Sunday, April 26, 2020

Trying Times Call for Something

 Hi everyone. Hope you' re having a nice weekend. Yesterday was Saturday, and it did end up being a gorgeous day, but it started grey. Like my mood started. Bad news on my mom. The disease is rearing its ugly head. So many thoughts in my head about my mom. And it is hard not to be able to do anything or go see her. And I think too much about it. 
Yesterday I was down about the other things too. I was suppose to be on school vacation and off on an adventure with a couple of girlfriends.  No going anyplace now. (And good to have school next week instead so we'll be done earlier with the school year and online teaching.) 
The weatherman is saying we could get snow on Monday. Snow? It is almost May. 
So sorry to complain.
 I know for me the best way to deal with things is to be busy.  So this past week I've spread a couple of yards of bark mulch in my gardens in between raindrops and school. Very little people contact in a smart setup especially when I go during the week and not on the crowded weekend to pick up the mulch, and spreading lots of bark mulch is good hard work. Doesn't fix anything but gets me outside and wears me out.
I need one more truck load to finish up, so maybe during the upcoming week although the weather doesn't sound very promising. Plus the tiny little bugs called black flies are out. I was trying to beat their arrival, but they are always worse when the sun is shining so if it's a bit damp or grey I might be in luck.
And there are the good things.
 And I have some hydrangeas blooming.
 And daffodils almost ready to bloom. 
What  a face.
 And here's a page I made back in February that I forgot I had until I found it the other day. It was supposed to be for St. Patrick's Day, but I really missed that holiday.  
 I guess we could all use a little bit of that luck right now. Even, if like me, you don't have any Irish in you.
If I hadn't added the old button I had in my stash, then it might be more spring.
And if you look along the bottom of this page there is some geometric shapes in the Celtic design, so once again I am linking up to Art Journal Journey. Valerie is this month's fantastic hostess.

Thanks so much for visiting, and have a great start to the new week.


  1. Flowers are beautiful, and our dog could be your dog’s twin! So sorry to hear the sad news about your Mother. It must be very hard.

  2. o yes, the burden of what you have to carry around is only good that you can balk with your garden. So beautiful your journal page still found, we all need luck, thank you and take care, take care and hopefully not too much snow!
    Greetings Elke

  3. Hi Erika, so sorry to hear that your Mom is not doing well, my hopes and prayers are with you all. No wonder you are feeling down, you have every reason to complain. Sometimes life is just very unfair. Glad spring is starting to kick off for you, but snow doesn't sound good, hope it stays away. And that soulful face on your dog, oh my, what a fantastic expression! Love your journal page, too, and I'm glad I'm not the only one forgetting things I've made. I've had a pleasant and messy afternoon crafting and watching 'Lewis' on TV, gave myself a holiday today! Take care of yourself, hugs, Valerie

  4. And thanks for linking your page to my challenge at AJJ, much appreciated!

  5. :( It's impossible not to keep your mom's condition front and center in your mind, I know, and I'm so sorry she has this and that you can't see her. I'll wish you all the luck you need.

    Your flowers do look like spring is coming fast. How pretty!

  6. You have every reason in the world to complain. So, if it helps, have at it. Sometimes it does, till you hit the point it doesn't. Loads of ways to keep busy and you found the backbreaking one! That's a seriously huge job -- well done!

  7. So fun to find a lost page! I do that periodically as well. Love the patterns and colors and the button is cool. I do have a bit of Irish so I love it.

    I had a little bit of a breakdown this past week - some tears of frustration over something I could do nothing about and then being stuck at home made it worse. I phoned my sister and made her listen to me get it all out. Felt much better. Some wine and desserts helped as well - lol. I am sorry you are having some overwhelming thoughts about your Mom' health and various things. I hope this week is much better! Hugz

  8. I heard snow for you in the higher elevations. Don't they call this farmer's gold when it snows at this time of the year? Your flowers are looking so pretty. And Pete looks like someone's not giving him a cookie. We all could do with a little luck of the Irish. I like the purple and green together. Sorry you're on such a rollercoaster. I've been thinking about you and your mom. Take care

  9. Oh. So very sorry about the bad news in combination with not being able to be there for your Mom.
    Snow?! Now?! I would complain very big!
    I wait with flowering till frost is over. Haha, on our lille balcony. Not much work!
    Ohhh, cute brown eyes, those are.
    And luck we can need anytime, right!
    Does my name count in a wee bit, I mean, an "h" or not... ;-)

    Again. Best wishes, luck and all, a big hug, too.

  10. So sorry to hear about your Mom being so poorly Erika!
    My thoughts go out to her !

    Stay positive ... you do the exact right thing!

    Have a good new week my friend!
    Wonderful photos and a super lost and found page!!!

    Susi xxx

  11. Erika your mom is always in my thoughts and I remember her on my daily rosary. May God bless her with strength and healing. And also may you be given peace and comfort because I know that it is a very hard situation to long for your mom but you can't get to see her.

    Oh and those flowers look gorgeous and I am excited to see those daffodils bloom soon! Stay safe and hugs to that cute black doggy!


  12. So very sorry to hear that your mother is suffering with Covid-19. I will certainly send thoughts and well-wishes her way and yours. Quite right that keeping busy is probably the best way to try to deal with the anxiety and with the awful inability to be with her when she is unwell. Glad to see there is hope bursting forth in the garden - and I love your page... Great that it is getting to see the light of day at last - and I hope it will bring the luck of the Irish to you and yours.
    Alison x

  13. Erika, I was saddened to read the start of this post and the update on your mother. I can only imagine how difficult this must be for your and your family now. And, I only wish there were some comforting words to offer, but they fail me now. Take good care of yourself as much as possible, both physically , emotionally and mentally. Working outside can relieve some stress, except for those annoying black flies! The flowers are a sign that Spring will surely be coming because I don't think it has found New England yet. And really snow now?

  14. Praying for you and your mom.

  15. Love that look on your dog's face. Looks like, "I didn't do it, don't look at me". Enjoy your posts, thanks for sharing. Stay well and safe...Bonnie in rainy WI.

  16. Lovely art and photos Erika!
    Thinking of you, sending hugs and prayers,
    Alison xx

  17. Erika I am thinking of you and hope all will be well for your Mom.
    It looks like you are keeping busy, the spring flower photos were lovely.
    Stay safe.
    Yvonne xx

  18. So sorry to hear about your mum, sending healing and get well wishes! It looks like you did a great job mulching the garden and your Spring flowers are looking so pretty 😁. Wishing you happiness dear Erika! Take care my friend! Love and hugs, Jo x

  19. I'm ready for a little bit of luck right now - as long as it's good! Eileen xx


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