Monday, February 3, 2020

T Stands for Cabin Fever

Hi everyone. 
I can't believe it is time for another week of T, where we share our drinks and other things over at           Bleubeard and Elizabeth's blog  .

Last week was another busy week, but almost all of it was going to work and getting to know the new kids in my classes. They look pretty good so far, but the honeymoon period is just about over, which means if they are going to be a handful, they will be. (I'm feeling optimistic though!)

I am definitely having stuck inside issues this winter. I want to be out catching sun in these shorter days (even when it is cold). So to try to help that a bit, I dragged the husband and the dogs down to the beach this past Saturday. It was just around freezing and the sky was pretty overcast, but the tide was just perfect for a long beach walk.
And I didn't actually have to drag the dogs. It more like they dragged us down the beach at breakneck speed. (Smile) They have  cabin fever also.

I parked the further away than usual this time, and we almost had to take the road back  to the car as the tide was coming in. But we made it, with dry feet.
And after our morning walk, I took my husband to a restaurant for lunch. He had never been here and I had only been there once with a friend. 
It is across the road from the beach and you can see the water behind the white car in this photo.
We each had a beer with our sandwiches. But even though the restaurant is called Lobster Cove, we didn't have any lobster.
I like the shaped of this glass, and the baseball logo on it. I like that logo because this is the month spring training starts, which means we are getting closer to spring and summer and the time of year when the days are long enough I can get outside easier after work. (And as some of you will remind me, once June rolls around I will have lots more time to enjoy the outside. Today/Tuesday is day 84 and counting of classes left. Not that I am counting, of course.)

This was my beer, and it was very good. It is fun to try out local brews. And the Agamenticus in the name is for a small mountain located nearby.
And for some reason, after our sandwiches, we decided we needed dessert. Maybe it was all the fresh air and exercise we actually got. Or maybe it was me seeing they had blueberry pie on the menu made with our tiny little local berries, which are the best. We actually even said no dessert at first, but when the waitress brought the bill to us we spontaneously changed our minds.
I could have skipped the sandwich and just had this.

Thanks for visiting and have a happy T day.


  1. Cold as it feels Erika I too would brave it for a walk on the beach:):) And a nice meal afterward is even better then. I'm sure the pups appreciated their special walk too;)
    Who's counting- ha ha-it'll be here before you know it! Just remember that when the kiddos start to act up:) Happy T day!

  2. I think I posted a comment twice to your last entry Wish I could blame it on cabin fever but I'm afraid it is fuzzy brain. I enjoyed the pictures of the beach.

  3. Good evening, I loved the photos with the dog prints-how fun to be able to walk on the beach! and your dessert looks so delicious-and the pie is just full of berries-love that. happy T hugs Kathy

  4. It must be beautiful to have the beach so close.
    Love the beer glass (and beer).
    (not so much the cake) - a happy T-day to you!

  5. I k now that feeling to need to be outside, I can never stay inside all day. Glad you managed a good walk with your doggies on the beach. And your beer and food were surely welcome afterwards - that dessert looks tempting, I could eat it right now for breakfast! Happy T Day, and keep counting - the school days will be over in a flash! Hugs, Valerie

  6. How I would love to live by the beach! Looks like a wonderful walk x

  7. The dogs look like they are having fun. It's wonderful that you were able to get out. I know how cabin fever can set in. Your choice of restaurants looks amazing. I had blueberries recently, too, but mine weren't in a pie. That pie looks wonderful and ala mode is even better. Thanks for taking us to the beach, then to Lobster Cove, where we watched as you had that unique beer and a great slice of blueberry pie for T this Tuesday, dear friend.

  8. Looks like the same kind of grey weather we've mostly been having - it's very disheartening. Great to have a nearby windswept beach to walk on though... it looks dramatic and soul-stirring even on the greyest of days.
    Alison x

  9. Your beach visit looked fun, despite the cold. The restaurant is in a great location, so close to the beach. I love blueberry pie, and that one looks delicious. I hope you get rain and not snow the next few days. Right now, NOAA is saying rain for me in CT. Phew. Happy T-Day!

  10. What a GREAT day out! I love your beach and that restaurant looks wonderful! I love that you can walk on the beach, even in the winter!

  11. I would have liked a trip to the beach. I love the doggie footprints. Did you go to Long Sands beach? I don't remember this restaurant. Is it new? The blueberry pie was a perfect ending to your day. Happy T Day

  12. You live in such a wonderful place to have such easy access to such a friendly beach. Nice! The view from that restaurant makes a pretty scene, and that dessert looks delicious! I bet y'all will go back there :)

    Happy T Tuesday!

  13. Oh my, what a perfect day! A walk along the beach with the dogs and then lunch with a yummy amber ale and blueberry pie and ice cream - I love it and wish that I could have joined you in person although I did have fun joining you on a virtual day out instead 😉. Thanks for sharing, it bought back so many happy memories! Happy T Day! Hugs, Jo x

  14. What a privilege to live near the beach and being able to blow the cobwebs with the dogs. Lucky you.
    And the beer looks very nice I must say, but 8 dollars for a glass of beer! Is that expensive? Or is that about a normal price?
    Yes, that blueberry dessert looks yummy. I think I would have changed my mind too.
    Happy T-Day,

  15. I love pie a la mode. That looks delcious! Very cool beer glass. It sounds like you and the dogs had a lovely morning, even through it was quite cold.

    Happy T-day! Eileen xx

  16. That walk on the beach … so lovely.

    All the best Jan

  17. I'm sure once you got onto that beach you forgot about the cold! Good to have a warm restaurant and good food afterwards too! A very belated Happy T Day, Chrisx


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