Monday, March 2, 2020

T Stands for New Mexico

Happy T day .
I want to apologize if I missed your T day post last week. My husband and I were away in New Mexico visiting friends, and I managed to visit a few of you but maybe not everyone.
So today I would like to introduce you to our New Mexico friends.
My husband and I had a nice visit  with lots of catching up and chatting.
It started in the morning with a cup of tea for me and coffee for everyone else.

 And ended in the evening with a glass of wine or a beer.
We had lots of adventures in between, which I will share another day.

We sat next to a warm fire since it ended up being really cold. In fact it was a lot warmer at home in New Hampshire than in New Mexico. That's the opposite of what it usually would be. But at least there was no snow, unless you went up into the mountains that is.

And the mountain view was pretty spectacular too.
You can see that snow up on those mountain ridges.
Stop by Bleubeard and Elizabeth's blog to join us for T.

Have a great T Day and thanks for visiting.


  1. Nice cup! I had a(n ALDI) coffee on Sunday. Back to tea! :-)
    Nice fire, spectecular view, seems like you had a great time, happy T-day and hugs!

  2. How nice to see you with your friends at that wonderful place. LOVE the mug, too. Happy T Day, and have a great week, hugs, Valerie

  3. Looks like you had a wonderful time with your friends! Crazy that it was colder there as in New Hampshire!?

    Looking forward to more of your trip!

    Happy T-Day!
    Susi xxx

  4. Where you stayed looks so inviting and what great glassware! Nice that you had a fire to keep you warm.

  5. Thanks for sharing your friends with us for T this Tuesday, Erika. From morning to night, it appears you really enjoyed your time there. Both tea and coffee and beer and wine make for great T drinks. Thanks for the warm fire, and the lovely drinks you shared with us for T this Tuesday.

  6. Wonderful photos. I love that mug. Happy T-Day!

  7. Oh wow your friends live in an area with awesome views-I always loved the mountains. I am in love with that cup! Happy T wishes Kathy

  8. Cute house. So different from what we see in New England. Tea in the morning and a glass of wine at night by a cozy fire sounds like a perfect way to start and end the day. The mountains look so different from what we see in New England, too. And snow up in the mountains is where snow belongs. Enjoy the warm and sunshine today. Happy T Day.

  9. Looks like a beautiful place to visit, especially to see friends. That is a great looking mug you're having your tea in- I would have looked for one like it;)
    And your new blog banner is fabulous- so striking!! Happy T day!

  10. what beautiful country! I really love their mugs. I look forward to more of your adventures. It's a spot I've never been.

  11. So pleased that you had a wonderful times visiting your friends in New Mexico! That's a beautiful photo of you all 😀. So nice to spend time by the warm fire at the end of your day with a glass or two of wine or beer - perfect! Wishing you a very happy T Day! Hugs, Jo x

  12. The fire looks cozy and the mountain view stunning. I like the shape of your mug and that of your glasses. What wonderful bookends to your day :) Happy T Tuesday!

  13. What a pity it wasn't warmer but the blue skies do look wonderful! I love that mug with the goats on! Happy T Day! Chrisx

  14. New Mexico looks and sounds a lot like where we ive. We also have the fire on in the evening.
    I love that mug and those wine glasses. The house looks very rustic. Is that their home or is it a holiday cabin? Whatever it is, it is lovely.
    I'm glad you had such a good time with your friends.
    Happy T-Day.


  15. It looks like you guys had a goodd visit despite the cold. Plus you were well-prepared with your winter jacket. We just got back from a visit to San Antonio TX. We had a similar weather expeience but we were totaly unprepared for it and froze for 10 days. I exaggerate a little. The temps were 30s to 50s most mornings.

    Happy T-day! Eileen xx

  16. What a glorious place to visit... and despite all the cold such wonderful sunshine and blue skies. I rather like those lovely wine glasses too!
    Alison x


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