Monday, March 2, 2020

March 2 Revisited

It's Monday again and back to school. Vacation week flew by, and it was a lot of fun. But I am also excited it is March because although winter is not gone in my world, at least we are getting a lot closer to spring. 
And since it is now day number 2 of the month, it is time for Second on the Second. Stop by Bleubeard and Elizabeth's blog to link up a past post so we can have a second look.
Today I am sharing some views from my 2013 travel journal when I visited our friends in New Mexico. It seemed appropriate since I just got back home from my visit, and since I have a whole stack of bits to make a journal from this trip. That new journal will come in time, (although I am antsy to get started) but here is the the full link to this second look: Travel Journal Part 3.

That's all for me today. I am having one of those Monday morning after a week off need to get my brain working mornings.
Hope your week is starting off well.


  1. Hope your brain is by now working again after the break, it's always a hard transition from vacation to school. But not much longer now for you! Love your album, beautiful places you visited. Happy 2nd on the 2nd, hugs, Valerie

  2. Fun and colorful pages. The woman pushing the donkey made me laugh. I'm mpvomg slowly this morning, I need someone to push my ( ! ) 😺

  3. Welcome back from your vacation-loved the second look of your travel journal. My Mom always made up a journal of all her travels-fun to go back and look at them-hugs Happy second on the 2nd Kathy

  4. Fantastic travel journal. I'm glad you posted it again, because I hadn't seen it the first time.

    Have you noticed how much longer the sun is out these days? The other day, I realized it was almost 6pm, and there was still daylight. It was great to see! I'm keeping my fingers crossed that that's it for snow here in Connecticut, but March can be fickle. (And a few years ago, we had snow flurries in early April, but no accumulation.)

  5. I always love your travel journals. I haven't seen this one, so it was fun to catch up and see what I had missed. The way you save all your receipts, tags, freebies, and such make me so happy, because I save the exact same things. It was a real joy to see all these images, and to read all three entries that comprised that the journal. What a fun look back at your second look on the 2nd, which was a first look for me.

    You're sliding toward home, now. It won't be much longer until we can share a retirement party with you.

  6. That is a fun travel journal. Full of memories no doubt.
    I don't know what it's about, but I loved the photo of the lady pushing the donkey up the hill.
    It reminds me of a funny Irish song: Delayney's donkey. Google it when you have a minute. I think Val Doonigan sang it.
    See you tomorrow at the T-Party,

  7. Meteorological Spring begins on March 1, and I'm claiming it lol I'm ready :) My week began with lovely highs in the low 70sF, so I'm enjoying that. I hope your week goes well :)

  8. Pleased that your vacation week was a lot of fun.
    Hope back to school goes well, as you re-adjust again!

    All the best Jan

  9. I love all the items you saved ~ post cards, receipts, comics etc. makes a fun collage of events.

  10. Wow Erika! Your journal seems very interesting! And excellent for Elizabeth's Second on the 2nd. I haven't made a travel journal until now. Maybe I should start! Hugs, my friend.

  11. Your travel journals are such fun. There's so much to see! I love even keeping a meal receipt -- it makes it fun. I'll have to remember for next time! (Can't wait to see this year's and England too!)

  12. What a great look back at this journal! Mmmm, these trips are over so quickly aren't they, I count myself lucky that I am not working! Hugs, Chrisx


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