Friday, April 17, 2020

Happy Friday

Hi everyone. Happy almost weekend to you.

My week went by quickly, but I will say I had a mid-week slump about teaching online. In fact I just needed a day away from all the computer time online teaching has brought on. I couldn't just take the day off, but a low computer use day was mentally called for. So if I haven't stopped by you blog, I will be getting there now that I am feeling a little more refreshed. 
And speaking of online school, it is now officially the way I will end my teaching career. Yesterday the governor of my state announced that all schools will remain closed until the end of the year. It is kind of sad to think I will never teach in my classroom again, and it is not going to be my room for much longer. But it's not THAT sad when I think of all the good things retirement shall bring. I am still hopeful this virus will disappear and life will get back to the (new) normal sooner rather than later. And I am learning that retiring is a process.

And here's another journal page I made recently and that I am liking up to Art Journal Journey. Valerie is our lovely hostess this month and her theme is geometric shapes.  
I started my page by drawing some lines to create these shapes. Then I used some purple paint. Once that dried, I stamped some letter images in black and then overstamped with a different letter image stamp in white. 
I have a set of feather dies that  I used on some pink origami paper . I took those feathers and randomly inked some of them. And I also have this  swallow die which I die cut 3 times on white paper, I gently inked them black, outlined the edges and also added some paint dots for the eyes.
And that's my page.

I am off to go to my new classroom at the dining room table!
Hope you are having or have a good day.


  1. This is perhaps not the ideal way to end your career, but it is a way to wind down gently. I missed my class room, too - for about 2 days! You will so enjoy being retired and able to plan your life as you want to. Your new journal page is gorgeous, love the geometric shapes in the BG, and the bold, pink feathers, and the birds flying over it all. Thanks for making yet another lovely page for my challenge, much appreciated indeed. Have a great day, take care, hugs, Valerie

  2. It has to be sad to retire this way and be able to say goodbye to your students in person. and you miss a retirement party-but I remember when I retired that day was a light schedule of people at work (I was a telephone operator) so very few people came to my party as we all drove at least an hour to get to work. but in the end it was fine I was just so happy be retired with all the changes coming then.
    Your latest page is really awesome-I love it very much.
    Hugs Kathy

  3. Your art piece is lovely.

    It is sad this is how your teaching career will end. I know you said you miss being with the kids in the classroom, during this online teaching phase. Connecticut hasn't made a decision yet, but I think they'll end up just doing the rest of the year as online.

  4. It certainly will be a memorable year for the Class of 2020. Too bad they will miss so much like prom and Senior week. Have they cancelled graduation? The school I letter diplomas have decided to cancel graduation and will mail diplomas instead.

    I love the birds and feathers on your page. Makes me think of watching the birds at the feeder from the sun room. Hoping it gets a little warmer so I can clean and we can move in for the season.

  5. That does sound like a heckuva way to close out your last year before retirement, but it sounds like you're looking ahead to good times to come :)

    I like your colors and those free-flying birds :)

  6. What a beautiful page Erika !! I really like it, it is very happy, and those birds and feathers seem to want to lift us up and help us to cope with these difficult times we are living now.
    You are right, your retirement is unusual, but I am sure you will have the opportunity to see your students and the teachers who have been with you again. on the other hand, you have to see the bright side of things .... imagine ... how many things are you going to be able to do now!
    I hope you have a nice weekend, stay safe and well, and I send you biig hugs,

  7. I am sure the virus will end soon, Erika. And I am sure you will enjoy your retirement as you will have more free time for your beautiful creations. I love your new page, my dear friend. Hugs!!!

  8. It must feel so very different to how you thought your teaching days would end. New beginnings round the corner and the start of a whole new adventure, to do what you want to do, when we eventually are allowed to go out again.
    Its another fantastic page for Valerie's AJJ theme. The swallow flying free looks lovely.
    Stay safe and well.
    Yvonne xx

  9. It is bad what happens to you and for you to have such a sad farewell forever but then see it as a quiet, relaxing life. comforting hug from me
    This is a wonderful romantic journal page, great for the topic of shapes!
    Take care and stay healthy!
    Greetings Elke

  10. That's a shame, it would have been nice to end your school year teaching in the classroom 😀. Life does feel strange at the moment being away from people, we've had sunny weather here so spending time in the garden has been helping 😁. Your page is so beautiful and romantic, I love the diamond background with the pretty feathers and birds - gorgeous! Wishing you a happy weekend and keep well! Hugs, Jo x

  11. Sorry you will not be able to end your career in a more normal way … but I feel sure you will love retirement.

    I love your art here, gorgeous pink colours.

    Take care and enjoy your weekend.

    All the best Jan

  12. Very cool bg you created! Love it. Super idea. The birds are cool too. I know you are going to love retirement and I know I will too. If you decide you don't there are always things you can teach or do or learn and they will all be your choice. This virtual stuff you have done will help you with that too. Great page and I love the colors!

  13. I'm so sorry you won't be able to end your career with your students. But you will keep in touch with the people who most matter to you and boy -- will you love your life. Valerie said it all -- you are now in control! Or will be. Online if you want. Cooking something that takes more time because you have it. Eventually travel again. Walks in the middle of the day in the middle of the week. Art time. And who knows what else. You will love it because you have interests and passions and the time to do them.

    I do love the colors and shapes in this page. The birds make me happy.

  14. What a beautiful page! Love those coloured feathers!
    Sorry your retirement will be at home! My SIL had the same problem back in March, she is happy now though - finding time for all the things she had planned! It will all work out I'm sure! Hugs, Chrisx

  15. I sincerely hope you created a journal of your final year of teaching like I suggested at the beginning of the year last August. What a way to look back at what was normal then and what the new normal is turning out to be. I (and you) never imagined the school year would end like it will, but it will still make good journal fodder. It will also give you time to reflect on what went well and what you most enjoyed.

    The one sad thing will likely be your retirement party. Those are the best. Maybe we can have a virtual retirement party for you. Silly hats, corny jokes and a big cake. Although technically I didn't retire when I left my job to move to Wichita to get my Ph.D., I got a huge party that much of the industrial plant where I worked, attended (over their various lunch breaks). Needless to say, I got very little work done that last day I was there.

    I love this page, which apparently I missed while offline. The feathers are unique, the swallows are incredibly impressive, but the background is what stuck out for me. Again, NUMBERS. I'm definitely drawn to numbers. This is an incredible background and a great journal entry for Valerie's theme at Art Journal Journey.

  16. What a strange end to your teaching career - it must be odd to feel you won't return to the classroom. But you're right to be looking forward to the good things to come in retirement rather than dwelling on the sadness about it. I can well imagine the need to take a break from the virtual environment when it has become your whole working day - so I hope you are feeling somewhat refreshed this weekend.

    I love this journal page with the swooping birds and organic feathers in contrast to the bold geometric harlequin shapes of the background. The colours are also really gorgeous.
    Alison x


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