Sunday, March 15, 2020

The Weekend Wrap Up

Hi everyone. I can't say there's too much to wrap up this weekend. But the school situation has changed once again. Today the governor of  New Hampshire closed all schools starting tomorrow. So it looks like for 3 weeks (or whatever else happens) we are closed. I am going in tomorrow to pick up my room (I know my room was one of the ones that got the big clean Friday evening), get my work computer and try to brainstorm and figure out a few questions I have. I'll be there just for a few hours and then I am coming home, and probably not going back in Tuesday or the rest of the week.
And this of course may all change again.
And here's a few more photos from my New Mexico travel journal to share today.
Here's what I did with the inner cover.  I created a pocket with this vintage style bag that I could slip a tag into.
I cut a tag and covered one side of it with my boarding pass for the plane, and then I cut the boarding pass down to size. I drew in the heart and added the little wooden plane I had in my stash.
And this is the back of the tag. I actually visited a local stamp store in Santa Fe while there and got myself this fun new stamp of the chile ristras.    You see these all over the place in New Mexico so I thought this stamp was a great souvenir for the trip.
And this is about all the snow around. In my backyard. I don't know why that is always last the place to melt. 
Even the woods is snow free.
But that's all for me today. Thanks so much for visiting.
Stay healthy and take care of yourself so we all can get through this.


  1. You've created wonderful pages, Erika.
    Our schools are not closed yet, but some classes and schools are in quarantine.
    It's really confusing time over the world.

    Wishing you a happy and healthy day, anyway!

  2. Lovely work on the covers for our book, love the new stamp. Have a good week, stay safe! Hugs, Valerie

  3. Wonderful pages Erika! Good luck with the working from home xx

  4. Crazy times. Do you get payed?

    Hubby came home sick very early. I still feel OK (a tad dizzy, but reckon that´s my brain screaming "ahhhhh!").

    Wonderful tag.
    To being/staying/getting healthy!

  5. Thank you for commenting on my whipped up ocean tempest! I had lost your blog on my reading list somehow, it’s now back. I also sent you a comment, but now I realize you won’t get that. Lol. My scene does indeed mirror the frustration and angst of life for us all right now. It may be the way for me to go. By the way, I’ve always loved your pages. I’ve want to do something like them for awhile now, even bought some supplies, I must get to that. I guess a travel theme is out for awhile though. Hw did this happen?! Stay well!

  6. I like what you did with your boarding pass and the chile stamps is a perfect souvenir. We haven't had snow in weeks. Just the way I like it. I can't help wondering when the other shoe will drop. Do you remember the April Fool's Blizzard in 1996? Stay safe!

  7. Things seem to change from day to day. I'm glad state and city officials are willing to step up and make these difficult decisions. Internet communities are even more important now! We're still having rain and more rain. We're healthy here, as I hope you and yours continue to be :)

  8. Schools closed, of course, here in Nashua as well. So far, it seems the local public library remains open. The main office of our mill apartment is closed, but maintenance and admin folks can be reached by phone or email.

  9. I really love this particular journal. Maybe it's the earthy colors but the work is lovely.

    So many blogs to catch up on from being gone a few days! Glad you'll have some time off, though I'm wondering if all the schools will be extending time into summer. It sure is bizarre.

    You take care. Your mom, too.

  10. Your pages in your New Mexico travel journal are just amazing and this stamp is super!!!

    Now you have time for arting when school is closed ...

    My daughter now has online courses .... so they can learn and make the best out of the time the university is closed.

    Big hugs, Susi

  11. A wonderful vintage spread and good to see how you use the pieces you save from your trips away and your stamp will bring you memories each time you use it.
    Seeing the snow in the photos made me realise how lucky we have been this year, hardly any snow that stayed around for more than a few hours. quite unheard of here.
    Yvonne xx

  12. I love these pages - a really good way of recording your trip! Your photo of the remaining snow looks lovely! Chrisx


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