Monday, February 10, 2020

T Stands for 2 Birthdays and Other Things

Hi everyone. 
It is a new week with so much going on for me. First we have another T day post, and then it is time to vote in the first primary for the presidential election, and then later this week we have Valentine's day. My last parent open house is thrown in there too. And some wintery weather forecasted.And that's just the highlights of the week.

So first things first. It is time for T. For T this week, I am going to share a double birthday celebration.
That's my mother-in-law on the left. She turned 86 last month, but at the time of her birthday my husband was down with a killer head cold and it was better not to spread it to her. 
And on the right is my sister-in-law, and she had a birthday on this past Saturday. And since my MIL lives with my SIL in the winter, we took them both out to lunch to celebrate this past Sunday.
We took a trip over to Cornish, Maine near my SIL's home, and I got to visit this new restaurant. I loved how it was decorated inside.

And the outside view next to my seat was pretty also.
Even if it does look cold.
The lunch menu had some delicious choices.
The beer on tap choices were also quite good. I had a red ale from Moat Mountain Brewery.
And I had a really good turkey sandwich. Besides tons of turkey, it had apples, cranberry chutney and melted cheddar cheese.
And the piece of cake we ordered to share and celebrate was also really yummy.
I would give this place an A+ review. 

Don't forget to stop by Bleubeard and Elizabeth's blog for T this week.
Thanks for visiting.
And happy T day.


  1. happy birthday wishes to the birthday ladies! What a pretty, cozy looking restaurant, and surely I could find something yummy too, but that is one large sandwich;)
    Hope your hubby is feeling much better now. Happy T day!

  2. Krista's looks like a great place, and it has some great reviews, too. Yes, I checked it out. So glad you were able to treat both your MIL and SIL at the same time. And this looks like the perfect place to do so, too.

    I bet you will be glad when the nation's eyes are off NH. It's all I see on TV and suspect you have been inundated with robocalls. Needless to say, I suspect you will be voting.

    Thanks for taking us to Krista's and the birthday celebration you shared with your family, as well as the beer you had for T this Tuesday. I hope this is a good week for you, too!!!

  3. I like that restaurant decor. It looks like a cozy place to enjoy a meal. And that food looks delicious! Happy T Day :)

  4. Happy birthday to both ladies! Sounds like you have a busy week to master. That restaurant looks very comfortable and inviting, and the sight of food so early in the morning is inspiring me to eat! It all looks very yummy! Happy T Day, hugs, Valerie

  5. Sweet photo of your Birthday-gang, but, ewww, you got snow!
    A nicely decorated restaurant indeed!
    A red ale, hmmm, yum! I think it´s strange I only get to know so few women liking beer. Always nice to meet one!
    And, ohhh, the food looks yummy, too! Cheddar!!!
    Happy, yummy T-day!

  6. A wonderful restaurant Erika and your MIL looks so young for her age, wow!!!

    Big hugs, Susi

  7. Your meal looks so delicious as does the cake, Happy Birthday wishes to them both! Isn't that a fabulous restaurant and their sandwiches are the best! I loved the beers too but also the cocktails 😀. We went to the Cornish Apple Festival there when we visited, it's such a fun event and they have pumpkins for sale, the shops have lots of fall displays and of course you can buy everything apple too, including apple cider donuts which so delicious 😉. Thanks for the happy memories and wishing you a Happy T Day! Hugs, Jo x

  8. What a cozy restaurant! Some people just have a knack for decorating in an eclectic style. The food looks good especially the cake. I could do without the view of the snow. Stay warm, dry, and sane this week. Happy T Day

  9. Very sweet birthday photo.
    The restaurant you found looks wonderful-I would love it-very charming and just feels like family. and lunch plate looks delicious.
    Enjoy your busy week-hugs Kathy and Happy T

  10. What a totally delightful restaurant! I adore the lanterns. So happy. I can see why this would be a perfect spot for a celebration!

  11. I always like your Real-Life blogposts, Erika. This certainly looks like a good restaurant and cosy too. Hope your husband is a lot better now.

  12. Birthdays are always special ......belated wishes to both of them.
    Your sandwich sounds soooooo good.
    I remember the cold, from when I was much younger, but the snow still make for some pretty picture......says a woman sitting in SOCAL LOL!
    Happy T-day

  13. That is a really lovely looking restaurant. I would go there in a flash! And you say the food was good. Now I really want to go there!. Looks like a winner!
    The furniture looks so comfortable. And the orange lanterns really give it a glow.
    Thanks for sharing. I'm hungry now after seeing that.
    Happy T-Day,

  14. Sounds like you have had a real busy week, it was good to see the photo of your MIL and SisterIL with that delicious piece of cake. I'm sure you will have enjoyed it. and the meal you had in the new restaurant also looked tasty.
    Happy T day wishes Erika.
    Yvonne xx

  15. What a lovely cozy homey-looking restuarant. Outside is another story. Brrr. Your sandwich, especially the bread, looks delicious.

    Happy T-day! Eileen xx

  16. I love your vibrant blog header image. I'm hoping the NH primary results reporting goes smoothly, unlike the Iowa caucus did. (I think CT's primary isn't until April.) Happy birthday to your MIL and SIL. That restaurant did look very nice, both inside and out. (I love those Chinese lanterns on the ceiling.) And the water looks pretty, despite also looking very cold. Your food looked delicious. I hope the weather isn't too bad for you this week. Valentine's Day and night looks to be dry but very cold here in CT. Happy T-Day!


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