Saturday, March 21, 2020

Happy Weekend

Hi everyone.
I hope everyone is having a nice weekend at home. I think that is where most of us are spending our time now. My big event was taking an early morning trip to the grocery store. The hubby went with me but because he is immune suppressed he  just waited in the car. I'm hoping the wind won't feel so cold tomorrow so I can get out for a walk, which would have been nice today, but oh well.  And Monday evening the prediction is for a pretty good dumping of snow. OH NO! Let's hope that changes.
But the real excitement of the day was spending most of my afternoon in my happy space with some extended art time. I got caught up on some challenge pieces, and then worked on my New Mexico travel journal. I thought I would share a few pages from that travel journal with you today.

I went back to a mini ring binder for this project. And mostly I been doing some collage style pages. But not  all. I found this travel magazine while in New Mexico, and it was even a freebie. I've been using lots of images from it, as well as some of the little write ups. 
I also added some stickers and business cards I picked up as well as some ephemera I had in my stash.
I used a bit of a map to outline our travels, as well as making a tag that explained those travels.

The right side of this last spread used an image out of the magazine, mainly because it reminded me so much of the view from our friends home in Taos. And on the left I made a page about our trip into Taos, off the beaten path., through the National Monument. 
This National Monument is one that celebrates the Rio Grande River gorge.  Here are photos of the upper part of the gorge and the very high bridge that goes over it.

But  my husband and I took the back way into town, as the main road into Taos would totally bypass the bridge. 
We started on the bottom of the gorge, next to the river. This is the same river you are looking down upon in the upper photos.
 And then we crossed the river over the bridge and started up a steep gravel road that wound back and forth around the sides of the gorge.

 And before we knew it we made it to the top of the gorge.
 Can you make out the river?
It was quite an exciting ride. And I think it was a highlight for my husband.
 And at the top of the gorge you come onto the large flat top of the mesa.
That dark line you can make out on the right of the photo is the edge of the gorge.
That's all for me today.
Thanks for visiting. And stay smart and healthy.


  1. Hi Erika! Your travel journal is coming along very well, glad you are finding time for art. The photos are breathtaking, what a wonderful place you visited. I would love to see it, but it's great seeing the pics, too. Have a great day, it's cold here, too, but the sun is shining. Hugs, Valerie

  2. Fantastic pages in your travel journal Erika, and great to see your photos too.
    Cold and sunny here on this UK Mothering Sunday. Had a lovely video chat with my children, feeling sad that they can't be here with me, but technology is a blessing.
    Sending hugs,
    Alison xx

  3. Reliving that vacation sounds like just the thing for these days. That landscape is stunning!

  4. I am especially loving this travel journal, Erika. The colors are so beautiful. And your photos really are impressive. Well done!

    Keep being creative! Here's an article I found on grocery store shopping- you probably saw it but just in case. (I feel a little better about it now!)

  5. A happy space sure is a beautiful space! As is the outcome!
    A great trip you made, so peaceful (unlike the screaming kids here)...
    Hugs, Iris

  6. Glad you and your husband are keeping well, Erika. SOmehow I just know you will never feel bored or at a loss for something to do even in self-isolation. It is the same with us. We are in the same apt, but off doing our own things and then get together for meals and watching an evening show. It works well. We have also been getting out for walks downtown, but took today off and I agree those wind gusts were nasty the past couple of days. Yeah for snow (not really). I enjoyed seeing the photos from your recent trip and one day maybe we will get there on a road trip. Stay well.

  7. Fabulous trip journal. Oh, your photos are spectacular. The ride up the gorge must have been a heck of an "E" ride. Makes the climb up Mt. Washington look like a walk up a hill! I hope you don't get too much snow. For me it should be a bit of a mix and then go over to rain. I hope you get your walk tomorrow. Take care and stay safe.

  8. The pages are amazing and the photos are out of this world!!! Gorgeous!
    Thank you for sharing!!

    Stay safe my friend in no man's land!!!

    Susi xxx

  9. It's such a spectacular landscape, Erika - what an amazing trip, and a brilliant journal to keep as a memento. I love all the colourful labels and tickets and fantastic images. Thanks so much for sharing it all with us... it's not a place I'm ever likely to get to visit, so this vicarious sight-seeing is great!
    Alison x

  10. Wow! Love the view from the top especially! Your journal is looking great - I think I have an unfinished travel journal somewhere too! Chrisx

  11. Simply jaw dropping photos, Erika. I even got a bit dizzy looking over that gorge. I don't do well with heights like that, but you captured the beauty and essence of the land. I'm also impressed with your travel journal pages. My kind of gal. Find the freebies and add them to your journal. These pages turned out great.

  12. Hi Erika, I thought I left you a comment here, but called back just in case.
    Your travel journal looks great and i really liked seeing all the photos you shared fabulous scenery. It did look like it could have been a scary journey.
    hugs Yvonne xx

  13. WOW, thanks for that road trip. I bet it was really exciting. When I look at the river I can see how far down you must have been - what a journey!
    I am so glad you got time to spend in your happy place - we have all benefited from that. What a lovely journal this is going to be with all those various bits and pieces that you collected along hour way. I have paper bags somewhere with lots of things like that in that I once collected with every intention of doing just that - hopefully Erika, you have now spurred me on to start. That is if I can find them!
    I do like the card from Harry's road house, such a lot of pattern going on in there, it looks as if the place was fun. Also the page with the map and the little tags opposite chronicling briefly the day to day journey you had - great idea. A great way to remember what you did each day.
    Thanks for sharing that Erika
    Stay safe and well
    Hugs, Neet xx

  14. Lovely lovely sceneries! These kinds that we do not have here! Plus your art Erika, I really adore the color palette on every page! Sending you warm hugs for March (Summer has started here, i HATE it)


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