Monday, April 6, 2020

T Stands for Breakfast

Hi everyone. How is everyone's life going in the home mode? I like being home, but I am ready to go do something out into the world again. Oh well, that day will come soon enough. Until then, I will wash my hands and stay safe. Thankfully I am good at entertaining myself so along with online school, the days have been  the flying right by. But they would probably fly even if I didn't have school. Maybe  if I wasn't doing online teaching then the house would be cleaner, the yard would be all raked and I'd have even more art time. Smile. 

The bad news is that Covid-19 has made it into the assisted living facility where my mom is. They are being isolated in their rooms, but it is still scary, especially when I can't get in to visit my Mom and I  know she gets often pneumonia even when he has a simple head cold. I'm going to think positive about this. 

 It is Tuesday and time for T. Since life is centered around home lately, I thought I would share a breakfast photo I took back at the end of February when the hubby and I visited New Mexico.
Who guessed that in only a little over a month the whole world would be so different?
You can see my breakfast and my cup of tea, as well as getting a peak of my husband's breakfast and his cup of coffee. 
My friend's who live in New Mexico had introduced me to this restaurant. 

My husband enjoyed his food but said the place was too hippy for him. I kind of suspected that, but brought him anyhow because at least since I knew about this restaurant,  he'd get a good meal.
You should stop by and have T with us at Bleubeard and Elizabeth's blog .  All you need to do is include a drink related photo.

And more signs of spring here in New Hampshire.
 Crocuses may not be the most flashy of flowers of it is always exciting to see the first blooms of the year in the garden.
 And buds getting bigger on the sugar maple and weeping cherry in the yard.

And ice out happened on my mother-in-law's lake. Hurrah. It might still be a few months before I'll be swimming but at least it is closer than when the lake was covered in ice.

 And  I saw on Valerie's blog about the new challenge at Tag Tuesday
The challenge is silver and gold. I've been playing with tags lately (once you start it is rather addictive) and happened to have made this one just the other day. 

Enough for me today! Wishing you all a healthy T day.


  1. First of all, sending prayers for your Mom and those being affected in the nursing home...

    I'd like that restaurant too, and would also have to convince my hubby by claiming the food was really good:):)

    Love your spring blooms, and your tag-well, I gotta say...ooh la la!
    Happy T day!

  2. The spring flowers are so lovely, and hopeful!

  3. I think crocuses are elegant! Your photos of them are so lovely.

    Your breakfast looks so yummy and definitely something I would choose. How fun that you got to visit your friend in New Mexico right before this mess.

    I do hope that you are able to see your mom soon and that she and the other residents stay safe from the virus.

    Happy Tea Day,

  4. Sorry to hear that Covid has come so near to your mum, and hope that she stays safe and well. Your food from New Mexico looks good, pity you can't get out t eat just now, but better times will come. The photos are all wonderful. And thanks for making such a great tag for Tag Tuesday, love it! Hugs, Valerie

  5. I'm so sorry to read about your mother, Erika. That must be scary as everything. Let's hope the facility keeps her safe.

    Your flowers are starting to bloom in your area. You always are several weeks behind me when it comes to flowers. My trees are not budding yet, though.

    Your tag is wonderful. Sadly, I haven't been bitten by the tag addiction yet (grin). I really like the lady and her big hat. Being in Paris helps, too.

    What a unique place you went before the lock down. I was struck by the fact your tea was in a different sized mug than your husband's coffee. Your breakfast looked good, but I'm glad I ate just before I came to visit you here. Thanks for sharing your breakfast, your spring photos, your tag, and your tea and coffee with us for T this Tuesday.

  6. So sorry about your Mom.
    Ha. Yes, same here. Burgerista is "too hip" for Hubby. I need to find ways to sneak him in!
    Beautiful pictures and that tag!
    Happy,healthy T-day!

  7. Lovely tag with the very glamorous lady and the delicate background, plus the gold Eiffel tower. Some great photographs as well. Thank you for joining us on Tag Tuesday. Stay safe.
    Hugs Wendy

  8. I'm sorry to read that your mother was exposed to covid-19.
    I wish your mother a speedy recovery and be able to move as soon as possible.

    God blessing

  9. I'm sorry to hear covid-19 is in the assisted living facility where your Mom is. That is scary news. It is amazing how much things have changed, since your trip to New Mexico. Nice signs of Spring there in NH. Lovely artwork. Happy T-Day!

  10. Good morning Erika, prayers for your Mom-that is worrisome-hugs.
    I enjoyed seeing all of the spring photos and your breakfast in New Mexico looked really good.
    I have not made any tags yet but I can see they would be fun little projects.
    It's good to be busy during these times-Happy T hugs Kathy

  11. I'm sorry to hear about the nursing home that your mom is in, that would be unsettling news. I'll say an extra prayer for her and all the nursing homes today. I love your photos of spring! so much beauty and promise in the buds. Great tag too ~ I'm off to make one this morning. ~ Blessings

  12. First of all Erika, I do hope your Mom will be safe, it must be worrying for you especially when not allowed to visit.
    You were lucky to get your holiday especially when now everything seems to be 'on hold' or closed down. The breakfast looked good, I think it would have lasted me through until the evening.
    The spring flowers are so pretty and the trees here look like they will be in leaf soon.
    Take care of yourself and I hope you and your family stay safe and well.
    Happy T day wishes.
    Yvonne xx

  13. I'm glad you are good at entertaining yourself at home (I am too). When does school break up for Easter? Surely not long now.
    I was impressed with the breakfast photos. I am always amazed what you Americans can eat first thing in the morning. I would have that for lunch, but not for breakfast!
    Aren't those crocuses beautiful! Mother nature in all its glory.
    Your tag is fun. I've never done tags, but I can sort of imagine they are addictive. Perhaps because they are small.
    Happy T-Day and
    take care,

  14. Erika, I'm so sorry to hear about the situation at your mom's home. You must be terribly worried. I know they are doing their best, but it has to be so challenging to be apart and unable to visit. Your family will be in my prayers.

    That breakfast looks divine!

  15. that tag with the sparkly Eiffel Tower and the lady from Gigi:). You take some great shots and loving the crocuses and the trees. Ours has buds on them too. I go for walks but that’s it. I am enjoying making cards, I have cleaned up(somewhat) and I am organizing the movies I own. Stay safe!

  16. Oooh, that breakfast looks so good. Something to look forward to when the virus has run its course, going out to breakfast. Scary about your mom, I”m sure the staff will do everything they can to keep all the residents safe. Nice to see Spring in your yard. We have buds on the trees too. Hope all is well. Take care. Happy T Day

  17. I want to go to a park where the spring flowers are blooming and meander :) but I'm staying in. Sometimes I wonder if we'll ever get back to normal :( The spring flowers there look beautiful!

    I'm saddened to hear there's a case in you mom's place. I know that's scary. They sound like they're taking the proper precautions, though, so we'll trust it won't spread.

    That breakfast looks delicious, and since I skipped breakfast this is making my stomach rumble lol Happy T Tuesday :)

  18. Such pretty crocus, they are gorgeous - Happy Spring! The restaurant that you went too in Sante Fe looks like a lovely place to eat, your breakfast looks yummy! Glad your hubby enjoyed the food 😊. That's a beautiful tag too, a very elegant Parisian design! Sending you Happy T Day wishes! Stay safe and well! Hugs, Jo x

  19. Sending positive thoughts for your mom and the other residents, Erika.

    Counter Culture Cafe - how cleever. I love the cups. And yuor brekafasts look delicious.

    Wishing you a healthy and happy T-Day! Eileen xx

  20. Praying for your mum Erika! It's hard not being able to visit our elderly parents. Fortunately my sister lives near to my parents, and is getting food to them.
    I'm keeping busy with art, my pets, and the gardening, so quite content. It's nice being able to garden with Graham, who is normally working away from home in the week. I need his guidance as I'm a novice gardener 😊
    I love your tag art and photos!
    Keep safe and well,
    Alison xx

  21. I will think of your lovely mom. That sounds scary.

  22. Dear Erika, I hope your mom is safe and well, and I wish you could visit her very soon.
    Your breakfast looks delicious, and a nice restaurant to eat. I love your so beautiful tag, it´s vintage et wonderful.
    I wish you a nice Friday, stay home, safe and take care,
    I send you big hugs, Caty

  23. I do hope that your Mum can stay safe, I can understand your worries, I'm sure the staff will do all they can to help.
    I like the name of that restaurant - says a lot about the kind of place it is - but as you say - the food was good and looks it!
    Great to see those signs of Spring.
    I love your Parisienne lady!
    Belated greetings for T day! Chrisxx

  24. Your tag making skills are just as amazing as your photography skills. What a lovely visit today! Thanks for joining us at Tag Tuesday!


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