Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Holding My Breath

Hi everyone. 
The news about my mother wasn't very good yesterday. She was still on oxygen  and so far,  not in the ICU, (and I hope she still is not in the ICU today), but a scan of her lungs showed more  diseased area. The hardest things for me are the thoughts of a loved one going through this horrible disease, and then not being able to be there. I'm still holding my breath because with this disease, you just don't know. And I must say my mother is a tough woman. Thanks to you for all the good thoughts, energy and prayers. 
But I must say Happy Earth Day to everyone, and especially a big happy birthday to Elizabeth. Yesterday I baked you all a pound cake, well actually 2. So we can celebrate once someone supplies the birthday candles. Smile.
 The bowl is not copper although the reflection of light makes it look that way.

I had 3 soft avocados, and since I was feeling down, I baked.   Like art, it is a relaxing thing to do that takes my mind off life. I seem to be baking around once a week, and it makes me happy to do that.

I've been making a lot of tags when I've had art time in the last few weeks, and since the newest challenge at Tag Tuesday is Anything Goes, I thought I would share a couple that I made in the last few weeks.
First for Elizabeth's birthday.
 And I believe she is more of  a cat person, so here is a second tag.

That's all for me today.  Hope your week is going well.


  1. I hope your mother is doing better, and that you are, too. I'm not a big fan of avocado, but I bet they taste fabulous in pound cake. Cute tags especially the kitties in kimonos.

  2. Oh Erika - I don't know how you've managed to make anything with your mum in hospital. I do hope she's improving, bless her. My mum is 82 and I worry about her, so I can understand why you'd be concerned. I know art can be a wonderful release if you're able to concentrate.
    I've always wondered what a pound cake actually is, so this is interesting. Not sure about the avocado, but I love carrot or courgette cake, so I bet it's lovely. Great little tags. I'm sure Elisabeth was pleased to be remembered. I missed that :-(
    I noticed you've had snow again - wow! That's hard to imagine, but then again I remember snow in May one year. Hope you're coping with the online teaching and not missing your students or colleagues too much. Retirement will soon be here!
    I'll keep checking for news of your Mum but virtual elbow hugs from me... you're both in my prayers.
    Cath x

  3. Sorry you have no good news about your Mom, I hope and pray she comes through this hard time. And it must tear you apart not being able to be at her side, that's awful. Good that you found some nice occupations, like baking and crafting. I spend a lot of time on things I enjoy doing to take my mind off things. Today I made veggie soup and waffles to distract me as today is the anniversary of my wedding and also the day my husband died. Little things help! Your pound cake looks delicious! love both of your tags, thanks so much for linking to us at Tag Tuesday, much appreciated. Hugs, Valerie

  4. Keeping healing thoughts for your Mother. Praying for good news on this sickness.

  5. I'm sorry to read about your mother's illness. I hope she will be strong enough to in that horrible disease.
    Wishing all turns well, be strong xx

  6. so sorry about your Mom-does she have the option of that medicine that helps? you have to ask for it though and there is a new antibody medicine too I think
    your cake sounds delicious and I love the kitties. healing prayers for your Mom hugs

  7. The not being able to be there is so hard :( I hope she recovers well and quickly. Your baking looks delicious! Yeast has been hard to find here, and your recipe would be a good one to try. Thx!

  8. Oh Erika, I am so sad to hear about your Mom but I felt the rush of hope when you said that she is a tough lady and I know your mom will fight with all her might. I am praying for her recovery and that angels be with her in her fight. And those cakes look so good I can smell how good they are from the looks of it.

    Stay safe Erika and sending you hugs. Praying for your Mom.

  9. Oh Erika, the news of your mother is not exactly good. I am so worried for you. I don't want to bring you down, though, so I will just be thinking and wishing good thoughts for your mother and for you, too.

    I've never heard of an avocado cake before. It so8unds like it's savory rather than sweet. I'll take a piece, please.

    LOVE both the tags, dear. I especially like the cat tag because it has an Asian flair. I also love the calming colors, too, although both are adorable. That dog is so cute with the balloon. He's definitely a party animal.

    I take it you eat a lot of avocados. Be sure to save the skins (wash them) and freeze both the skins and the seeds so you can dye fabric this summer using them. Really easy and NO harsh chemicals or powdered dyes, either.

    Thanks again for the cake and bEARTHday tags, dear.

  10. So sorry to hear about your mother’s illness, and I hope that she will make a complete recovery soon. We are all worried and it’s very terrible that your worries have proved true. I will be thinking of you.

    be well... mae at

  11. Again best wishes to your Mom!
    I also hold my breath when people come too close. Hubby sewed me a mask now, but that helps others, not myself so... hold breath!

    So this cake is not sweet? Healthy it sure is!

    Love your tags :-)

  12. Oh Erika, you are going through a lot of stressful days. I was so sad to read that your mom didn't have the better news you were hoping for. I am thinking of you all and hope each day will bring her to recovering well.
    Baking is a good way to fill in the day as well as crafting and dare I say, working from home.
    The cake does look delicious, I've never made a cake with avocado, it sounds a sweet cake, good with a cuppa.
    Look after yourselves and stay safe.
    Yvonne xx
    p.s. forgot to say I loved those cute tags you made.

  13. Lovely tag Erika! I'll keep praying for your dear mum
    Big hugs,
    Alison xx

  14. I believe baking is healing and right now you need some healing in your heart, so I'm glad you made the cake. Holding you and your mom close in my heart.

  15. Wishing your mum well dear Erika and sending healing wishes! It must be hard to be apart from her as she fights to recover, you are both in my thoughts and prayers 😀. It's good to keep busy and the cakes look yummy, maybe I could have a slice with my cuppa 😉. Thinking of you! Take care! Hugs, Jo x

  16. Know what a worry this must be! Hope all goes well! Love those tags - must get on and make some myself! Chrisxx

  17. Oh Erika, I am so sorry to hear your Mum is not well and I am sure you are so so worried. I will keep her in my prayers. Where there is prayer there is hope. Loving your beautiful tags today and wouldn't mind a big slice of that pound cake!! Thanks for joining us at Tag Tuesday.


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