Monday, March 23, 2020

T Stands for Life in the Time of the Virus

Hi everyone. I am starting week 2 of my teaching from home, and I was excited to see my ever demanding principal has softened her message dramatically. I guess enough people must have complained to her. 
And that takes a lot of stress off me, but I heard from a friend with a baby, and she is still feeling the tension. This online teaching is a big change.
I do feel like I have some rhythm to start the new week however, so that is a good thing too. But the bad news is a good dumping of snow is expected overnight tonight, so looks like spring will take a little bit longer before it appears. (Tomorrow is suppose to be nice though so maybe a lot of that snow will melt. Keep your fingers crossed for me please!)
I still have some pages from my  1957 Irish travel journal project left to share, and seeing it is still March I will share more this week. Plus I am jealous of those of you who some green outside already.
So let me pretend with this art project.
 This second photo is not as good but I did go back and stamp one of those Irish blessings on the page which I think finishes it off quite nicely.
I am linking up to Eileen's green challenge at Art Journal Journey The challenge runs until the end of month so if you are home hanging out and feel inspired to make some art, it would great if you could join her.
And since it is time for T again, stop by and join us at Bleubeard and Elizabeth's blog and share your drink related post. I will still share this photo from the other afternoon.
I had a cup of coco in this mug I bought in New Mexico.  It has some ancestral Pueblo  designs on it. 
And the pile of magazines behind the mug is one of the projects I need to do.Time to weed through and clean them. The Secret Journeys book was a gift from a friend this past Christmas, because she felt I would need to start planning my retirement travel. Of course right now I know when retirement will begin but not when I can start that travel.
My coffee table you see here (by the way) was something my husband built about 25 years ago. 
Otherwise life is quiet.  Thank goodness for art, books and tv. And the internet too. My social life is now totally revolving around technology, except for the hubby and the dogs.
I hope everyone is washing your hands. Stay healthy.
And Happy T day.


  1. Hi we have not been out of the house for over 2 weeks now, and I am constantly washing my hands too-after I get the mail and again after I open the mail. I do need to venture out to the grocery store tomorrow so will see what that will be like. Missouri is beginning to shut down the large cities so I need to get some fresh foods in the house again.
    I love your journal page, and I am sure that is a new learning curve for everyone-teaching online. I am in love with your cup-its wonderful
    Hoping you don't get the snow storm-hugs Happy T Kathy

  2. Nice that you can work from home AND that the principal is being more cooperative. I wondered if you got was predicted for us to start but we only got lots of rain and I'l gladly accept it!
    Love your Irish page of course:):)
    Great designs on your mug. Stay well, and happy T day!

  3. What a gorgeous page, Erika! A great inspiration, my friend!
    And: I hope that you will make something with a little pink and/or blue and join me again for the Craftlandia Challenge 2 (see on my blog).
    Hugs, sweetie, and please stay safe.

  4. I can imagine how hard it must be teaching from home, especially with that demanding principal, glad she's softened a bit. Your Irish travel journey is wonderful, Ireland is so beautiful. The mug is wonderful, enjoy drinking from it! Stay safe, happy T Day, hugs, Valerie

  5. Great that you still can teach. My big niece (9 years old) just has to stay home. Just like that. No teaching. My Brother is going nuts, he has a hard time with two very bored kids. (Though I think you can teach a lot not school related, too!).

    Love that couple - and that mug!
    A happy T-day to you, and to normal times soon...

  6. A beautiful page Erika! I love the pretty cottage and vintage couple.
    Schools were closed here from yesterday, I'm so glad that my children are all grown up. Although one of my daughter's housemates may have the virus, which is a worry. She is young and healthy though thankfully.
    I hope the snow doesn't last, and you get some warmer temperatures soon.
    Alison xx


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  8. I'm glad the principal has eased up a bit, and that week two of teaching online is going more smoothly. Once again, I got lucky with the snow forecast here in CT: it was snowing heavily for a short time, and starting to stick, but then it changed to all rain, like they said it would, so no snow for me. I hope you didn't get much. Ugh. Some of the trees and bushes here are beginning to show the early signs of Spring growth now.

    Your artwork is lovely. I like all of the green. Happy T-Day!

  9. I can imagine it's a strange adjustment to teaching online. I've done some Skype coaching sessions with actors, but it's not as effective or rewarding as being in a room with them, sadly. But needs must. Glad to hear you've had some sunshine along with the snow. We have glorious sunshine all this week, though it is chilly out of the direct sunlight.

    I love the vibrant greens on your page - and the sweet rural cottage - and those shimmering shamrocks are a lovely touch.
    Alison x

  10. Glad that teaching online has taken a turn for the better 😁. I'm loving your green pages with the shamrocks and the thatched roof croft/cottage looks very idyllic! Your new pueblo design mug looks wonderful and hot chocolate sounds perfect if you have snow forecast - brrr ❄. Stay warm! Take care and sending Happy T Day wishes! Hugs, Jo x

  11. I hope the snow melts quickly for you. We didn't get as much as was predicted for you. It's still on the grass and slushy on the walk and stairs. Since there's no place to go, I'm not going to bother to sweep it off. Nice to dream about travel. I like the shape of your NM mug. Good luck with your online teaching. Happy T Day

  12. I do hope that the online teaching becomes less stressful for you. I can't imagine having to adapt from classroom teaching to a is not the same and requires one to be tech savvy.
    Your journal pages are lovely and the green definitely has me dreaming of spring. We aren't far from you so we are expected to get some of that snow as well. Green and warmer weather sounds wonderful!
    That is so exciting that you know when you will be retiring soon. I hope that that things will be back to normal for the most part when the time comes to plan a trip.
    Happy Tea Day,

  13. I love your new mug. And your Irish journal may be my alltime fave (although that NM one is pretty cool!) I'm glad they are lightening up on you all a bit.

    Stay well, my friend.

  14. A wonderful page... I love it!!
    I will keep my fingers crossed for you that the snow doesn't come! Or at least melts soon again !
    We got sun yesterday and today but it is again extremly cold and icy after we already had such warm temperatures...just crazy!

    A super mug!!!
    Stay healthy and enjoy the isolation and that you have not to drive every day!!!

    Big hugs, Susi

  15. You are going to have that Irish travel journal finished in NO time, dear. It's so lovely and I simply adore the way you use your embellishments to your advantage. It's also simply perfect for Eileen's theme at Art Journal Journey.

    Had to laugh about living around technology. Yep, tv is about all I see, since I keep getting kicked off the internet. Your mug is beautiful and definitely feels southwestern. It's also great that you made cocoa. I should do the same. I have half and half and chocolate. HMMM. Thanks for the prompt. Take care and stay safe. Enjoy your final semester at school, even thou8gh it is NOT what you anticipated. Thanks for sharing your art and mug with us for T this Tuesday, dear friend.

  16. Online teaching and learning are a major change, and they can be hard to get used to. It's definitely not business-as-usual.

    We have green here but aren't supposed to go anyway, so all those flowers in all those gardens... :( so I'll enjoy your green art :) I'm grateful for the internet and the friends I've met here. It's helpful now :)

    Happy T Tuesday!

  17. Fabulous page, Erika! I love the choice and arrangement of elements you've used.

    Thank you for sharing it at Art Journal Journey and for all your support of my theme this month. I'm delighted you had this great green travel journal all set to go. What a lovely coincidence.

    I'm glad tension is easing up with the online teaching. Like you, I'm grateful for art, internet classes, books and TV. I"m aso thankful for this lovely T group we have to support and encourage us.

    Happy T-day! Eileen xx

  18. Another beautiful page in your Irish journal, I love the collection of images you used. Yes, life is very strange at the moment with self isolating and missing family. I hope the snow doesn't last and those green shoots get a chance to show.
    Take care and stay safe. Avril xx

  19. I was pleased to read that your school routine is getting less stressful. The principle should try for his/herself to teach on line then maybe it would become clear that there are issues that even a fairy and a magic wand wouldn't be able to deal with.
    Another fantastic Irish journal page for AJJ and I really like how you added the Irish Blessing to the page.
    I hope you don't get all the snow you have been telling us about.
    Stay safe and well and have a Happy T day.
    Yvonne xx

  20. Lovely green journal page. Online teaching is going to be interesting. So far my college student is doing fine with his upper division science courses. The lab component is going to be weird though. They will be watching experiments. Then write a report and analysis based on the given data.
    Mini-me will be taking her AP exam at home it sounds like. She has a webinar tomorrow explaining it. At least we have these capabilities. Otherwise we'd be going back to school over summer.

  21. I'm glad to hear your principal has come round a bit. It makes life a bit easier. I suppose you are getting into the swing of things and the online teaching. That must be so different.
    I hope the snow has stopped and that you at least can get out to walk the dogs. Here in the built up area people have to walk their dogs within 50 m of the house. But you live in a lovely area where no police man is going to stop you if you take the dogs for a walk.
    That book about the traveling sounds interesting. I'm sure at some stage in the future we will be able to travel again, and if not, virtual travel is also nice.
    Stay safe dear friend,
    Happy (belated) T-Day,

  22. Glad to see that your principal has seen sense! I love those greens on your page! Your cup has such lovely patterns on! Yes, thank goodness for books and technology and the ability to catch up on missed series !
    I will tackle my magazine mountain some time soon! Belated Happy T day! Chrisx

  23. It must be so hard for teachers like yourself to do lessons for online teaching. Surely, no one could have imaged this would become the new "norm" for so many school systems. We got some of that Monday nite snow, but it was off the roadways soon as the temps warmed up. But it did present a nice early morning scene outside our apt window. We are faring OK during this self-isolation most likely because we are used to staying in when not on a road trip and there will be none of those for the foreseeable future, sadly.

  24. I always thought I washed my hands thoroughly an often but now that I am conscious of washing them i am suffering with the backs of them (around the knuckles) getting very dry and sandpaper'ish. There's more hand cream than sanitizer about the house too but that is mainly because we found it difficult to get the santicizer and ended up paying over the odds for some which we have hardly used because we have stayed in for two weeks tomorrow now.
    Thank goodness for technology, it is allowing some work and teaching to carry on, I just hope it does not mean that in time there will be less work about for people and technology will replace a person. Hope you are managing though.
    Another great irish page, that is a lovely cottage that you have found, really does remind me of places in Ireland.
    Hugs, Neet xx
    ps hope the snow melted if it came at all. We are enjoying sunny days this week but have snow forecast for weekend - what a funny old world we are living in

  25. What a so so Gorgeous Art journal page Erika !! I loove the beautiful background with all the great details you have added. Amazing images!
    My son also have online classes, and of course, it´s a different mode of learning, perhaps in the future, we´ll learn more online.
    the most important is to stay home, here too, and I hope this time will pass very soon.
    I wish you a very nice afternoon, stay safe, and biig hugs,


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