Monday, February 17, 2020

T Stands for the Theatre

Hello there. Happy T day once again. This month the weeks are going by so fast, aren't they?
Back at Christmas time I won a year long pass for 2 to a local theatre company, and last Saturday we went to their first show for the season.
(This is the photo I posted on Saturday but it works here also.)
The play was Ragtime, which I wasn't familiar with before seeing it, but wow! (Now I need to read the book this play was based on.)
We didn't get into the box office until a couple of weeks ago to turn in the pass so our seats were up in the second level, but there really was no bad seats. The play was sold out. I can see why. I laughed and cried. The music was amazing as were the actors. The next play we have tickets to is later in March when we'll go see a Chorus Line. This one I am more familiar with.
We chose a matinee this time, and after the play ended, we went out to eat dinner at one of my favorite places.
It is called Street 360, and has a wide variety of international choices.
Not a very clear photo.
 But this one is better.
 Water was our drink choice. I like it here as they bring you a pitcher of water for your table. I ordered the Bibimbap. Yum!
 I love the design  on the table.
And here's my bibimbap.
And enough for a doggie bag too!
I am writing this at dinner time and I sure wish my left overs were still around. Smile.
I am linking this up to Bleubeard and Elizabeth's blog for this week's T.

And that is all for me today. Have a super T day and thanks for visiting my blog!


  1. I love a theatre where there are no bad seats:) Sounds like a fabulous show- one I've never seen. Ooh- we just bought tickets to see A Chorus Line at the university our son graduated from (they do a Shakespeare Festival series every summer) and cannot wait as we love dancing and musicals- esp.older ones! We must wait until I believe the end of June though.
    And oh my, that is one super sized meal - wonderful fresh ingredients to enjoy! Happy T day!

  2. The theater sounds wonderful. I have not gone to the theater since my 20's and younger. My Mom took us kids into Chicago to see allot of musicals live at the theater. Your dinners looks really delicious! and nice to have left overs. Happy T hugs Kathy

  3. Wonderful that you got to see a play where there were no bad seats. We have a theater that has great sound throughout, but the visuals can be a bit testy. Glad you enjoyed the play, too. I've seen Chorus Line, too. It's pretty good and I'm sure you'll enjoy it in March.

    Wow, that's a bowl of Bibimbap. It looks and sounds delicious. I especially like the egg on top. Water is a great choice, too. It sounds like the meal was a feast, so water really fit the bill. Thanks for sharing your trip to the theater and your trip to Street 360, along with your water and food with for T this Tuesday.

  4. Your night out at the theatre sounds fantastic, that was a great win! And that food looks soooooooo good. Just got up and I'm hungry! Have a great day, hugs, Valerie

  5. I "hate" the cinema/theatre - the biggest person sits right in front, the person behind... you know. I saw Head full of honey with Hubby on a Sunday morning and the place looked just like yours, I enjoyed it so much!

    Your bibimbap looks yum!!! Is that South African?
    See. Ha! At work I was the only one to get a doggie bag (I brought my own even, yes, no more recycling, we are "good"...) - everybody shook his head. Made jokes. (They´re all tall, certainly they eat more!).
    Yet, LOL, now I´m hungry! A happy T-day to you!

  6. Sounds fantastic!!!
    The show and the food!

    Hugs Susi

  7. How wonderful to go to the theatre. It sounds like it was a musical rather than a play. I Googled it and the storyline sounds really good. (I hadn't heard of it either)
    I am drooling at the sight of your meal. And such a fun name Bibimbop. It sounds like a dance doesn't it. It looks delish. Was it vegetarian? I looked at the description and couldn't find any meat in there. But it really looks like a super meal.
    Happy T-Day dear Erika,

  8. I don't know this show, but looks like a nice theater. I've never had bibimbap, and it looks beautifully plated. I also like how your dish looks like a smiling chickie face. Happy T Day!

  9. That's a beautiful theatre -- it reminds me of our Pasant theatre on campus and you're right -- no bad seats. (There are often no bad seats, just bad blocking and sound! Unless there's a post.) I think the score to Ragtime is beautiful and I may have to get my CD out and listen to it again today. You'll like the book.

  10. I'm so glad you enjoyed the play. It sounds like it was all you hoped it would be. Your meal looks delicious, and it's a treat to have enough to take home, isn't it! Happy T Tuesday!

  11. I don't go the theatre very often, but would love to! I would love to see both these plays. The last one I saw was 42nd Street, on Broadway, in NYC, over 10 years ago! Happy T Day!

  12. What a treat live theatre is...and more to come too, lucky you! The name Bibimbop made me smile and it looks so delicious too! Happy T Day, Chrisx

  13. Fabulous, the show sounds fabulous! I think I would have enjoyed it too and oh your meal looks delicious 😊. Wishing you a very Happy T Day! Hugs, Jo x

  14. I love theater productions and this place looks like there are no "bad" seats.......the best kind of place.
    You "bowl" looks really delicious to me.
    Thanks for stopping by on T-day

  15. I'm glad you're getting to enjoy your theatre tickets. Seeing live plays / musicals is fun. The place you ate at looked like it had good food choices. Happy Belated T-Day!

  16. Your theatre outing sounds great and the food look delicious.

    All the best Jan

  17. I am commenting early morning here and seeing that wonderful food you have shared with us makes me think of my tummy wanting an egg - or is it my tastebuds, or indeed my eyes, that are doing the wanting? Whatever, it looks utterly scrumptious.
    I have heard of Ragtime but don't know much about it but what a gorgeous theatre! Reminds me of the Octagon which is in my hoe town but your shot is fabulous, well done you for getting it.
    Hugs, Neet xx.


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