Tuesday, April 28, 2020

T Stands for a Cup of Tea

Hi everyone.  Another T day has rolled around. How is everyone coping? 

It's been tough with my Mom having Covid-19. It's been an up and down story, but the latest news is that they have been able to turn down her oxygen a tiny bit without her having a hard time breathing. It isn't a huge change, but I will take any little change. And her daily diagnosis will probably change again, maybe even today and maybe downward again, but any small improvement is a good thing. 

Otherwise there isn't much else going on. I am half way through online teaching.  Some days I  spent lots of time grading which is exhausting (I'd rather grade paper than from the computer), and other days I do more planning which is much more fun for me. And of course, teaching the kids online. For all I can tell, hey now can be playing videos during class since all I see is their faces. And sometimes if their video doesn't work right just a black box with their names. It is definitely a bit of a challenge. And getting the non-academic type of kids to sow up has been a huge issue.  

I've been reading some, making  bit of art  and doing a little yard work. I get out and walk when the weather (and now the annoying black flies) allows, and I've watched a couple of good series on Netflix which I highly recommend.

 If you like a bit of fantasy and just a tad bit scary I'd recommend Locke and Key, which is written by Stephen King's son, and if you like historical drama, The English Game, which is written in part by Julian Fellows of Downton Abbey fame.

 Locke and Key is about a family mystery set in an old Victorian home in a fictional Massachusetts town (that of course doesn't look anything like any place in Massachusetts)  where the Dad had been and now the kids are dealing with an evil demon.  Not gory, more like the demon takes over people so who is good and who is not? 

 And The English Game is about the start of professional soccer, set in 1880's England with a few other stories going on also, so if you are not into football  but like historical dramas, you can still enjoy the miniseries. 

But maybe you have seen these already. If you've seen anything good I'd love some recommendations as we finished the English Game last night and now the hubby and I will go through 20 shows before we find one we both like. 

So for T this week  over at Bleubeard and Elizabeth's blog let me share one of my favorite tea blends.

I just had to reorder some so I ordered a double box from Amazon. This should last me some time. If you like black tea and strawberries this has a wonderful aroma (smells like fresh picked strawberries) and is a nice combo. Even if you think you might not like the 2 together, they are surprisingly good. 

Last night I had a cup while we finished the English Game on TV.

Not much exciting as you can see, but my mom's illness and work is more than enough for right now.

And speaking of work, since I am writing this Tuesday morning and I need to get off to do some work, I will stop by people's blogs later today. 

Happy T day.


  1. Sad to learn of your Mom having the virus. I hope it resolves for her. Thx for the Netflix recommendations. In return, and if you like Medical Examiner drama, “Crossing Jordan” is on Amazon Prime and will keep you going for weeks with tons of Seasons. Be aware that one school district in NJ has had Zoom hacked.
    Have a good non-rainy day!

  2. Sad to learn of your Mom having the virus. I hope it resolves for her. Thx for the Netflix recommendations. In return, and if you like Medical Examiner drama, “Crossing Jordan” is on Amazon Prime and will keep you going for weeks with tons of Seasons. Be aware that one school district in NJ has had Zoom hacked.
    Have a good non-rainy day!

  3. I love the owl mug, it is so cute.

    I'm so sorry to hear you Mum has the virus, I do hope she gets well soon, it must be so worrying for you all.
    Our Gss are doing their school work by video link, our son and DIL watch them as they do it so they get on with it, then they can do whatever they want, they do take them on hikes every day to get them away from their ipads!!
    Take care, Happy T Day
    Jan x

  4. If you can focus on reading, teaching and marking that's a good sign you're dealing well with your Mum's illness, Erika - even if you don't feel you are. Just came to check if there was an update and there's good news. Hope today brings even better news for you!
    Cath x

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  6. Glad to hear your Mom is improving slightly, I hope it carries on that way. Teaching per video must be a strange game, and I'm sure that many pupils don't take it seriously. I like the sound of the series you have been watching. I don't have Netflix, I'll have to see if they are available on Amazon. Enjoy your strawberry tea! Happy T Day, hugs, Valerie

  7. You sure are putting lots into your day, I hope the news about your Mom will keep improving even if its by small steps. must also change
    The on line teaching must be interesting/stressful as well, especially as you mentioned the children who may not be paying attention. I would have known quite a few that fell into this area amongst the kids with special educational needs that I used to be looking after in school, quite a few years ago. Your count down to retiring must be closing in, I bet you are looking forward to that day now.
    Happy T day wishes, the tea sounded good and your owl cup looked lovely.
    Stay safe.
    Yvonne xx

  8. Sounds to me like you've got more than enough on your plate with your mum and online teaching! Thinking of you and your mum and wishing you both well 😀. The tea looks delicious and I'd happily try a cup with you, as a trade maybe I could share my cheese filled hot cross bun ...lol 😉. I'm loving your owl mug too! Take care and Happy T Day wishes! Hugs, Jo x

  9. Glad to hear that your Mom is getting better, although as you say it is a waiting game!
    I'm glad I didn't have to teach in this way - my friend Sarah is doing the same with her class!
    We were going to watch Locke and Key, but have started to watch the first series of 'Blood' - an Irish drama that has just started a second series on British TV! It has one of my favourite actors - Adrian Dunbar in it!
    The tea sounds interesting - I am sure I would love the aroma but I can't tolerate Tannin!
    Happy T Day! Hugs, Chrisxx

  10. Thanks for the update on your Mom Erika. Continued prayers for her improvement and recovery.
    Just think, soon you'll be retiring:)
    I haven't started watching The English game yet, but it is something I do want to watch! Hubby and i have some similar tastes in movies but also many differences too in that he loves war/Holocaust/some violence in movies, car racing stuff. So he will watch those alone, and in the weekend evenings we watch something together that I'll really like- uplifting, funny, romance, even thriller - so long as it's not violent or gory;) We watched a movie called Quartet recently- a comedy with Maggie Smith whom I love.
    Keep well, and happy T day!

  11. How wonderful to hear that your mom is doing better. I know with these things it is day by day but some improvement is encouraging.
    It sounds like you have so much going on right now. Netflix is a great way to rewind when our minds are busy. I find it doesn't give me that feeling of accomplishment but it is nice to sit and do nothing sometimes. I have being eyeing that Locke and Key series. I am so glad that you mentioned it. I am definitely going to have to watch it now.
    Your tea sounds delicious. Strawberry is one of my favorites. I am going to have to give this one a try.
    Happy Tea Day,

  12. I'm sorry to hear there has only been a minor improvement with your Mom. I can only imagine how stressful it must be.

    Ah, black fly season. Ugh. The bugs are getting active here, too.

    I love your owl mug. Your tea sounds delicious.

    Since you like Steven King type stuff, if you don't have a Roku, you could watch Haven via the Internet, on Tubi:


  13. Oh What Perfect taste you have with Tea Erika! Black Tea with Strawberry essence is just perfection! I also like Teavana's Youthberry loose leaf is also a wonder!

    Love the Owl mug!!! Once my Grad school is over in two weeks, I promise to do more reading on my books here, your photo of books inspired me too suddenly :)

  14. It is good that they can reduce her oxygen, even by just a small amount. Good news :) I hope her improvement continues.

    We started Locke and Key but drifted away after a couple of episodes. Maybe we should give it another try. I haven't heard of The English Game, but my youngest follows international football and would like this I imagine. We just finished season 10 of Vera.

    I like Tazo Tea but haven't had this. It sounds tasty :) Happy T Tuesday!

    And again, I trust your mom does well.

  15. Thanks Erika for the update on your mom. I like Julian Fellowes work and just finished Belgravia which I would recommend if you enjoy a good read with many subplots. I believe it's now a miniseries on Epix, but we don't get that service. I may try the English game based on your recommendation, thanks.

  16. I am very sorry to hear about your mother dear Erika, I am sure that these are very difficult times for you, and I send you all my encouragement so that you do not lose hope that they can cure her. There are many people who are very serious, and they change the treatment, according to how they are each day, and in the end they manage to overcome the disease. There always has to be hope.

    I wish that the online classes do not overwhelm you too much, there is always something wrong with the connection. This tea may be very good, love your owl mug.
    Thank you very much for your recommendations, the last book my son has read is precisely by Stephen King, the institute, and he liked it a lot.
    Stay safe dear friend, I send you biig hugs,

  17. Small steps of improvement are actually GIANT leaps when it comes to the elderly who have been infected with COVID-19. I feel your mother is one of the lucky ones who thankfully may actually come through this. So many in your mother's position have not made it. They had no one around them, couldn't speak, couldn't breathe, and the family wasn't even notified until later. Your mother must have been living right!! I hope this doesn't sound like I'm a Debby Downer, because I am just thrilled your mother is making small steps of improvement.

    The English Game sounds good to me. Right now, I'm looking for fun, thematic, and mindless mysteries.

    Your tea sounds good and I know you will love those little tags that have such great sayings, too. And your owl mug is adorable, too. Thanks for sharing your update on your mom, your movie picks, your lovely tea, and your owl mug with us for T this Tuesday, dear Erika.

  18. It sounds like your mom is improving ~ so that's good news ~ I'm glad you have a nice supply of tea to get you through. No scary watching here..I have my own imagination to deal with ~ Blessings on your week

  19. Oh, I´m late, sorry.
    Good news about your Mom. I hope it gets better, I so do.

    Hubby now came with mike and cam, nahhh, I don´t want that! LOL. Luckily my mike makes me sound like Donald Duck or like I inhaled helium, now that would be OK.

    Netflix in Germany is no use, sadly. Most you only get the German version and I hate when they mix up jokes and all.
    We stick to good ole DVDs...

    As the ball is round I think you mean what we call Fußball/soccer, I hate that. And who brought that to Germany? A Braunschweig teacher, oh, thank you - not!

    The tea looks yummy. Aww, and an owl :-)
    Belated happy T-day and best wishes to your Mom! xx

  20. Erika, that is good news about your mom. Even if a "little bit" good -- it's still good and I will hope for it to continue.

    I loved the English Game. I'm now reading "The House on Vesper Sands" by Pariac O'Donnell that seems quite promising and watching old Lovejoy episodes on Acorn. I've been painting a bit and starting to deal with the garden. Life is good.

  21. The tea looks interesting, and those Netflix series are in my watchlist. I have just finished watching Ozark series 2, which I enjoyed.
    Hope your mum continues to improve.
    Alison xx

  22. It must be hard to not be able to go see your mom. I hope the improvement continues.

    I wondered about how you can make sure all the kids are present, both physically and mentally. What a challenge. And what a way to end your teaching career.

    Happy T-Day! Eileen xx

  23. I'm glad your mom is making progress. Even little changes are huge. I was wondering about Locke and Key. I didn't know it was written by Stephen King's son. Anne recommended Cadfael to me which is on Amazon Prime. We watched it last night. I'm not sure if Himself really liked it or not. We'll see if he opts to watch another episode with me. I always found the fruity teas to smell better than they taste. Your owl mug is very cute. I hope you got to enjoy some sun today. Take care and Happy T Day

  24. I tried to comment before but i keep getting an error message. I hope this one gets to you.
    I'm following the news about your mum. I hear that lowering the O2 doen't mean anything. I do hope all will be well in the end. In the meantime I am wishing you all the strength and patience you need. We are praying for you and your family.
    Not having a tv, I haven't seen any of those series but through Amazon Prime España we get to see a few series on our iPad. There are not many English language things though. Hubby has just finished watching Tales from the Loop, which was very good.(He said)
    Happy belated T-Day,


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