Wednesday, April 29, 2020

The End Of April

Hi everyone. We have one more day of April left. March seems like it was a long time ago, but it also doesn't seem possible that we're just about in May.
I have one more page for Valerie's geometric challenge at Art Journal Journey that I want to share with you.

This page began back in the winter when I wanted to try a technique which was going around the blogosphere. I painted some watercolor paper with some dark blue paint. Then I sprayed it with multiple colors of ink sprays. Once dry, I stenciled the hexagons with white paint. I love the color effect it created.

Then I drew and colored the flower with some painted and watercolor crayons. I cut it out and attached it. Well fist I attached the TH target looking image from one of his packs of ephemera. I did make it a bit more vintage with some brown ink, and I also added some white paint dots too. The bumble bee was stamped, colored and fussy cut. Finally, I used some small stamps and stamped various words and phrases.

And I have some early spring photos to show you. First some flowers blooming  and almost blooming in my garden.

Cheery tree blossoms will be out soon.

This last shot is an area that I still need to bark mulch. I bought another load on Wednesday, my last that I need.

And here's a few views from my walk on Tuesday. 

 We're still waiting for more green.

 A big old vulture came flying out of the woods as the dogs and I walked by.

And you can see a little touch of green at the beaver pond. 

And a mom update. They have dropped her oxygen from 6 to 4 liters. She seems to be handling it, but is very sleepy. BUT as the doctors tell us, they way this disease goes she could continue to be stable, she could improve, and/or she could still go downhill. It is just a waiting game to see.

Have a great end of the month, and thanks for visiting.


  1. Erika, I visited your previous post to check what is going on with your mom. I am deeply sorry she has the virus. I hope she gets better soon. Be sure that she will be in my prayers. Please be strong, my dear friend.
    I am really sad now, but I have to tell you how inspiring your page is. Thank you so much for sharing the steps for this gorgeous background. I love your page. I send you big hugs.

  2. I am sorry for not visiting like I like to and now I have read your mom has COVID19 and my heart just dropped and I wish I could do something but I will keep you and your mom in my thoughts. I have been saying to friends of mine that I am glad my mom is not here now because I would be so,upset that I could not see her so my heart go out to you and I give you a hug from afar. I love this page you created with the honeycomb background and the striking flower. You captured your flowers well..nature is so beautiful

  3. Your journal page is fabulous, that background is very impressive. Thanks again for all your support by AJJ! Lovely photos, too, glad spring is coming your way. And how wonderful to see a vulture flying, wow! Have a great day, hugs, Valerie

  4. Erika these are very beautiful! From that Art you made with interesting colors over dark ones that gave it so much attitude and energy at the same time, to these flowers! I love the yellow ones the most, are those Irises or Lilies? I'm so bad at naming flowers especially those that we don;t have here haha forgive me if I was wrong :)

    Wishing for more greens to come out very soon there Erika!

  5. I wish I was a bee. Structured, but with surprises to meet, great work!

    Your Mom probably - hopefully! - is just gaining power by being sleepy.
    So sad you cannot be there, I hope she really understands why and keeps on fighting.
    My very best wishes to you all, hugs!

  6. A beautiful page and wonderful photos! xx

  7. I love this page Erika and the super background technique you used it looks fantastic, perfect for Valerie's AJJ theme . The flower is beautiful and I like how you added the words in the hexagon shapes.
    I hope your Mom continues to improve, it must be hard for you to wait to see how each day progresses.
    Stay safe and well.
    Yvonne xx

  8. Good news on your mom, Erika. I keep holding my breath, hoping that she'll pull through and think about her and you every day.

    I really love this piece. Sometimes really packed backgrounds don't work for me -- they seem to be so cluttered it's hard to really find the subject. But this one does and well. It's very striking. The colors, of course, are beautiful, but the pattern, for whatever reason, seems to really WORK. And I love the flower, with its droopy early spring head and the green such a nice contrast. Nice!

  9. Your flower looks like it has a halo :) I like how you placed the bee, and the background is perfect! The words appeal to my feelings today :)

    You have wonderful flowers in your yard :) Your walking space looks so inviting.

    I'm glad to hear it's so-far-so-good with your mom. I hope and trust she'll improve steadily.

  10. Didn't April feel more like March weatherwise? I like the colorful honeycomb background and the bee. Still too chilly for the bees. Nice to see the Spring flowers in your yard, and the good news about your mom. Take care.

  11. Thanks for the spring looking images, although on this dreary and rainy Thursday it seems a long time in getting to NH -- too long. Also glad for the update on your mom and hope the weekend brings more encouraging news. Happy almost May.

  12. First, that is excellent news about your mother. She's so much luckier than many who live in these facilities.

    It took me a minute to figure out the background as you explained it. Then I GOT it. This is a wonderful entry for Valerie's theme at Art Journal Journey, but that flower is over the top. You drew it SO well. I love it.

    Gorgeous photos from your world. MY beaver "pond" is in the street in front of my driveway. Mosquito magnet, unlike where you live.

  13. Still holding your mum in prayer, it is such a worrying time for you, take care of yourself.
    I love the photos you have treated us to what an interesting area you live in, it looks quite remote but lovely and I envy you all the walks you can make from your home knowing you are safe away from this virus.
    Love your page. I do like the hexagons, they are a favourite shape of mine, reminding me of honeycombs, but the way you have coloured them is gorgeous. Something I will try if you don't mind. I was very impressed with your flower and the way the petals are speckled in those toning colours. I look at this flower you have drawn and think of some of the flower stamps that are out there and yours are equally, and in some cases much better, than what is out there.
    Hugs, Neet xx

  14. What a blessing to live so close to beautiful open spaces. Love your photos and have walk envy, lol.
    Good news about your Mum. Hope she continues to improve...
    Love the way you used that technique...I may just have to have another play in the next few weeks!
    Cath x

  15. Glad to hear your mum has improved and I pray that she will continue to get better, sending her healing wishes! I hope that you and the rest of your family are doing ok, it's always difficult when a loved one is ill never mind that they have this terrible virus - thinking of you and sending you hugs 😀. You created a beautiful geometric page and it was so nice walking with you and the dogs! Have you seen the film The Proposal with Sandra Bullock, the vulture reminded me of the eagle that picked up the fluffy puppy in the film 😉. Love and hugs, Jo x


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