Friday, March 20, 2020

The Good and Bad of Working at Home

Hi everyone. Happy spring. My spring started off not very spring like.
But today we are suppose to have some really warm temperatures. So if this falling snow  hadn't turned to rain and melted yesterday, it would be gone today anyhow. But even though today it is supposed to be warm, we are suppose to get some rain. Oh well. It would have been a nice  day to pulled out a chair and soak up a bit of sun.

So today I want to talk about how my first week at teaching from home has been going.

Let's start with the Bad/ or maybe I should say the not as smooth as would be good. And I know some of these cannot be helped, but they still have to be dealt with.

1-The biggest issue:My principal has these outrageous expectations. That expectation word is hers. She  should worry more that kids are getting some education than we are checking off her boxes. It is not one size fits all. Now I am not letting what she says get to me because come mid-June, I am retiring. (57 school days, but who's counting?) I know they won't want to let me go during this virus situation, so what are they going to do? 
2-There is all this technology to figure out on my own.  I'm not too bad with technology but I am certainly not a whiz kid. There is a big learning curve for sure. (And I can contact tech support at school, but it would still be better if someone could show rather than having to decode their email.)
3-The hubby is working from home. That itself is not bad, except he has lots of conference calls with clients which makes it hard for me to work while he is on a call since we are sharing the table, and I don't want to interfere with the calls.
4- My department head put us all on a group text and although the support is good, the comments can be distractions. And at first people were texting at 9 PM and 6:30 AM. I finally turned off notifications. And we had an on-line department meeting and it was addressed.
5-I do miss seeing the kids in class.
6- The whole change is just plain stressful. But getting better. For now. For me. But I am getting word from some kids that they have teachers giving too much work.

The Good

1- We've had decent dinners each night because I can start cooking earlier than usual and I feel more ambitious because I haven't been out all day.  Plus with us both home the hubby cooks too.
2- No time lost commuting.  And it saves gas too. And I as I usually spend at least 45 minutes driving each way,  I have a lot more time for me instead of driving.
3-I can break up my day more. A few hours of serious work and then  a break. Yesterday was a nice spring day.  I took an hour off  and took the dogs out for a  longwalk.
 The  best advantage to living in the woods is I can walk and not meet a soul. Just a few cars going by.
It was a good stress buster. And I came back refreshed and more ambitious to work for a couple more hours.
4- I get to spend some nice time with the hubby. Since yesterday was so nice we packed our lunch and drove over to a local lake and had lunch in the car.  With the windows mostly shut, except for the sunroof, even though there was no one really around. It was a great little break. I did enjoy to be able to soak up a little sun rather than being stuck in a classroom.
There's still ice on the lake but it is melting in the bays. 
5- The dogs really like us being home, and I really like being home. I get to work in my sweats and comfy clothes.
6- And although I may sounds like I am goofing off, I am doing a lot of work. There are lots of emails to answer and on-line work coming in. And on-line work to send out, s well as little videos to film and then post for the kids. The good news is the kids have been in contact a lot too. I don't think I would want to work this way always, but in this weird time, I am doing the best I can.
And I know I won't mind retirement. I like being home.

And I have had some late afternoon art time a couple of days also. I have a new page for Eileen's green challenge at Art Journal Journey.
Times are strange and so is my page.
It is made some some stamps, paint, Stabilo pencils and some die cut letters. 

Have a great start to your weekend. I am ready for mine. 


  1. Glad there are some good things at least, but I can understand that it's stressful. Love your aliens page, such fun! I hate staying home, and I can't walk far on my balcony! Stay well, keep calm, we will all manage it somehow! Hugs, Valerie

  2. So cool to get insight into your day working from home, see pictures of your walk and picnic,and learn how you are coping. Today will be my first day working from home. I am a bit stressed about it - mainly due to the hubby being around part. He is distracting.

    On your page - I love it - I immediately thought about the green alien representing the virus. Super interesting thought. Super creative page. Thanks for sharing.

  3. I like your alien artwork. It sounds like you got past the initial kinks in the system, and now things are going a little more smoothly with the online teaching. I shuddered when I saw your snow photo, but was happy to hear it changed to rain and vanished. We got all rain here in CT. (Rain off and on again today.) Next week they've got a possible rain/snow mix in the forecast, but they had that for the current rain events, then changed it to all rain once the days got closer. I don't know any teachers around here, to know how their online schooling is going.

  4. This is enlightening! Like every other change in our lives, there are pros and cons. It won’t be long before you retire, then time can include more of the new things you’ve enjoyed. I also live mostly in woods, and those walks are refreshing! Hang in there, this too shall pass, or at least change when you retire!

  5. Such a fun page, the little green men made me smile! I used to love working from home for many of the reasons you listed 😉, I always found I got more work done and could take breaks as needed so I was more refreshed and ready to work again! It must be hard for the kids especially if they are being given too much work and everyone learns differently so some kids will find this type of learning hard too! It sounds like you are taking the right approach though and I'm so pleased that you are looking forward to your retirement and spending time at home. Glad you are able to feedback about things too, sometimes people just don't realise what impact they have on others. Wishing you a happy Friday and weekend! Stay safe and healthy! Hugs, Jo x

  6. I'm sure it will get easier to teach online as everyone gets used to their new normal. Good for you for taking those breaks as stress busters. Your green page made me laugh so thanks for that. Take care.

  7. We've been getting so much rain! It makes it easier to stay inside, but I'm ready for more sunshine. I love your Little Green Man :)

  8. Sounds weird with the teaching ---and why must this happen to you just the last weeks before stopping the work?! But I knew you would make the best of the situation and how it looks I was right!
    Enjoy the time at home ! Stay safe and healthy!!

    Your page made me smile! So cool!!!
    Hugs, Susi

  9. Hang In There With The Good And Bad - Its All A Process - And Stoked About Retirement On The Horizon - Also, Fabulous Photos From The Petroglyphs Post - Way Cool


  10. If I was teaching and had to go online, I would croak then and there. The tech would get to me. I admire what you are doing, learning -- and for a short period. You've only two months to go. (And what are they going to do if you smart off or don't follow the OCD principal's rules -- fire you? Nope.)

    I think that for those who finally master this and then have to return to school five days a week, it could be hard. Because it's wonderful to be able to take fifteen or twenty minutes or a half hour to go for a walk and de-stress before returning back. I remember that from working at home during surgery. Even things like tossing in the laundry or getting dinner going early just helps.

    You bring up an interesting point about saving money. I think many of us will, if we aren't going out to eat or driving long distances/commuting or shopping much. Yeah, there's always online shopping but even that I've stopped for awhile. So yes, good things from this. Now, we just need to stay well!

  11. Super pages for Eileen's AJJ theme, I smiled when I saw the little green men.
    Its been a long week with all that is happening in the world and you seem to be coping well in the circumstances, a trial retirement sounds a good way of thinking to me and I'm pleased you are looking forward to when you can be home and enjoying a new way of freedom and living.
    No set daily work routines are simply the best way yo start a new day.
    Look after yourselves and stay safe.
    Yvonne xx

  12. I hope you soon get used to your current situation Erika. We have got into a routine quite quickly. Luckily hubby has our son's old room to work in as it has a desk, and I have my craft studio. I can close doors when he has conference calls too.
    Nice that you have more craft time, I love your page!
    Alison xx

  13. I sympathize with your challenges, Erika. I've never even made a video because I'm afraid that it would be awful and I wouldn't want anyone to see it. And here you are, just thrown in front of the camera. Yikes. Your picnic lunch was a very nice idea.

    Thank you for the funny page for our strang times and for sharing it lovely with us at Art Journal Journey. Eileen xx

  14. Hi Erika!
    Thank you for interesting post and art.
    As well as for your supporting comment on my site.
    I made another page for AJJ and posted it.
    We all live under the pressure now,
    stay strong and healthy, my friend xx

  15. Love your photos, and especially your little green man! Who knows why we are in such uncertain times, maybe he’s at fault! 😜

  16. Lots of accentuating the positive here (that's a song we should all be singing daily!) - nice work. How wonderful to have those woodland walks all to yourself, and the spring sunshine lifts the heart too. If the little green men are here - maybe they've got a cure for the virus?!
    Alison x

  17. Glad to see that there are lots of 'goods' ...this is your time to prepare for retirement and imagine without all that workload what you will do!
    So lovely to have that woodland area close by and to be able to get to the lake and enjoy a picnic by the lake.
    I love your little green man page! Hugs, Chrisx

  18. OK, I KNOW I'm behind, but this is ridiculous. Almost a WEEK? WT*?

    I hope by now you've settled into this new normal. Do you know you have MORE COVID-19 cases than we have in KS? And your state is SO MUCH SMALLER. KS governor shut all schools through the end of the year. No prom, no graduations, no nothing. I hope your governor does the same, too. I know it's more fun to be with the kiddos, but you are far safer where you are.

    I'm with Alison. Maybe the little green man has come to eradicate the virus. It's a fun and truly original spread, dear. Thanks for sharing it with us at Art Journal Journey, using Eileen's theme, too.

  19. Love your Alien page - it sums up how we will all be feeling in a short time with this isolation. I don't go out much because of this back problem but I am beginning to feel the effect of "choice" being taken away. Thank goodness I have my crafting and the internet to keep me occupied.
    It was good to read your bad and good points and I can understand your difficulty in coming to terms with all this technology you are having to use. I too am a visual learner and immediately I come across a computer term I don't understand the barriers fall down. Even my other half, who was a computer programmer, finds some programs difficult to use as his work was not on that side of things.
    I am sure everything will work itself out and reading the list of good things I think they far outweigh the bad ones. Plus it is good training for retirement in , how many days? 57.
    Take care of yourself, enjoy your walks down that lovely road with your dogs
    Hugs, Neet xx


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