Thursday, January 2, 2020

Second on the Second for January

Hi everyone. It is back to school for me today after my holiday vacation, but this is only  a 2 day week. I have to say it was tough sleeping last night though as I managed to get off of my school sleep schedule. Good thing it is not particulary cold for January this morning or I may not want to get out of bed. But I am up and ready to get back into the routine.
There are only 13 days of school until this half of the year is over, and then I get new classes. That means  I am almost into the last half year of teaching  before I retire. It is a very exciting thing to look forward to in 2020. (Well for me that is.) 
And it is January 2.
It's the first Second on the Second for the new year.
I am taking you back to January of 2016 for today's second look.
It's not going to be that cold here in New Hampshire today, actually well above freezing, but these 2 little polar bears caught my eye as I was looking back through older posts.
Plus I love the background too.
You can see the original post here: January 15, 2016.
We do look pretty wintery as we got a nice little dumping of snow earlier this week.

 And there are now snow mountains in the parking lot of the grocery store.

Welcome to January!
Have a great day and thanks for visiting.


  1. Gorgeous journal page. It does look very wintry where you are! Have fun back at school, the next few months will fly by! Hugs, Valerie

  2. Good morning Erika, we are warm here too for January so far. Loved your second look-really sweet-that was allot of snow back then.
    Kinda nice to have just two days for teaching and then another weekend to get in the "groove" again. You can start counting down the months now for retirement-Happy second on the 2nd Hugs Kathy

  3. I love your second on the second. Very cute bears and very fitting. Boy, did it get cold fast! Now it's supposed to be 42 today. Go figure.

    For some reason I had it in my head you were retiring after the end of this fall semester, not in the spring (which makes more sense). Maybe that's another teacher blogger. Well, here's to two-day weeks and not much longer!

  4. What a gorgeous page, Erika!!!
    And oh, so much snow in your place!!!
    It is also winter in Greece, but the temperature is around 15-20 Celsium degrees! A sunny day with a little cold!
    Kisses, sweetie!!!

  5. It must be a task to have new students all the time.
    Of all teachers I remember my first class teacher, Mrs Schimmel. And my English and French ones (and sadly a dumb math teacher (the tank is covered by your outstreched thumb, how far is the tank away?))
    And our swim-teacher, oh, help me! He also taught Math, his swim wear was squares, you know where they get "bigger"... These days a Mum would come by and scream, back then... hmm.. we were on our own! (He never touched any of us)
    Oh, thank you for THOSE memories ;-)
    The cars were covered in a thin layer of ice this morning, not more, no snow!
    A happy day to you.

  6. Brr! I feel cold just looking.
    It's unseasonably warm here, though still chilly - no snow on the horizons, though.
    I wonder if you see changes in the way you create when you do your second on the second thing... intriguing. I've just been told my style has totally changed but I don't see it myself.
    It will be SO exciting, counting down to retirement time... almost there!
    Cath x

  7. Those polar bears do look cute and its a lovely page . I hope the snow mountains in the car park don't get any higher this winter.
    Yvonne xx

  8. You may have noticed I didn’t stop by to visit, or I didn’t host my own Second on the 2nd. The reason is quite simple. Wednesday evening, just as I was saying good-bye to my dear friends SC and ND who dropped by to wish me a happy new year, my electricity went out. When I looked outside and saw the neighbors across the street, whose lights NEVER go out when mine do were also out, I knew it wasn’t a blown transformer. My friends decided to stay to see what the problem was. Not more than three or four minutes later, we heard sirens, not just police, but fire, too. We knew it sounded close, so we walked in the direction of the sirens. It was quite dark, but my friends had their cell phone lights to guide them. Two blocks west and one block south we saw that someone in a big truck had hit a light pole so hard, it knocked it over and stretched the wire so hard, the electricity went off in the area on one side, while the other side was draped over someone’s house and was zapping live sparks on the ground in the road.

    At first we thought it was a drunk driver, but after the ambulance arrived, we saw the man either had a heart attack or possibly a seizure. As the electric company was arriving, they told the crowd it would be at least a day before we would get our power back. Instead of staying home in the cold and dark, my friend SC, who lives in another town, invited me to her home. I am just now getting home. Even though she has an I-Pad, I don’t know the password that gets me onto blogger (which is stored on my computer only). I’ll be back soon, just want you to know why I wasn’t around to visit and play host. The electricity is on (I’m not sure how long it’s been on), but it’s freezing here. Thanks for understanding, dear friends.

  9. Brrr it does look wintery there - keep warm.

    All the best Jan


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