Tuesday, April 7, 2020

Round and Round

Hi everyone. Today I have a bit of geometric whimsey to share. I had made this background with scraps of colorful deli paper a very long time ago, and then couldn't decide what to do with it. I'd even started to stencil a pattern on it for my last Art Journal Journey challenge which was back in  September.
But this time I had an idea that just might work on all the busy background.
I drew the oval body and then used a punch out face from Studio Light/Art by Marlene. 
And so here she is, my circle/oval lady.
I am linking up to Valerie's geometric challenge at Art Journal Journey.

And last night's moon was pretty bright. My photo isn't very good as I used my phone to take it and my phone does not do well on night shots.

With a moon like that, who needs a nightlight?

Happy Wednesday!
And thanks for visiting.


  1. That is a funky page and I love the colours and wildness of it. Your shot is great even if it is from your phone

  2. I love your geometric lady, she reminds me a bit of the Michelin man, I don't know if you got that advertising over in the states. Your lady is magnificent, she could be an astronaut....Fab colours and patterns, too, wow! LOVE this one. Thanks for making such a wonderful creations. The moon was beautiful here, too. Thanks for sharing. Hugs, Valerie

  3. This was quirky indeed. It was cute, but I felt it had a bit somber background. The adorable "doll" brightened the page up considerably. Really a very different page than you normally make. So glad you shared it with Art Journal Journey using Valerie's theme, though.

  4. Oh, this reminds me of the Michelin Man- is that his girlfriend? Lucky man then!
    Sadly we cannot see the moon here, so... nightlight it is!

  5. Fantastic page Erika, and your moon photo looks fabulous! I wish I'd known to look out at it last night.
    Alison xx

  6. I love the way this came together over time! I also love the critter, what a face! Next I love the sharper geometrics opposed to the roundedness of the circle oval lady. She even has hair! . Perfect! Then what I love is the colors that go so well together. I’ll stop there, great piece!

  7. Your little creature looks like a darling alien! I was so disappointed I couldn't photograph the Pink Moon last night. We had the clouds and rain and storms that covered it up.

  8. I like your quirky girl and what a great background filled with colors and designs :)

    We were completely overcast last night, and I appreciate you sharing your moon view.

  9. What a fun page Erika! I love how colorful it is and the oval body that you drew is super cute!
    Tammy x

  10. We tried for a moon shot last night and were even outdoors for a walk at moon rise time...but alas there was a cloud cover and we saw nothing., maybe next time.

  11. This is so artistically made your journal is wonderfully imaginative for the topic
    Have a nice day, greetings Elke

  12. Sorry I am late calling Erika, but i have to say this rounded lady cheered me up and made me smile. Its a fantastic page for Valerie's AJJ theme.
    Stay safe and well.
    Yvonne xx

  13. Love the page a d the photo of that moon. The same who enlightens my nights. I slept quite well even though I often get sleepless during full moon nights.

  14. Gorgeous colours. It was the colour that first drew my eye into your journal page and then that face - beautiful. Love all the shapes you have going on in there,, they all work so well and they are perfect for the challenge in the way you have used them.
    Hugs, Neet xx

  15. Great colors and details in that bg and the character is sooo fun. Bunches and bunches of geometric shapes on this and I really like it. Love your moon shot too!


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