Saturday, April 18, 2020

Happy Saturday

Hi everyone.  The snow that some of you further south from New Hampshire got has now moved into New England. It's a snowy morning here, although luckily not a lot is sticking to the ground at least here. I know those you further south from me, like CJ and Anne, have probably gotten more. Hopefully ladies you aren't getting too much more.
I was going to show you all my spring growth today, without the snow on it, so instead I will show you it with a light dusting of snow. Much more dramatic-ha-ha!
 My irises have started popping out of the ground. 

 And my dafs are getting close to blooming.
Below is what is left of the crocuses. 
 And the sugar maple flowers dusted over too.

But moving on to more spring like things, how about some art.

OK maybe not as Google is not letting me open up any other photos to post. HMMMMM.
Let me try again. For the 10th time.
OK, this time some of my photos opened and this page for Art Journal Journey did.
This month Valerie is hosting with a really great challenge of Geometric Shapes. You can see my scraps of paper I used on the background has a few diamonds and also some parallelograms. I've been on a tag making binge lately, and decided to use a few in some art, so here is one. I stamped the balloon man on a tag I cut from some time cards I purchased. I got a whole stack a few months back of  500 for $12 which means I can cut 500 tags and used either the printed side of the plain back side, and they are nice heavy oaktag like material.
I gave the man a raccoon friend and drew in some circles just because you can never have too many geometric shapes. I stamped the quote along with a few other word images on the tag, drew and painted the clouds, added the word spring and added some TH label tape which is a new favorite for the moment.
And here you have it.
Glad I was finally able to get into my photos. And I can say by the time I finished this all the snow has quickly disappeared as the temperature has risen a bit.

Have a great Saturday!


  1. Thanks for sharing snowish photos. We got also snow surprisingly a couple of days ago. Now it's gone and weather is warming back normal.
    I'm still in home quarantine 🙁 but take walks on the beach near by.
    Happy weekend and safe upcoming week ❤️

  2. Oh no, snow! I hope it didn't hurt the irises and daffs. Crazy weather. Blogger seems to be having image-problems just now, I have seen missing photos on several blogs, and some of my photos from last week have disappeared. Hope they get this fixed soon. LOVE you beautiful journal page with all of those geometric shapes, very striking. And thanks for all of your support, you are the queen of geometric shapes! I need to start some tags soon, as I am hosting Tag Tuesday next week, too, lucky I remembered on time! (The theme is anything goes, don't tell, it's a secret!) Enjoy your day, take care, hugs, Valerie

  3. Fun page. The balloon man made me smile. I'm surprised you got less snow than we did. The snow did not make me smile. It seems to be ending and tomorrow it's supposed to be 60 so the snow will just be a bad memory. Enjoy your day today. Take care.

  4. I was wondering about you, with the snow forecast. Ugh. At least the flowers you show are the tough kind that can withstand being covered by snow, and continue growing, without any damage to them. The snow type you got looks like the all too familiar heavy wet kind, with the huge snowflakes. Unlike you and CJ, I got lucky with rain here in southern Connecticut. Northern CT (and above) is getting snow. :-(

    I like your art journal page. It is lovely. I'm sorry Google didn't cooperate, to let you post any other images.

    (Note: my Bleeding Hearts are starting to grow, so if I had gotten snow, it probably would've killed them.)

  5. And I was thinking our mid-50s F temps were chilly lol

    Your magical spring moments piece is nice :) I love that balloon!

  6. SNOW!!!!! We had a sprinkling of rain today - just enough to settle the dust! I hope your flowers get a chance to bloom now! Your journal page certainly reflect the magical moment, glad it's all gone now! Hugs, Chrisx

  7. Lovely snow pics, surely the ast for this year. We hope!

  8. Brrrr! Cold here, too, but sunny and no snow!

    Lovely page,and, believe it or not, raccoons made it to Germany!
    So far I saw not one personally, but I read it in the news. And certainly saw them in the zoo :-)

  9. That chair showed more than what I would call a DUSTING (grin). We somehow missed the snow and got rain instead.

    I haven't had any trouble loading my photos, but I was able to add my link to AJJ, then couldn't add one to TioT. After four times of trying, I suddenly realized in the time it took to go from one blog to another, my internet had gone offline. Very frustrating.

    I love your time cards. Wish I could find a good deal on a few of them. I love the time card side because I'm drawn to anything with numbers. I love what you did with this one and how you turned it into a tag. It's also a great idea to share it with Art Journal Journey using Valerie's theme, too, dear friend.

    I'm still thinking of your mom, too.

  10. Oh my snow, not what you need in late April, but it did look pretty and fresh in those lovely photos. Your journal page looks fantastic and I hope Mr Balloon man was enjoying his magic moment. A great page for the AJJ theme.
    Stay safe and well.
    Yvonne xx

  11. The snow may be frustrating the efforts of the spring flowers to break through, but it does look pretty! Glad it had warmed up by the time you got Blogger to cooperate with the rest of your photos!

    Great page. I love your timecard tag - what a bargain pack you got there! The torn fragments are very cool, and the soft fluffy clouds are really cute.
    Alison x

  12. There's something sad and oddly beautiful about late snow just lightly covering new growth -- so long as it doesn't die. We had that last week. All shall be well. But I do hate snow in late April!

  13. When I don't have to have it I like snow, love looking at it on pictures and older photographs of the snowy winters we used to have. We have been very lucky here in the small amount of snow we have encountered. Yours looks so pretty though and I loved looking at all of your pictures with it showing on them. Your plants must be hardy to come through with it.
    Love the diamond, etc background you have shown us. It looks dimensional, and is so beautiful and colourful. Great tag of the man in the middle too.
    Enjoy your lovely walks.
    Hugs, Neet xx


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