Tuesday, February 11, 2020


Happy Tuesday.
I'm here today with a little inspiration for the Share the Love challenge at Try It On Tuesday
If you haven't joined us you still have a week to share your love-artwise that it-with us.
I made my page by stenciling some leaves on a Gelli-printed (but rather underwhelming) page. I really wanted to use this playing card with one of Raphael's famous cupids  on it.
And cupid needs hearts, and hearts need some people to share them. And then this fun phrase came to my mind (as I have been thinking about phrases that use hearts-and there are a lot of them). So that made me think about adding the old key.
And I am also linking this post up to Elizabeth's HEART challenge at Art Journal Journey also. This challenge is going on for the rest of the month.

Hope to see you  at both challenges.
And thanks so much for visiting my blog.


  1. Thanks for your earlier visit, I can only post here through your comment on my blog!!!! Anyway I love your artwork, the rich colours are beautiful, I am going to try to join in when I get home as I bought myself a mixed media book and have only filled two pages.
    I think the snow in England is mainly in the north, we used to get a lot of snow when we lived north Nottinghamshire, was snowed in for five days once with no power,luckily we had a camping gas stove we could cook on.
    Have a lovely week
    Jan x

  2. This is the cutest ever. I love it!

  3. What a romance! A gorgeous page Erika!

    Big hugs, Susi

  4. Lovely page Erika, so much to see, and very well put together. Thanks for sharing and have a fun day. Hugs, Valerie

  5. This is so romantic, Erika. I love the cherub playing card and the old key. There is something special about old keys, I think.

  6. A charming page. I love the Raphael cherubs. Stay warm and dry

  7. I love how you created this page Erika, I think cupid is watching over the happy couple. Its a fabulous inspiration page for both TioT's and AJJ.
    Yvonne xx

  8. That is so romantic and so pretty this journal, wonderfully designed!
    Greetings Elke

  9. You really make me look for the cute cards we have to make some arty love-piece!
    Stop doing so, we might want to play and then one is missing!
    Elizabeth came up with the box she uses as background, now here I learn even more... Stop! I am a visitor, not an artist! (My big Niece though, she might be one, she told me she loves art at school most of all! English, she hates. Hmmm...).

    The couple looks so full of hope. Well, the woman does, her partner looks rather sceptical.
    Maybe rightfully, too.
    I think it is strange how people are treated different - and behave different depending on the country they go.
    Here "Asian" people speak German, if with sometimes strong accent, but they give their best.
    In Australia I more than once saw a different story.
    We have Turkish people living here in 3rd or now 4th generation not speaking German.
    And with "Chancellor" Merkel´s "everybody welcome", let´s see where we go.
    So different how people re-act. Act.

  10. A gorgeous page Erika! I love the Cupid card and your leafy background!
    Alison xx

  11. At first, I thought you had hand sewn those hearts in place. This turned out great and is reminiscent of young love. So sweet. Thanks for sharing it with us at Art Journal Journey using my theme. You are a true blessing, dear.

  12. I do like the effect that you got with your Gelli print. It reminds me of fabric.
    At first glance I thought you had coloured your hearts in using rich ruby red and then I noticed that one was not quite the same and i realised that you had placed the hearts over the leaves which turned the red on some of them into a darker richer red. What a lovely effect.
    Love the thought process in building up this page. It is a huge success and I do like the playing card and the TH figures.
    Hugs, Neet xx


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