Saturday, March 14, 2020

The Toilet Paper Heist and a Bit More (Smile)

Happy weekend everyone. Saturday was a not so cold but windy day.
In the  morning the hubby and I took a trip over to check out my MIL's home on the lake. She spends the winter in Maine at my sister-in-laws home.
 I managed to get a little walk in with dogs.
Even with the wind it was still a beautiful day. The woods was a good way to escape the Covid-19 news for a little bit.
There was still mostly ice on the lake but the shoreline was starting to break open.

And inside the house we discovered she had a whole case of toilet paper so we figured since she didn't need it right now as she is in another state, we'd grab a couple of packages for our own stash. Just in case we might need it. Even though we did stock up just to be prepared.
But seeing you can't buy any toilet paper anyplace right now., it is better to be safe than sorry.
Of course we told her and she was OK with it.
But it is strange how we are all thinking now because of this virus.
Today's latest news on the covid-19 situation and school is that we have classes Monday and Tuesday and then a work day Wednesday with no kids. Then we start remote teaching. For who knows how long depending on the situation. I am pretty prepared for that but I do have a few questions about the overall expectations.
And of course this may all change before Monday morning as the situation is constantly developing.

And here's another page for Eileen's GREEN theme at  Art Journal Journey from the 1957 Vintage Irish Travel Journal I made.
I started by inking my page and then adding a scrap of vintage wallpaper I had. I included a few vintage images from the paper stash I bought, and I stamped a few images too.
 Hope you like it.

Enjoy the rest of your weekend.
And thanks for visiting!


  1. Good way to get your toilet paper. The world is crazy. The schools have all been shut down here, too, the kids bought beer and celebrated down by the Rhine on Friday! Love your journal page. Have a good Sunday, hugs, Valerie

  2. Another beautiful 'green' page Erika, and wonderful photos from your walk.
    Our son works for Apple, and will be spending the next two weeks at home as they're closing the stores. He was disappointed this morning that the half marathon he was doing was cancelled too, however I'm very relieved.
    Have a good week,
    Alison xx

  3. Oh Erika the title of your post has me smiling. All the things we take for granted that we can buy are becoming prime [must have] items. There are many bare shelves in our shops as well and all day on the news programs we get updates about what is/should/ be happening as well.
    Your Irish travel journal page looks beautiful and is wonderful inspiration for Eileen's AJJ theme.
    Yvonne xx

  4. A wonderful page - I love all thos soft elements together..a beautiful mix.
    And gorgeous photos - peaceful landscape!

    I’m chuckling at the toilet paper :)))

    I got dozens of toilet paper funnies right now via Whatsapp.
    The last quote I got a few minutes ago was a good one:
    "" God give BRAIN to the people, toilet paper and noodles they have enough meanwhile ""

    Big hugs, Susi

  5. Hopefully, the panic buying will stop this week, Stores will be able to restock their shelves with necessities and cleaning supplies and people will settle down to normal. Good score on the TP, you'll be my Bestest Friend! 😺Schools in MA have shut down until the end of the month. Himself's college is closed this week for Spring Break and then the break was extended another week. After that classes will be held remotely.

    Thankfully, your pretty woodland walk and your lovely Irish lass and her travel journal can help take our minds off the news.

  6. Brrr!!! So much ice!

    I'm having trouble getting regular grocery shopping done, as they're sold out of staples like brown rice and eggs, for pity's sake. Where are people storing all this food? And the people who are buying it all to re-sell should be taken out and -well, lectured and fined. Or something. *sigh*

  7. I'm loving your 1957 Vintage Irish Travel Journal, Erika. Yes, I like this page. I like it very much.

    Thank you for sharing yet another page for my green chllenge at Art Journal Journey.

    Good luck with the remote classes. We're vey lucky to have this technology in our part of the world to minimize exposure.

    Stay well and use that valuable toilet paper wisely.

    Eileen xx

  8. Love your pictures. I even like your toilet paper picture - it is representative of our thoughts these days. Some difficult times to adjust our minds to. Your journal page is fab with all the details - so many lovely ones. I am loving how this is coming out. Take care of yourself - I am hoping we will start working from home soon now too.

  9. It's the same here in stores with supplies non-existent or very limited. Sure folks should be cautious and take precautions, but this situation is a bit nuts with apparent stockpiling.

  10. Beautiful views and that wonderful Irish journal!

    I think the TP thing is overblown. This is a respiratory virus, not a gastro one and excess diahhrea (sp) is not a symptom. Unless you have a family of 10, probably your typical two week stash should be more than adequate!

  11. Beautiful photos! I love the pictures of the lake ice melting! Your page is a delight - love the wallpaper and those images are a lovely fit!!

  12. Oh! I didn't realise that the toilet roll thing was an issue with your too! We were fortunate that we had bought our usual amount the week before when we got down to our last two - another few days and we would have been worrying! I understand that in some cases the shops are stacking up overnight (as they have plenty) and then finding folks are grabbing for all they are worth! The shops can't refill during the day as they need to bring out big trolleys ( a health and safety issue) and there isn't the manpower to carry them in smaller amounts! It is true though that folk are buying and selling on - both toilet rolls and hand gel - a total disgrace! 'nuff said!!! Hugs, Chrisx


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