Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Wednesday Chatter

Hi everyone. 
We're already in the middle of another week. This month is flying. 
Yesterday was the first presidential primary which happens here in New Hampshire. We're a small state with a small population.And with such a huge list of candidates (if you pay the $1000 fee you can get on the ballot), it was interesting to see how the votes played out. 
Now we need to see how the vote plays out in the other states. 
But at least no more political phone calls and texts which had been overwhelming.
I am happy with the results but I will say I am one of those folks who didn't know who I was going to vote for until I walked into the polls. There were just too many choices.
Yesterday we also had a teacher work day. The school had a drill planned with the police, which was a little stressful since they weren't telling us what was going to happen, s0 since my working days are limited, I decided to take the day and stay home. I needed to drop my car off at the garage, which I did, and since I was home for the day, I had lots of fun in my happy place.
Here's one thing I made, a tag for Tag Tuesday. Their latest theme is spring is in the air. And early spring is a great time for kite flying. I dug out a couple of sheets of older stamps that I hadn't used in years, and it was like getting some new stamps. Fun! Yesterday was a grey, wet and raw day so it was exciting to use some playful colors.
I got some studio cleaning done (hurrah-hurrah) as well as art time. 
That's all for me. Time to head out to school as the kids are back today. 
Thanks for visiting.


  1. This is a gorgeous tag in beautiful spring colours, love it!The kites are wonderful! Thanks so much for your support at Tag Tuesday, much appreciated! Love the Japanese script, too. Glad you were able to have a happy day at home instead of a stressful day at school! Hugs, Valerie

  2. That would have been a stressful day. In-service and a police drill on top of that.I guess your school isn't a polling place? Glad you had a productive day with voting, getting your car serviced, cleaning, and making your fun tag. Enjoy the sunshine today

  3. I love your spring kites :) I would support a national primary day. I'm not sure that knowing who Iowa and NH support really helps us here in TN. It's an odd system. I'm in the #VoteBlue camp. I'll vote for whoever gets the Democratic nomination, but I wish there were fewer in the race and less millionaire presence.

  4. What a fun tag. You hit spring on the head with these kites. Your tag is perfect for the spring theme.

    Good for you for staying away from that police drill. I certainly HOPE you didn't miss anything that you would need the rest of the year.

    Glad you found the time to vote. I'm proud of you. So many people are stayed home last time, while others were worried, especially after the debacle in Iowa. I'm in a caucus state and I think caucuses should be outlawed. Have a fun rest of the week, dear.

  5. It sounds like you had a full day, but so nice that you were able to get some craft time. The tag looks fantastic, spring will be here soon....nope.... its been snowing here today.
    Yvonne xx

  6. such a beautiful Tag! Good work in school!
    Greetings elke

  7. I´m so with you!
    I have NO idea (well a slight one) whom to vote once we´re in.
    They´re all Liars or jealous kids in my eyes.
    How can a person - a woman - who never served her country become "minister of the troops", fail and then become "minister of economy"?
    (Just an example ....)

    Oh!!! Spring is in your air, lovely (I look at iced roofs here).

  8. Your spring lites make me happy! A wonderful tag!♥♥♥ Good for you to stay away from that police drill.
    Happy day Erika!!!

  9. We vote on March 10. I STILL don't know who I'll vote for. I was up late, watching returns from your state. It's a long way to November but as you said, time is flying!

  10. Love your colourful kites on your tag.Thank you for doing us on tag Tuesday. xx


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