Monday, April 20, 2020

Happy T Day

Hi everyone. Happy T day to you.
Life has been mostly quiet for me. Just more online teaching. It is amazing how much time that takes. And I have been trying to enjoy some fresh air each day, weather allowing.  Some days there's a bit of reading and a bit of art. I've been working here and there on doing my seasonal clothing change over and a few small cleaning projects to fill my day. I am waiting for some more sunny and dry weather to get back out into the gardens as I am ready to bark mulch, and anxious to get that done before we hit black fly season and the bugs drive me back inside again. 
You can see life has settled into the new routine.
But there is one piece of bad news. My Mom went into the hospital Saturday with extremely low oxygen levels, and she was tested for Covid-19. Today I found out her test came back positive. I spoke with her today, and seems in good spirits, but is definitely having some shortness of breath. Hopefully it won't progress any further, but she is 90 years old, so of course I am quite worried.

Since there isn't much exciting for T this week, I thought I would take you back to late February when I visited some friends in New Mexico with my husband. We went to this Price Fixed dinner at Old Martina's Hall. 
(Photo from Old Martina's website)
Yesterday  in my blog, I showed you and wrote a bit about San Francisco de Asis church which I visited while in Taos, and this restaurant is right across the road from the church. 
 This was that evening's Price Fixed menu. For $19 a person you got this really wonderful meal. Drinks were extra, but happy hour prices were in effect until 6PM, so we even got good prices there.

We started the evening with a margarita, and then switched over to wine or beer with our meal.
 My friend and I had the lobster ravioli appetizer.
 And the hubby's had the street tacos.
 It was a bitterly cold day, so soup was on call rather than salad. This is the broccoli cheddar soup.
 And I was so on a food high by this point I forgot to take a picture of dinner. Oh no.
But the Mexican chocolate cake for dessert didn't get forgotten.
Please stop by Bleubeard and Elizabeth's blog and join us for T this week. All you need is to share some kind of a drink related post.

Wishing you all a wonderful T day, and please, wash you hands and stay safe!


  1. Oh Erika, I'm so worried for your mother. They apparently have her on oxygen, but let's hope she doesn't have to go on a ventilator. At least you got to talk to her, a plus from what I've been hearing from the news. PLEASE keep us informed. I DO worry about YOU and HER.

    That was one incredible meal. I'd have the ravioli and the cheese soup, too. But I would have the Eggplant Parmigiana, and I bet you didn't (grin).

    Lots and lots of drinks showing today in every photo you took inside the restaurant. Thanks for sharing your trip to Old Martina's Hall, and your various drinks with us for T this almost Tuesday. PLEASE take care of yourself, dear.

  2. Erika!!! This is torture for me! I LOVE MEXICAN FOOD! These looks so good and I would eat all of those any minute! Thank you so much for tickling my tastebuds in these trying times when the last time I went outside the house was 35 days ago. Oh and that chocolate cake OMG! I am so getting that once all of this is done and I really really hope very soon it will be :)

    Sending hugs and greetings from the Philippines!


  3. Hi Erika! Sorry to hear about your mum, I hope they can help her in the hospital. Glad you are keeping well, and getting some fresh air, too. Your meal at the restaurant looks soooooooooo good, especially that cake, yummy! I am craving cake just now, and it's still early in the morning, good that there's nothing here! Happy T Day, hugs, Valerie

  4. I am so sorry for your Mom. All the very best wishes and hugs from here... It must be frightening, awful... I know how you feel, sadly, I think I do.

    On to a lighter note?

    Hmmm, Broccoli Cheddar Soup, please! Or the chicken. Or taco, my, you make me feel hungry!
    "Happy" T-day to you...

  5. I'm so sorry to hear about your dear mum Erika. Praying that she will recover, it has been known.
    Hugs and best wishes,
    Alison xx

  6. Your meal looked delicious. I'm so sorry to hear about your Mom testing positive for covid-19. That is very distressing news.

  7. It's really sad to hear about your mother. But if she has made it to 90 so far, it means that she is a 'tough old bird'. I mean no offence, but I mean that she must have a good immune system. Her generation is of strong women. So I hope and pray that she will pull through to give her a few more years to share with her family.
    Nevertheless, you must be so worried. I feel for you.
    Thank you for sharing the photos from the adobe restaurant. The food looks really yummy, especially the chocolate cake! My eyes scanned the menu, and I thought mmm no main meal? I looked again and there it was under 'entrées'. I hadn't realized that in America an entrée is a main dish, but in England it would be a first course. (And in France "entrée" is what they shout when you knock on the door, meaning "come in".)
    Happy T-Day, (I won't tell you to stay at home. As Iris says: we are not children and yes, we got the message.)

  8. So sorry to read about your mother-prayers for you and her.
    Your meal looks incredible-I would have enjoyed that.
    Happy T wishes

  9. Erika, I am terribly concerned about your mom. It's a relief that you can speak with her but you must be terribly concerned, given all we know about covid. And I am as concerned about you -- this is such a hard time and I know loaded with stress. I am so VERY sorry you have to experience this -- and of course, that she does.

    For $19? You've got to be kidding! It all sounds quite incredible, ever single bite. The dishes sound very interesting with lots of unique flavors. I would love that.

    Please keep us posted and please take care.

  10. So Beautiful And Quite Mouth Watering - Also, Sunday's Travel Post Is Fabulous As All Get Out


  11. So sorry, Erika, to read about the update on your mom's condition. Thanks for sharing, even though it's a very unhappy read. Certainly, we can all understand your concern given your mom's age, but good to read that you were able to speak with her and hope that will continue. You and your family (and many others) are in our thoughts these days. Stay safe yourself, blogger friend.

  12. Oh dear Erika, your poor Mom. I will keep her in my thoughts and prayers and pray for a full recovery. And I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers as well. take care of yourself.
    Now that menu- oh my, you have made me SO hungry for it all right now-and at such an amazing price! Guess I need to go have some lunch now... happy T day!

  13. So sorry to hear about your dear mum, glad she is in good spirits and sending her healing wishes! You are both in my thoughts and prayers 😀. Wow, that meal looks superb and you chose everything I chose of the menu too, that lobster ravioli would have been my fav - yum! Happy T Day wishes! Take care! Hugs, Jo x

  14. I am so sorry to hear that your mother has Covid-19. I am sure that is is worrisome with the distancing and hospital limitations on visitors.
    Your meals look delicious. I always love seeing pictures of what people eat on their travels. It feels as if I am right there with them, minus the calories. Looks like a great place to eat.

    Happy Tea Day,

  15. I'm sorry to hear about your mom ~ I'm glad you were able to talk on the phone to one another. your drink and meal were worth revisiting ~ visual delight! yum ~ Blessings to you

  16. I'm so sorry to hear about your mom, Erika. I'm sending positive thoughts.

    Looking at restaurant meals is happier times is fun. I need to go through my files. I'm sure I have some to share too. I enjoyed your photos from Old Martina's Hall in NEW Mexico.

    Happy T-Day from Eileen in OLD Mexico xx

  17. I saw this adorable youtube video (just 30 seconds) about online teaching. I thought about all the people learning all these new ways of educating. Anyway, I got a kick out of it:

    I'm so sorry to hear about your mother :( So scary! I do keep hearing encouraging stories about all the recoveries, and I'll trust your mother will be among them. I'll be thinking about you all.

    T Tuesdays aren't really happy when there's bad medical news, but I'm glad you shared it and will be hoping for an uncomplicated and fast recovery.

  18. Despite being quite full from dinner I could eat that chocolate cake, probably the street tacos too but nothing else. Well, except the Margarita's. Reading the menu mit reminded me of when we used to visit America each year. We would have to ask our host, Mary, what the various words meant - like Parmigiana which I do remember but have forgotten all about. I would probably have gone for the Fish but not a coue what Mazatian means - will have to consult Google.
    Now, Erika, I am so so sorry to hear about your mom. It must be a terribly worrying time for you. I will include her in my prayers tonight, wish I had read this on Saturday so I could have asked for prayers for her earlier. I am so glad you could speak with her and hope that is still the case. Please share her progress with your friends in Blogland and even though I am across the Pond if you want to get in touch please do so.
    Take care, thinking of you all
    Neet xxx

  19. Oh the food looks absolutely scrumptious! thanks for sharing...especially the cake! Sending healing thoughts for your Mom-- How extremely worrying, and you probably aren't allowed to visit either...prayers for wisdom for the doctors and nurses. They are good at their jobs, so hoping your Mom gets the best of care. Best wishes, hand in there!

  20. Sending healing thoughts to your and your mom. As Gov. Baker said today better days are coming. How fun, we both did ravioli on our blog today! I miss going out to restaurants. This one looks real good especially that chocolate cake. Take care and Happy T Day

  21. Sorry I am late calling in Erika. I was so sorry to read about your Mom and her test results.
    You and the family must be so worried . Your Mom sounds a strong willed lady when you have talked about her, she is in safe hands . Thinking of you and your Mom. Stay safe and take care of yourself.
    Yvonne xx

  22. I am so late visiting here and have read the previous post and the following one so know that your Mum is not doing well! We have had such bad news about friends recently that it makes this awful virus seem to be everywhere!
    I love the distraction you chose - the menu certainly was good value! I must whizz asa the chocolate cake though!
    Hope the news improves about your Mum soon!

    Belated Happy T Day, Hugs, Chrisx

  23. So sorry to hear about your mum, praying that she gets better and beats this virus as I have seen others her age do.

    Your food looks so yummy


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