Sunday, February 2, 2020

February 2 Is An Eventful Day

Happy Day 2 of February everyone. It is a busy day today with so many things going on.

I'm going to start off with my post with a second look over at Bleubeard and Elizabeth's blog
I am going to show you this page from February of 2016. 

Thought I would keep the heart theme going (as hearts are the latest theme over at Art Journal Journey) by picking this page. Since it is not new I'm not linking up but thought it was a good choice for February.
And it is SuperBowl Sunday here in the US. Not sure who I am rooting for but I will watch the game tonight. The Kansas City quarterback is fun to watch, but San Francisco is such a good team too, that it should be good football. And I can't forget my favorite SuperBowl Sunday show is the Puppy Bowl with all those cute little pups and all those fun puns they makes.
And it is also Groundhog Day here in the US. If the groundhog/woodchuck in Pennsylvania sees his shadow we get 6 more weeks of winter. And if he doesn't, spring is just around the corner. I think I have that correct, but it seems to me no matter what winter is going to last as long as it wants to.
(But he didn't see his shadow so they say an early spring.)

And thought I would start off my year's worth of books by sharing my January reads and listens for those of you who enjoy book posts. It was a much more productive reading/listening month than I would have guessed.

 It started with my reading the Moonstone and I finished listening to  Little Women (which I was half way through when the new year started). I loved Little Women, even though it is from the 1880's, that story is timeless (for the most part) and, the narration of this book was fantastic.  I also enjoyed the Moonstone, another classic. It is one of the first mystery stories, and although very different from what we read now, I did need to find where the moonstone disappeared. My only snafu was I spilled a glass of water onto  my book, and had to put it aside for a few days to dry. Oh the perils of paper books, but in truth, I don't read well on the computer (It is way too easy to switch off to art blogs or on-line shopping)  and much prefer reading paper books. 

I don't usually get into psychological thrillers, but  Poison Orchids was an inexpensive daily deal on Audible, so I decided I needed to try something different. It was an on the edge of your seat romp for sure. The middle section was maybe a tad to long, but I did enjoy both the story and the fact that it was set in Australia with an Australian narrator. Listening to the the accent made the book even more real I think. And it was one of those talk to my speaker listens. Like me saying something to the  recorded author reading the story makes any difference, smile.

And I read book 11 in this series by Elly Griffiths. I really enjoy the mysteries and the characters in this series. Book 12 is suppose to come out later this week, so I am looking forward to that as I have been addicted this forensic archeology series and have mentioned it many times before.

Another bargain daily deal by Audible was this book, Be Frank With Me. It had good reviews, and I am always  on the lookout for something out of my usual.  The narrator was great in this story, and I just adored the character Frank, who was a 9-10 year old boy who was a little bit out of the ordinary. I was a bit let down by the ending as I wanted something more to happen, but in retrospect, I guess it ended as it should have ended.

My latest listen, which I just finished the other day, was The Dutch House but Ann Patchett.
I have read a couple of books by Ann Patchett before and loved them both, so when my book club decided to do this for our next book, I was pleased.  I have to say it was narrated by the actor Tom Hanks, who does a fabulous job and might have made me read it more quickly than I might have otherwise. But oh man, did I LOVE this book.  It is the story of about family, and I don't want to say too much about it, and I could, incase anyone goes on to read it. 
Patchett is a fabulous wordsmith and her characters are great. And if you read it the cover art makes so much sense.

And here's  book I saw on a National Geographic travel book club list, and it piqued my interest.
The author went to teach in a North Korean technology college, and this book is a story about her  experiences there. North Korea is such mysterious culture and although I don't think I would be adventurous to go teach there, it was a fascinating read.
And I haven't started a new audio book but here's my paper read. I enjoy this series about 3 Navajo police people in Western New Mexico and Eastern Arizona.  I've read several in this series, including the ones written by the author's daughter since the author is no longer living. It is a great look into that culture with some good detective work at the same time. I'm not sure this is my favorite in this series, but it is not for any reason I can put my finger on.

That's all from this reading rat today.
I know it is only the second of February, but hope you are having a super month so far.


  1. I always love to see what you are reading, thanks for this detailed list with covers. We have a few Elly Griffiths in the house so I'll try one of those. I love reading old crime stories, they are slow and considered and usually very well written - like "The Moonstone".
    I think your hearts piece is superb and it's nice to see it again, although I don't remember it from the first time..

  2. I'm so happy you liked The Moonstone! I love that book :) If you want to try the 2016 mini-series, it's on Amazon Prime (and they'll give you a free 30-day trial if you like). I like your idea of being on the lookout for something out of the usual. I should take that as an inspiration :) Thanks! I've read some Ann Patchett and enjoyed her. Hillerman is wonderful! I haven't tried the ones written by his daughter, but I re-read the original books every once in a while.

    I hear Spring is just around the corner, and it certainly feels like that here :) I hope your day is a joy.

  3. Lovely journal page and fitting for the current theme. You've been reading some good books. Little women is a great read, and I love the Elly Griffiths books, too. Enjoy your various bowls tonight! Hugs, Valerie

  4. Pretty heart page. My heart is aglow as Phil the Groundhog didn't see his shadow this morning so supposedly in for an early Spring. Though as you said, Winter will be as long as Winter wants and typically this is the time when we get most of your snow. Interesting reads. I need to make time to do more of that. I told Himself that I seem to watch books (the movies bases on books) more than I read them. Enjoy the sunshine today. I think we're rooting for Jimmy G and the 49ers because he was one of ours before he was theirs.

  5. I love your second look of the heart-it's really beautiful
    I think this will be a really good game too-hope it will be a close one but with KC on top haha
    I almost picked up Little Women-to read again which I have not read since childhood days-I gifted all my classics from back then to a friend with children. I enjoyed reading the reviews on your books-will be checking out a few of them.
    Happy second on the 2nd groundhog day, and happy Sunday too Hugs Kathy

  6. I'm so looking forward to the Superbowl, it's good to have some different teams playing this year too! I have my beer and chips (crisps) at the ready 😉. Your page is beautiful, the texture in the background looks amazing and I love the words that you used! Happy weekend and enjoy the football! Hugs, Jo x

  7. Happy 2nd!! I do remember your journal page. Thanks for all the book reviews. What is the name of the series for "The Stone Circle? I love these type of stories too.
    "Little Women" has been a favorite since my .............................well for many, many years LOL!

  8. Wow, Erika, this is a fun filled post with lots to discuss. I'm so glad you shared this heart inspired art, because I truly do not remember it. Thanks for bringing it back as a second look on the 2nd.

    So glad Phil didn't see his shadow, so we may be in for that global warming Trump says isn't happening. I'll be watching both the Puppy Bowl and the Kitten Bowl. Last night, I tried to get the "boys" to watch the cat bowl, but Squiggles looked at the screen for about 30 seconds and turned to snuggle next to me. Bleubeard was no where to be found. You are right about the PUNS. Some are worse than others (grin).

    Sorry Erika. GO CHIEFS!!!!! (and go Lakers, too!).

  9. Beautiful piece! And three cheers for Phil! I loved The Dutch House -- it's a beautifully written book of complex emotions yet so accessible. I could easily see it as a film. I already have it partially cast! Maybe not. Probably too old, my actors!

    I watched part of the kitten bowl -- tried to engage Lizzie and she was a bit -- for a very brief time!

  10. This is beautiful!
    And yay for the groundhog (seesh, now I have that song in my head, I love that movie (do you have a déjà-vu??? Look in the kitchen, huh...).
    :-) You really say "reading rat"? It´s the very same in German, Leseratte!
    Oh, I still have so many books to read, be it in paper or on kindle!

  11. Lovely to see your page again Erika, so beautiful with the circles and heart!
    I can't believe I've never read Little Women, and after seeing the recent film I'm eager to find a copy of the book. I prefer paper books too 😊
    The moonstone is on my list too, and the Elly Griffith's book sound interesting.
    Happy new week,
    Alison xx

  12. Lovely page with fantastic textures! I read a lot and from Wilkie Collins I have read "The Woman In White", here in Spain is considered a mystery masterpiece; also the Moonstone.
    Great post Erika!
    Hugs, Mar

  13. Lovely heart page. I was excited to find all your book reviews. I haven't tried many audible books. I'm usually put off by the narrator. Maybe that's because I've previously read books by the same author and have the voices of the people in the book already established in my mind. If that makes sense. Hahaha.

  14. Lovely page. I was delighted to see the book reviews. I have The Dutch House waiting to be read.

  15. Awesome photos of your walk along the beach, I liked seeing to dogs footprints in the sand. Although I have to say the photo of your dessert has me thinking how good it must have tasted.
    Your book selection. in your previous post [ Sorry missed it the other day] looked good as well. Have a great day.
    Yvonne xx

  16. Fabulous page from the past! I like the sound of some of your book choices! I must say I think I am going to re-read Little Women! I know it has been made into a film but I won't be going to the cinema to see it so it will be a while until it comes on TV!Chrisx


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