Monday, April 13, 2020

T Stands for This Past Weekend

Hello everyone. Hope everyone is well and coping with staying home.  And most importantly,  staying healthy.
Today was wet and dark and not a very exciting day. But this past weekend was nice and just  a bit breezy.
And I hope everyone had a wonderful Easter if you celebrate. Or Passover if you are celebrating that now.
My husband and I had a quiet day at home for Easter.  It was a beautiful morning so we took a long morning walk.
We're in the process of training our dog Pete to walk off leash, and he is an A+ student.
For those of you who  haven't known me for very long, I live in the woods and this my road. I definitely live in a rural spot. Not a lot of worries about meeting folks out on our walks, but when I have, we stayed on opposite sides of the road.
And good thing we took a long walk because I made a yummy dessert.
And I know my gardens are way behind the spring growth most of you have, but my crocuses  have amazing blooms this year.

And the daffodils are getting big and will be blooming soon. The buds on the big sugar maple tree in my yard are looking like they are blooming now too.

And the other thing my husband and I did this weekend was pack our lunch and take a 10 minute drive up to a lake near us. (We had taken our trash first to the transfer station which is on the way to the lake.) There's a boat ramp there and a big parking lot, so we sat in his truck and watched the water while we ate our sandwiches.  It's one of the good things about living rural. And it was really nice to see some different scenery.
And I had to laugh that the other 3 cars in the parking lot were doing the same thing.

And since it is Tuesday and time for T, here is my drink for this week.  I put my Diet Coke on the dashboard of my husband's truck.
Stop by Bleubeard and Elizabeth's blog to join us for T.

And I know not all of you are dog people, but my husband got this funny photo of the dogs the other day. They were waiting for me to finish getting ready to go for our Easter morning walk.

 I don't know what Pete (on the right) was doing (yawning out of impatience maybe) but I don't think our other dog Maddie could figure it out either. She looks like she was thinking Pete was a weirdo. 

Have a great T Day and Tuesday everyone.


  1. wow- first of all those purple crocuses are gorgeous!!! And I would definitely take even two walks for that amazing looking pastry- just like looking in a French Bakery window-yum!
    Oh and what a funny pic of Pete and Maddie-we could start a meme of this shot:) Happy T day!

  2. I love how you anthropomorphized Pete and Maddie. I have to admit, Maddie DOES look like she's questioning Pete's sanity. And it was so good to see Pete again, too. I think we all know Maddie, but we seldom get to see Pete, for some reason. Or maybe it's just I am more aware of Maddie. Regardless, great photos of the dogs.

    Your crocuses are gorgeous. I've never seen any in person, just in photos. You have mounds and mounds of them and they are beautiful. Lucky you.

    Beautiful views of your walk and a lovely view of the lake, too. Thanks for sharing your diet Coke, but I'd need one with caffeine, please (grin).

    Speaking of diet, it's a good thing you went for that walk. Your dessert looks like it could be served for the 4th of July, too. It's yummy looking indeed.

    Thanks for sharing your walk, your trip to the lake, your incredible dessert, the dogs, and your diet Coke with us for T this almost Tuesday, dear friend.

  3. Oh you are so lucky to be living in the country...I miss it. That dessert looks so good and yummy. Your crocuses are beautiful and full and I love the white and lavender striped one. I love dogs so this picture is priceless. Stay safe

  4. Love the photo of the two dogs waiting, too funny! Glad you were able to get out and about, too. And your Easter cake with fruits - yummy! Your flowers are looking great, too. Happy T Day, hugs, Valerie

  5. Oh, I remember our dog. Not a good student. She made me "kiss" a newspaper stand when I was 5.
    Beautiful flowers and oh how romantic. We had a Nissan Patrol LWB when travelling Australia 1999. Albany, rain, wind, view on the ocean, thank you, your pic brought back sweet memories. We had Pepsi Max, though.
    LOL your dogs look funny! Like humans!
    A happy T-day to you!

  6. Your crocuses look beautiful. It's nice you were able to get out for a walk with the dogs. I laughed at the final photo of Pete, and Maddie staring at him. I'm glad you had a nice Easter, despite the surreal circumstances. It's nice to hear that a few others were at the lake, too, and everyone was observing the social distancing rules.

  7. Good morning, all your pretty flowers have me smiling, glad you are getting out for walks, your dessert looks delicious and I loved the photo of your pets-Happy T Hugs Kathy

  8. It sounds like you had a wonderful time over the weekend! So nice to go our for a walk, we are allowed to go out for 1 hour of exercise a day 😁. Your dessert looks amazing, I'd love a piece with my cuppa today! The dog photo really made me laugh, Maddie's face is a picture 😉. Wishing you a Happy T Day and keep well! Hugs, Jo x

  9. A great photo of the dogs, I very often used to wonder what our dog was thinking, they are so funny.
    Your pastry looks so delicious, I'm on my way, put the kettle on, ha,ha, it also looks so beautiful.
    Our DIL's cousin lives outside of Santa Cruz and they live in a similar place, looks the place I'd love to walk at the moment, the solitude wouldn't bother us as long as we could walk
    Have a lovely T day
    Jan x

  10. Thank you so much for that amazing splash of purple that bounced off the screen! Wow! Beauty! Such lovely photos. Thank you.
    The dogs are lovely too. I had to smile at the last photo. Quite funny.
    Yes, you are very fortunate to live where you do. I know it has been a long trek to get to work for you on school mornings, but you will be retired soon and they no more early morning starts!
    We are not allowed more than one person per car and that is only for necessary journeys (eating lunch at the lake would not be considered necessary). But yesterday (Easter Monday is a normal day here) it was raining so hard and I needed milk from the shop. I asked hubby to take me in the car as it is more that 10 min walk to the shop. Normally not a problem, but I didn't feel like getting wet, and having to queue out in the streets in the rain. I reasoned that with this rain there would not be a queue, and I was right. I was in and out of the shop in a flash and we didn't meet a policeman! Phew!
    But i digress...
    Happy T-Day,
    Stay safe, stay healthy, stay home,

  11. I don't have a dog now but I still like dogs a lot and that's a great photo! I'm glad you got to go to the lake. We're not supposed to do that (executive order by the gov), just short walks, cycling. Only using vehicles for groceries, essential work, etc. and no traveling between homes. So no lake for awhile (which is fine -- I don't usually go till June anyway, though Rick was hoping to go sooner.

    Your dessert looks to die for! That walk seems like it was probably a very good idea. What a pretty road to walk on! I'm glad it was a wonderful Easter.

  12. The dogs picture is hysterical ~ it's like the one is laughing at the other and the other is offended by the laugh :) Your cake is beautiful and so are all the pretty flowers. ~ Enjoy your privacy and each other

  13. Oh my I'd enjoy a slice of your delicious cake Erika, lovely and comforting and a walk to take off a few calories sounds good to me. The photos looked lovely, gorgeous colours crocus plants as well.
    The dogs made me smile, I think Pete was laughing and Maddie wondered what the joke might be.
    Happy T day wishes.
    Stay safe and well.
    Yvonne xx

  14. You have a wonderful place for a walk :) That dessert looks delicious! I've run out of fresh fruit and am putting off a grocery trip, so your berries have my mouth watering. Your sweet flowers are lovely! A lakeside picnic in the car sounds perfect. Nice view!

    Happy T Tuesday!

  15. Looks like you had a beautiful day. That dessert is awesome! Your crocus are amazing and my maple looks the same way. It is causing Himself problems with allergies so we know Spring is finally here. I loved the picture of Pete and Maddie. Pete looks like he's yelling, Ma, hurry up! Hope you get to enjoy the sunshine today. Take care and Happy T Day

  16. That is wonderful that you live in a rural setting. It makes quarantine life not much different than the normal routine. Your crocus's are beautiful and every time I see them I think about planting some in my yard so I don't have to rely on pictures.
    Your dessert looks SO delicious! Yes, I can imagine a good long walk would be in order after all those calories. Hubby and I are counting calories and we were amazed at the amount we were consuming on a daily basis before we started counting. Anything that tastes good is sure to destroy a calorie count.
    Funny pictures of your dogs.
    Happy Tea Day,

  17. What a good weather it is where you live Erika !! Those walks are very good.
    What a delicious cake! yummy! I love strawberries and raspberries.
    Happy T-day!
    I really like Pete and Maddie, they are adorable.
    Take care, and biig hugs,

  18. Yay, Pete!

    The dessert looks scrumptious, Erika. Your crocuses are gorgeous! Like a kaleidoscope image. Your picnic was a great idea. And great minds think alike, as they say. I love the dog photo, especially the expression on Maddie's face. lol.

    Take care and stay safe.

    Happy T-Day! Hugs, Eileen

  19. Fabulous photos of your lovely walk Erika, and that dessert looks amazing!
    Happy T-Day,
    Alison xox

  20. Lovely photos Erika, the colours of the crocus look stunning and so does that Desert, it's a good job you're able to go out for long walks!
    That's such a fun photo of the dogs, Maddie definitely looks puzzled.
    Avril xx

  21. Rural living is peaceful. I do enjoy close by stores and restaurants too. I guess you can't have it all. Love the dog photo. Cracked me up!

  22. I love the photograph of the dogs at the end of your post. It really is funny - the look on Maddie's face is priceless.
    I know you said Pete is yawning but he could be laughing and Maddie could be wondering "what the heck did I say that was so funny". I do love dogs but even if you didn't you could not fail to see the funny side of this one.
    How lucky you are to live in those surroundings, lunch by the water sounds lovely and the crocus are absolutely beautiful.
    Hugs Neet xx

  23. Flowers, dessert, and a lovely walk in the woods...can't be beat! happy T day, though very late ;)


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