Friday, April 24, 2020

Let's See What Today Brings

Happy Friday everyone. We have clouds with some predicted rain today. And I only have one class that meets today, as well as not too much work online to do. Hurrah. I am hoping for some quality art time this afternoon since tomorrow is suppose to be nice and gardening on my agenda for then.

And yesterday I got to Facetime my Mom. She was definitely tired but not so tired to comment that I needed a haircut. That made me happy because even though she is sick, she isn't so bad her sassiness is still there. She actually looked pretty good considering. Now we are not out of the woods yet, and today could be a different story, but it was fantastic to see her and have some reassurance.

And today I have double duty art piece. I have been on a tag making craze for the last several weeks, so I took one and added it to a simple journal page in my Nature Journal.

I cut a tag from a time card I have (since I don't have any file folders at home-too bad because Elizabeth has a great idea with that) amd used the marked side. I inked it in dark blue, and added a giant bug from an Art by Marlene/Studio Light punch out image book. I did enhance the big a bit. Then I drew and painted in the clouds with some metallic paint and stamped and fussy cut the moon. Finally I punched out the quote from the same Studio Light/Art by Marlene booklet.
My page is canvas so I also inked it and colored in some red dots. I finished those off with a dot of white paint.

And there you have it. 
 I am linking it to the Anything Goes challenge at  Tag Tuesday as well as the geometric Shape challenge at Art Journal Journey. Both of these are hosted by the talented Valerie at Bastelmania.
Hope you have a fantastic start to your weekend!
Thanks for visiting!


  1. I'm so glad you were able to speak to your Mom - sassy is a good sign!
    Your tag is gorgeous, and I love that you put it into a journal page and that you have linked both pieces to my challenges. Good that you didn't have so much to do for school today. I mostly cut my tags from packaging or old paintings, I never buy them. Thanks again for your support. Enjoy your day! Hugs, Valerie

  2. Good morning Erika and thanks for the update on your mom. I just caught up on a previous post and was disheartened to read of her breathing issues, but so glad she has rebounded and that you did connect. I know it must have made her feel better and you as well. It is so hard not to be able to see loved ones and friends, whether ill or well, and especially when they are not feeling well. I hope she continues to feel better and that you can do another chat ov er the weekend. Enjoy yours and stay safe and be well, my NH neighbor.

  3. Now that is one big bug I am not afraid of and rather, I love its colors! beautiful art as always Erika, Love it! (And yes, I am terrified by bugs, the big guy me is HAHA)

    Happy Weekend!

  4. Some very, very nice artwork goin on with that lovely tag! The saying is one often heard in our house, especially as our kids were young. Well done!

  5. Nice to read that your mother is better 👍
    The tag looks wonderful.
    Happy and healthy weekend to you and yours ♥️

  6. I'm happy for y'all that your mom is doing well. So far, so good :)

    That bedbug is adorable :)

  7. Just popped over to see how your Mum was, Erika. Great news that she's checking up on your hair, lol. As you say, that's always a good sign :-) Hope she improves a little bit every day.
    Great tag. Studio Light are getting better and better... love the recycled tag. I really fancy making some tags and maybe I'll get around to it in the next few days. Our sun is about to leave us for a while...hey ho! That'sthe norm for NW England!
    Hope you're managing not to worry too much.
    Thinking of you.
    Cath x

  8. Terrific bug ~ lot's of details and colors ~ I'm glad your mom was well enough to be sassy that's a good sign! Happy gardening and crafting this weekend ~

  9. Its good that you got to speak to and see your Mom and that she was able to do the Mom thing and comment about your hair. We all do that no matter how old our children are. I hope her recovery will go well.
    Your tag looks fantastic and its a great idea to add it to a journal page. More great inspiration for Valerie's theme at AJJ.
    Stay safe and keep well.
    Yvonne xx

  10. Glad to hear you were able to talk to your mom. Had to laugh at her comment that you need a haircut. That sounds like she's on the mend. I was thinking the blue bug on your fun tag reminded me of the Big Blue Bug as you go down I-95 in Providence, but then I saw the sentiment. EEEEEK! 😺 Take care.

  11. Grey here today, too, but the info on your Mom made me smile big!!! Fingers and toes crossed she´s over it safely!
    Ewwww, bed bugs! I saw a docu on that, they certainly travel the world with us these days, brrrr... Even if they have a heart on their backs, everything with more that 4 legs makes me freak out. Who knows how many got me already ;-)
    A happy, bug-free weekend to you, Erika, hugs without a bite ;-)

  12. Great tag Erika!
    So pleased you were able to facetime your mum.
    alison xx

  13. It's great that you able to see your Mom and not just speak to her - technology is brilliant at times like this. She must be feeling better if she can comment on your hair.
    A fabulous tag and it's good that you are able to give a second life by adding it to your journal page.
    Have a great weekend and I hope the sun shines for your gardening day.
    Avril xx

  14. I'm so glad you were able to Facetime with you mom. She does sound sassy! (Did you tell her the whole world needs a haircut these days?!) I hope that was a really positive sign for the future.

    Love your piece today.

  15. I apologize for not visiting sooner. I was awakened Friday by such a loud noise, it shook my entire house. It also knocked my electricity out for over 20 hours. Then I couldn't get on the internet, but AT&T was FINALLY able to reset my internet from their facility (for a change). Now I'm reading that your mother may be on the mend. Sassy is always good. I've got my hopes high that she may be out of the woods on this horrible virus, soon. Still thinking of her, so please keep us updated.

    LOVED that tag you created. It's a real beauty, indeed. Although I'm not a bug person, I appreciate what you made and the cute colors you chose, too. Who wouldn't love a bug with a big heart like that? And of course, it did double duty by sharing time with Valerie's theme this month at Art Journal Journey, too. Have a safe rest of the weekend, dear.

    BTW, if the postage on those used file folders wasn't so expensive, I'd send you a bunch of them. Then they could multiply at YOUR place for a change (grin).

  16. So glad you got to see your mum and the fact that she is still sassy made me smile, sending get well and healing wishes! It must be so difficult, I can't imagine what you are going through - sending you big hugs too 😊. Your tag and page is fabulous, crafting must be a nice way to escape for an hour or two! Thinking of you! Love and hugs, Jo x

  17. Yup, we all need haircuts - your mother is right!! Hope her sass is still fizzing today too.

    Love your tag on its page setting - it's a great way to create a page without breaking too much of a sweat! Such a wonderful beetle (refuse even to say the b-b word incase it summons a case), and I love all the bright colours you've cheered him up with.
    Alison x

  18. Erika this is a great tag, so colourful! I am glad to hear you Mum had a good day and hope to hear she has many more!! Thanks for sharing with us at Tag Tuesday xx


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