Sunday, April 12, 2020

Happy Easter

Happy Easter everyone.
And a Happy Passover also.

I hope everyone is having a nice weekend. Mine has been busy but not. I spent an hour on the phone chatting with a friend. I found a cake recipe I was looking for to make something sweet for our Easter dinner (just the hubby and me-we've got to be safe), and I rode to the transfer station, aka the dump, with the hubby. We also brought our lunch with us too and had an in car picnic overlooking a local lake.   I also found a little art time to partially finish  a project I've been working on.

I used an accordian book I had and got one stretched out open side finished. The book has a spring theme, and on this side I went vintage using some images, stamps and other items I had in my stash.
I thought today, being Easter,  would be a good day to show it.

 The first 2 1/2 folds I used this bunny napkin as my background. I did some stamping on it, as well as added the pink daisy image which I snipped in half. You can see half on the bottom left and half on the right hand side. I also included some lace on the top as well a few little spring colored buttons.

You can see half of the dairy more clearly here. I painted the 2 backgrounds, one pink and one blue. I used the same stamp on each once the paint dried but used a colored ink that more or less matched the background. On the pink side I added the vintage image of the 2 girls as well as a bunny die cut out of holographic paper that I received from someone. And I added white paint dots around the image. On the left I used another vintage image, added some lacey cloth trim along the bottom and then added some little blue plastic sticky dots, as well as stamping the quote.

The next bit of paint was light lavender. I added some vintage flower images as well as the girl with her sheep or goat (I couldn't quite figure that one out). The bunny with the bow is a stamped image and I also stamped some words in purple on the background. 

I used some flowery paper for the background of the next piece. I added some little pink plastic sticky dots, a TH little girl, and then cut the rabbits (hares) out of some vellum paper I had. 
And for my final pages I used a rose image I had and created the leaves, stamped the bunny, dragonflies and words. The edge of that page is made with scraps from the vellum I cut out above.

And finally I added this vintage chick image on which I stamped the spring definition. I added a bit more of the lace trim, put a little glitter glue on the center of the flowers, and used a scrap from the vullum on the top.
And there you have it.  I am thinking on the other side I might go a little less romantic style vintage and maybe a little more kitschy or fun. But let's see where inspiration takes me.

I'm not sure this is really a geometric shape booklet but I did find lots of circles and a few ovals, so I am going to go with that and link up to Valerie's challenge at Art Journal Journey

I hope you enjoyed these views and want to say thanks for visiting my blog.
Enjoy the rest of the weekend.


  1. Beautiful, colorful Easter pages.
    Happy and healthy Easter to you and yours xx

  2. This works for sure and I love the colours and softness of the pages. The blues, lavenders and pinks are perfect for this weekend. Very romantic

  3. What beautiful springtime images :) Happy Easter!

  4. beautiful cards and pages,loving a lot.

    pretty coulors too.

    stay safe and well.

    hugs jenny

  5. This is really gorgeous, great colours and wonderful images, love it. And thanks for the geometric bits, much appreciated! Glad you managed to get out for a bit with your hubby. Enjoy your day, and your Easter food. Take care, hugs, Valerie

  6. Fabulous pages in your little book, lots to look at and I love the little details with the images.
    How nice that you are still able to go out for a little drive and picnic in the car, our refuge tips are all closed and we're not allowed to make any unnecessary car journeys, so staying safe at home is the norm here.
    Happy Easter and stay safe, Avril xx

  7. This blew me away. You are SO creative. I can't believe everything you created for this fold out entry. It is out of this world. Genuinely incredible and SO well done, dear. I'm MORE than IMPRESSED!! Happy Easter.

  8. Hope you two had a Happy Easter as you self-celebrated. We did the same, but did manage some calls and video chats with family and friends and all are well.

  9. The book is just beautiful and I like the clever way you turned the lace into flowers. Wild weather for tomorrow so hold onto your Easter bonnet.

  10. A beautiful project Erika, I love all of your pretty Easter pages.
    A happy Easter to you both,
    Alison xx

  11. This is a beautiful springtime/Easter book, the vintage style additions you found look lovely.
    I hope you enjoyed the cake you made as well.
    Its easy to spend lots of time on the phone these days when we are separated from the family,
    I miss the family meals we usually have together on Sundays .
    Take care, stay well and look after yourselves.
    Yvonne xx

  12. Oh Erika these are beautiful! I love the colors that you chose for every page. Keeps it on the Easter theme but gives it more liveliness! love it!

  13. I really love the spring journal and it's perfect for Easter and the season. Of course, I have such a soft spot in my heart for bunnies, so it really wins my heart. That first spread reminds me of a medieval/Renaissance tapestry. It's all lovely!

    Glad Easter was a good one!

  14. Love these pages with the great colours and your use of backgrounds. I love the Gainsborough children(they remind me of his kids that he often painted) along with the birds. Great works

  15. That is such a pretty accordion book - I like Victoriana and it reminds me so much of the scraps that you used to get when I was a child to stick in your book. Lovely colours you have chosen to use and the bunny napkin at the very beginning is absolutely delightful.
    Hugs Neet xx

  16. Love your Easter little book, and your blue pages are so beautiful with these cute images! Great post!
    Stay safe. Hugs, Mar


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