Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Just some Chatter

Hi everyone. Hope everyone is still healthy and not going too stir crazy.
I actually had a really productive online class today with some of my students today (I meet with each class every other day except one of my classes that we meet every day.) I guess that is a sign we are getting into the swing of it, and I also believe the kids are actually happy to check in and have a little structure in their life. 
I also have to give a big kudos to Trader Joe's grocery store. I needed a few groceries so I stopped by after getting my allergy shot, and they are only allowing so many people into the store at a time (not sure the number but the store was empty enough that I could keep my 6 feet from people) and then handing you a freshly wiped down cart. And all the cash registers were open so there were no lines to wait and pay.  And even the allergist's office was pretty empty and only allowing in the patient. The seats in the waiting room were really spread out and it was only me and 1 other patient in there.
I am glad to see these changes.
So artwise, I have a tag today for the Bunnies and Butterfly challenge at Tag Tuesday
I am using this fun little bunny stamp that I have had for who knows how long. 
Hope you like it.
And I am also going to link up to Mia's pink and/or blue Craftlandia challenge.
And I don't know if I should show you this, but this is what I woke up to yesterday morning.

But the good news is that it's been back to springtime temperatures and the melt is in full swing.
The only bad thing now I need the road to dry out again (I live on a dirt/gravel road) before it is walkable again. Hopefully before the week is done.

Keep washing your hands and stay smart and safe.


  1. Oh my, just have to say how cute is the little bunny stamp?! I don’t stamp or make tags, but it’s adorable.

  2. Very sweet tag, Erica - stay healthy and take care

  3. It's good that stores and other places are trying so hard to keep people safe. Love those wintry photos, brrr! And I adore your sweet tag, thanks so much for joining us with the little beauty at Tag Tuesday. Have a great day, hugs, Valerie

  4. Reminds me a bit of Australia´s School of the Air, right?
    Wish it would be here like that, also. Mothers in groups are seen standing close, chatting after bringing their kids into kindy, only 5 people allowed in grocery stores, but people stand very close waiting in line etc, etc, some never learn.

    Cute tag! And yes, very cold here, too, but sunny, no snow. To health!

  5. Good to hear that the online classes are going well and the students are signing in to them.
    I love Trader Joe's. Though it was quite a journey to get there from my friends we used to go over each week when we stayed with her in CA. It was such a lovely experience and what a wonderful staff they had in their Hawaiian shirts, so helpful and such a vast array of goods.
    I see the snow did arrive - it looks so pretty on the rees, but glad also that it has not stayed around for too long and here's hoping you get to go down the road again soon. Well as much as you are allowed.
    Love the tag, so appropriate for the time we are living in and such a cute bunny.
    Hugs, Neet xx
    Take care and stay safe and well

  6. It's good to know you local stores are taking precautions and keeping folks safe in these strange times, and I'm glad you're settling into a routine with your students.
    Love the 'isolating' bunny tag, so sweet.
    Stay safe and I hope you don't have more snow.
    Avril xx

  7. Glad you are getting into a good routine with your lessons Erika! Hope the snow goes away soon. We've had some lovely spring weather, and I have been doing some unheard-of gardening. A new hobby may be born out of this terrible time. 😊
    I love your sweet bunny tag, beautiful colours and design!
    Stay safe and well,
    Alison xx

  8. I like it that some stores are taking precautions to protect both customer and employee. That's quite the snow! We've been soaked with rain, but it's warm and sunny today. 'Bout time! :)

    I'm glad the classes are going well. The technology is new to many. My hubby's been trying to figure out Zoom and Vimeo and FB Live lol

  9. Glad you had a good shopping experience. Us not so much having to go at the crack of dawn with lots of other old people. So much for social distancing. The bunny stamp is so cute. And after Winter, mud season! We're in that now with all the rain we've been having. Glad you're online classes are going well. Gov. Baker is keeping the schools closed in Massachusetts until May 4. Himself has been recording lectures for his students. They got a 2 week Spring Break so faculty could prepare online classes which start next week. Hope all is well. Stay safe

  10. I'm glad to see TJs doing such a good job. Docs, too. (So was mine and now mostly tele-med unless you need to be in there.

    Working together. I'm glad online is going better. And almost over. Truly! June will be here before we know it!

  11. Your tag is super cool and very arty! Love it. Beautiful photos too. Stay safe.
    Hugs Pinky

  12. What a gorgeous tag, Erika! Oh THANK YOU SO MUCH, my dear friend, for joining Craftlandia Challenge. Thank you for your support.
    And wow! Snow! I haven't seen snow in Athens (Greece) for the whole winter! And now it is already spring! Great photos you share with us! Hugs and please stay safe.

  13. Its a really sweet tag with the bunny Erika.
    Seeing the photo of the snow made me wonder where the spring had gone in your part of the world.
    Its a wonderful page in your Irish journal as well.
    Stay safe.
    Yvonne xx

  14. This is a great composition, lovely.

  15. Hi Erika!

    I loved your tag. The bunny is adorable, as are the stamps to San Francisco and the little envelopes. I really like the photos you have put.
    Thank you for participating in Craftlandia Challenge 2.
    Kisses and stay safe.

  16. Cute little bunny image and collage compilation ~ I'm glad the snow is melting for you and you had a safe outing. Well wishes ~


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