Thursday, April 9, 2020

Stars and Triangles

Hi everyone. Happy Thursday.
It's been a busy "work" week for me. The  quarter wrapped up, and we had exams Monday and Tuesday. Well online exams, which in my class meant a Google slide project  and then I had the kids present during our Zoom meetings.  I've been doing a lot of grading the last 2 days as well as listening to presentations. 
And today the last quarter of the school year begins.  
Today  I have another page for Art Journal Journey and Valerie's geometric challenge. 
I started with a background page I had made awhile back. I used YUPO paper and some alcohol ink. Then I drew some black triangles  and decorated those triangles with diagonal lines. I decided to cut out some of the triangles and glue them down on some watercolor paper. Now what to do? Then it hit me. I drew and cut out some stars on black paper, added them, and then I added some lines fro a Crosby, Stills and Nash song.
And that's my latest page.
Thanks for visiting. 


  1. LOVELY page, so creative, great colours and style and a song I love, too, I am already singing it! Thanks so much for your wonderful support. The school year is nearly over, so you will soon be a 'free' agent! Enjoy your day, I am off for a little afternoon nap! Hugs, Valerie

  2. Very creative! Lines everywhere work!

  3. That's one of my favorite CSN tunes, Erika!

  4. I like the quote you chose. So apropos for our current situation. Take care.

  5. A super page Erika, your ideas are always clever a d artsy. A pro!
    Hope this online school thing will not catch too much of you. Take good care!
    Elbow hugs,
    Susi xxx

  6. I like this one, Erika! And I love the song!

  7. Great page Erika and one I think of as being very appropriate for our current situation with a slight change in my mind to the words as I sing them in my head. Love the triangles, what fabulous colours the alcohol inks turned out to be. Just love the many shades and different patterns they formed. Great idea!
    Hugs, Neet xx

  8. I'm singing along :) That song goes perfectly with your design :)

  9. Oh this is a beautiful artwork! And true enough, we all are made of stars! Stars never stop burning despite anything, so we can all stand up in time and keep being what we are, stars! Sending hugs from the Philippines!

  10. I love your page. The stars and the phrases are rounding your page up. So great.

  11. I'll be singing that song all night long, dear. I am a BIG fan of CSN. Your page is fabulous. I hadn't thought of stars, but they are truly geometric shapes. So glad you were able to find time to create another great entry for Valerie's theme at Art Journal Journey. It's a beauty.

  12. What wonderful work you created there! Fascinating shapes and colors with the quote
    stay healthy have a nice day
    Greetings Elke

  13. Sounds like a busy week, glad you got all the exams done and graded 😁. Your page is amazing, I love the abstract design with the triangle and stars - fabulous! Wishing you a happy Friday and Weekend! Keep well! Hugs, Jo x

  14. An awesome page Erika, love the bold colours, shapes and patterns.
    Guess which song is in my head for the rest of the day.
    Stay safe and well.
    Yvonne xx

  15. Great idea to cute up the bg and add the stars and lyrics. This came out very well! I am going to go play that song. Keep teaching those kids wonderful thngs - they are going to be so prepared doing all this online and doing presentations!

  16. Fabulous page, love the colourful triangles and the quote.
    Stay safe, hugs Wendy xx

  17. I love your beautiful page and the song lyrics inside the stars are perfect here. Have a wonderful weekend . . . Happy Easter! HUGS!


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