all of the images on this page are stamped, either directly on the page or on white paper and then cut out. I also did a bit of coloring of these images with some markers.
I also cleaned off my workspace and added a few little paper dots and circles as well as the one mini flower on the top of the page. These are non-stamped bits.
So this month Jo is hosting at Art Journal Journey and her challenge is Something New. I am linking up with my bee page.
And you might ask how this page fits the challenge. It is because  I am interested in starting a bee colony, and have been for awhile. For Christmas this year my husband and daughter gave me some of the supplies I need to do that.

 My plan for 2020 is to get my box set up, and since I live in bear country I need to also put up a fence and unfortunately electrify it, otherwise my beehive won't survive very long.  But if I can get that all ready during the summer and fall of this year then in spring of 2021 I can order my bees.
Maybe you like my new hat.

It would work great for mosquitoes too, unless the mesh holes are too open. That I don't know.
 And I think my husband is actually quite interested in this also.
Or at least he had fun acting like a monster and getting the dogs to bark.

Have a great start to your weekend. And thanks so much for visiting.


  1. Lovely journal page, great idea with the bees. Your new ht ist not totally flattering, but very useful. I would like one for the wasp season! Have a fun weekend, hugs, Valerie

  2. What a fabulous page! I love the worn yellow background with the honeycomb that you created ๐Ÿ˜. How exciting to have a bee hive, what a great present! My sister kept bees for many years and really enjoyed it and oh, I remember the honey - it was so delicious ๐Ÿ˜‰. Thanks for joining Art Journal Journey and celebrating your new bee adventure with us! Happy Friday and weekend! Hugs, Jo x

  3. ... by the way your hubby being a monster really made me smile! I bet the dogs lived it too ๐Ÿ˜‰. Thanks again! Hugs, Jo x

  4. I bet you´d love the bee-beer our little team here in Braunschweig created.
    They rented a field for doing the beer and also some bees.
    I have to say, though. Once a bee got me and, my, did that hurt!
    And you plan this in a bear country?!!!
    That hat is a good one ideed for this! And you have a bear right there, too ;-)

    (In my old hometown they have a festival, the saga included a bear. Bears are not that common here. On that very day a person called the police, "there is a bear!" - sure... and it was a real bear, panic broke loose. That was some 30+ years ago).

  5. What a lovely page, Erika! The bees are popping up beautifully!!!
    Your new "hat" is perfect for mosquitos! Ha ha! And your husband seems to enjoy it!!! Big hugs, my friend.

  6. Cool... a fabulous page is this Erika and I am super excited for you to get a!!!
    Happy weekend!

  7. I love your bee page. Warm weather thoughts while getting through an endless Winter. I had thought fo starting an apiary, but I’m allergic to bees. I had talked to several beekeepers in my area. They all said getting stung is part of the deal. Sadly, that’s a deal breaker for me. I’ll be interested in being a vicarious beekeeper. They made you go to school for 2 days this week instead of giving you the whole week off? Oh well, 2 days you won’t have to make up in June. Have a good day.

  8. a very nice journal with the honeycombs, oh how you look with the beekeeping suit, great the bee box explanation!
    Greetings Elke

  9. Erika, I love your page very much-and awesome to be getting bees!!

    Hubs learned bee keeping from his Grandfather and we had bees for several years on our mini farm in Illinois before retirement.
    I tried wearing the bee suit to help out but I got too freaked out and the bees sense that so Hubs said I needed to leave or we would both get have bees all over us-and then I would be freaked out lol so be sure you can be calm while working the bees-you will love the whole process-hugs Kathy

  10. Congrats on the bees! There's a hive close-by in a local park, and they are fascinating. I'm looking forward to seeing your progress with yours.

  11. You remind me of Katharine Hepburn in the African Queen in your hat! I love the sunny yellow of your bee page -- very gloomy here today and that is most welcome!

  12. Absolutely amazing post and plans for your new beehive. Great page for Jo's theme, too, dear. BTW, I got your card. Haven't opened it yet, since I really just came up to let everyone know what was going on in my world.

  13. So summery, beautiful page, Erika. And Wow, beekeeping is exciting hobby, and healthy too. Your photos are hilarious ๐Ÿ˜‚
    Good luck for your hobby ๐Ÿ๐ŸŒป

  14. Wow, you have planned an amazing new and productive pass time. I think you will enjoy keeping bees, that suit looks very fetching and stylish.
    It is a fabulous journal page and the honeycomb looks so real as your background.
    It is a great take on Jo's theme at Art Journal Journey.
    Yvonne xx

  15. The Bee features in the coat of arms of the city near to where I live and features very strongly with people after the bombing of the MEN Arena in 2017 when 22 innocent people died. it was tragic to watch it unfold and Ariana has visited the city since. I did not go down the route of having a bee tattooed on my ankle but i did buy a gold chain with one on and have since bought the matching ear rings.
    So dear Erika, you page says so much to me, I love the honeycomb background and the bees scattered over it are superb.
    What a lovely gift you got for Christmas, good luck with setting up your bee keeping - I hope we get to see how it all progresses via your blog.
    Happy New Year
    hugs, Neet xx

  16. What a fabulous artjournal page! You know, yellow is a favourite color of mine, and that you now want to become a beekeeper sounds very interesting! Good luck for all your preparings to get it ready for 2021!
    Wish you happy days! Hugs-Rike

  17. A beautiful bee page Erika!
    Good luck with your new venture!
    Alison xx

  18. I do like your page, and how exciting to be getting bees! Take care with them!

    All the best Jan


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