Saturday, February 15, 2020

Weekend Post-A Little Art and Lots of Chattering

Happy weekend everyone. It is a very cold morning here today, but they say it will be warmer tomorrow. And the skies are quite blue today also,  so it isn't too hard to deal with this one day return of deep winter. And the cold does lend to a slow morning of book reading and now doing some blogging so that is alright with me.
So I thought I would share another page for Elizabeth's HEART challenge at Art Journal Journey. I really like hearts, so I have been having fun making pages this month.  Thanks Elizabeth! I do think today's page is my favorite that I have made so far.
Yup, even the messy background makes me happy with this page.
So my past week was very busy and now the slide to my winter vacation week begins. If you are in the US and have Monday off for President's Day, I hope you have a great long weekend. Our winter break starts after school on Friday the 21 and so we don't get this holiday Monday off, but I would rather have a week's vacation than a long weekend so it is all good. The hubby and I are flying out to New Mexico to visit friends and spend a couple days sightseeing. He has never been there and this is my 5th trip out to see them so I am looking forward to taking him to some of my favorite spots and also to us both discovering some new things together.
And today we are going to the theatre.
You probably don't remember me mentioning that I won seats for 2 to all of 2020's plays at a local theatre company.  Our school runs a holiday raffle to help out school families in need, and the kids from school collect all kinds things as prizes from the community. This was one prize. And the one I won for my donation. My daughter is also coming along to join us so it will be nice to have a family day out. I am not familiar with this play either, so it will be good to check it out. We're doing a matinee as tonight we have our college hockey game on TV, and since we are in the race for the playoffs, my husband (and I) don't want to miss that.
That's all for me. I think I have babbled enough.
Have a super weekend!


  1. Sounds like you have a wonderful weekend planned, Erika, and also a great upcoming trip to see your New Mexico friends. We have never been to that state, maybe one day on a future road trip(?) That said, we did take a recent trip, but not by car, and I will share details once I'm caught up. Belated Hearts ❤️ Day wishes to you & your husband.

  2. Wow, sounds like you have a great weekend and a fun holiday week coming up - enjoy! Love your journal page, so true, and the messy background is delightful. It's warm and sunny here today, but it's supposed to be storm tomorrow, so we shall see what it gets like then! I've been busy clearing off my work table in the kitchen, how there can be so much stuff on one small table beats me! But now it's looking good! Have a fun weekend, hugs, Valerie

  3. I hope you enjoy the play, and I hope your team wins :) I've never been to New Mexico, either, so I look forward to seeing what you show your hubby on his maiden trip :)

  4. Enjoy the theater, Erika!!!!!
    Your page is simply amazing!!! I lllllllove your drawing on this inspirative background. Kisses!!!

  5. Fun page. I like the drippiness of the background and the color. It is cold today, but the sun is shining so that makes up for it. Sounds like a very busy weekend for you. Enjoy the play and Go Team!

  6. Your page is fascinating. The background is fabulous with the writing and the couple! Good idea. I wish you a nice evening in the theater and all the best for the game tomorrow!!! Have a nice Weekend
    Greetings Elke

  7. Its a great page Erika and I like how you used the silhouette figures and heart shaped balloon.
    You will be looking forward to you trip away after these busy days. hope you enjoyed the theater and the hockey game.
    Yvonne xx

  8. Opposites attract - and get one.
    Hubby was all hectical (is!!!!) - I was calm. Now I´m hectical, too.

    Holidays, again? Help! When I was a kid there were NO HOLIDAYS, it took FOREVER!
    And now when Bro/you tell: "Holidays" - WHAT, again?!

    Black and White...

    Ohhhh! Have FUN! To great times in New Mexico - and the cinema!!!!

  9. Ooh fabulous! Love that background Erika!
    Have fun at the theatre.
    Alison xx

  10. I love Ragtime. The music is really beautiful and it's a pretty good adaptation of Doctorow's novel. Quite powerful. I'll be curious to see how you like it. Wish I'd seen this yesterday -- I would have said get the CD or listen to it online. Nice heart piece, too!

  11. Great page and enjoy the theater-how fun! hugs

  12. Love your take on the theme with this page Erika.
    Hope you enjoyed your trip to the theatre and hope your team won the hockey game, sounds like you're having a good weekend.
    Avril xx

  13. Fun page. I love that bg and the silhouette figures. Great idea.

    I grew up in New Mexico so I am so jealous of your upcoming trip. I so miss the food and the culture and all my friends. So much great art there too. Lucky you!

  14. I actually DID remember you winning those tickets, so I'm glad you showed the first set you won. I hope you enjoyed the play. While you were watching a hockey game, I was watching the All-Stars Weekend. Basketball is MY thing, and the league honored both David Stern (the former commissioner who took basketball international, and created the WNBA) and Kobe Bryant and his daughter Gianna, along with the 7 other people who died in that helicopter crash. It's been heart breaking and cathartic. Now I'm in catch-up mode.

    I really like your "messy" page you created. I like how you showed total opposites in the focal images, too. That heart balloon was fabulous and a great idea. It was super for my theme at Art Journal Journey, too.

    Hope your hockey team won. Mine did!

  15. Cannot believe I am having to play catch up on your blog posts as much as I am doing. I wish I knew how to add your blog to my side bar so I could keep up to date.
    A strong and powerful page, I like how you have got the idea of 'opposites attract' over to the readers and I love the drips of that delectable colour.
    Hugs, Neet xx


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