Wednesday, May 13, 2020


 Hi everyone. 
It's a bit chilly this morning (will we ever get some consistent spring weather?) but can you see the leaf buds are starting to open up.

And yesterday I had some exciting news. My mother is off of oxygen at least for now. I'm not sure she is covid freeyet, but she is definitely feeling better right now. I got to Facetime with her yesterday and she was looking good and sounding good too.  And making some jokes too.
I'm keeping my fingers crossed this improvement continues and there's no surprises where she suddenly slips backward.

So here's a page for Mia's flower challenge at Art Journal Journey.

My page began with a stamp from a set I have been drooling over online. I finally ordered the AAL & Create set and used one of the images which I stamped on this journal page. I then painted the page with some yellow watered down acrylic paint. After that dried, I sprayed some green and white Dina Wakely spray paint and added a scrap of printed tissue  paper sitting on my work table. Then I restamped the flower on some white paper and cut it out. I added it over the image I first stamped.
Then I added some little plastic beads to the center. I also used a tag off the inside of a shirt, as well as some striped paper tape. I finished the page by stamping the quote, adding the chipboard beetle and some label tape.

I've got a busy day today, online school, my allergy shot and one final trip to school to collect the last of my things out of my classroom. So I guess I will keep this post short.
Thanks for visiting!


  1. Good morning, Encouraging news about your Mother-hugs, and I love your flower challenge page very much.
    Have a good day Kathy

  2. Excellent news about your mom. Your trees look like mine. Not many leaves but you know the trees are budding... Achoo! Pretty page. I just got some flower seeds the other day so looking forward to seeing beautiful blooms like the one on your page. Stay warm and take care today

  3. Good morning, Barbara wanted me to send you a note that she tried to comment back and couldn't-Kathy

  4. GREAT news about your Mom, I'm so pleased to hear it. Your journal page is gorgeous, I love those stamp sets, too, but I'm trying not to buy any more - let's see how long my resolutions last! Have a good day at school, hope you get everything done that you need to. Stay safe, hugs, Valerie

  5. A wonderful page Erika and it's so good to read your Mom feels so good now! Finger crossed for her ♥♥♥

  6. Praying for continued healing for your mom.

  7. I am so happy for y'all that your mother is making such excellent progress :) Such great news.

    I love your seating area out by those trees. So inviting :)

  8. Hi Erika, good news about your mom's condition and hope it continues to be all good news. Agreed on this unseasonable Spring weather -- what spring? It is so chilly and windy just to walk around outside. I was hoping we would get some warm enough days to be able to read outside, but not yet. Hope all goes well with the winding down of school...retirement yeah!

  9. Erika, by the time you read this, I hope you had all your tasks been completed and no-hassle just as these beautiful trees that are starting to show signs of blooms! Thank you for your beautiful art, reminds me of the beautiful Gerbera Daisies that my mom loves :)

  10. Oh Erika, I´m so glad your mother is recovering, that´s good.
    Great photographs from your walks.
    Your Art page is Amazing, I love the beautiful background, and the lovely flowers with beads, and the inside of a shirt, fantastic idea !
    Spring is blooming.
    I wish you a very nice Thursday, stay safe and big hugs

  11. So pleased to hear your mum has improved, it must have been so nice to see her and notice an improvement - sending healing wishes! I'm loving your page too, the flower looks so pretty with the micro bead centre 😀. So nice to all with you too! Happy and creative wishes! Take care! Hugs, Jo x

  12. Hello from Idaho and first sure glad to hear the good news about your mom. I came over from Low Carb and I never done and art journal challenge will have to look in to it.
    If you have time stop in for a cup of coffee

  13. A lovely page Erika, it's a fabulous stamp. Good to hear that your Mum is now off oxygen . My best wishes to her.
    Avril xx

  14. Its wonderful news about your Mom, I hope all keeps going well.
    Its still cold here even though we are getting a bit of sunshine.
    Your journal page is beautiful , I love that flower, but i guess you knew I would as the stamp company is a favourite of mine, they are releasing more this month.
    The count down to your last day teaching must be getting closer, time isn't standing still while we are in lockdown.
    Stay safe.
    Yvonne xx

  15. A beautiful page, and your walk looks lovely Erika!
    Hope your mum continues to improve 🙏
    Alison xx

  16. I see why you wanted that stamp! Beautiful and I love the beads, splatters and other details you added to this page. Fabulous. Fabulous about your Mother too. Wow - you have a lot going on - keep splattering and creating that stress away. Hugz

  17. Ι am really glad to see that your mother is getting better every day, Erika. Hope she is completely healthy soon.
    Your page is gorgeous, as always, my dear friend. I love your stunning flower and the acrylics background. Thank you so much for joining my challenge at AJJ. Kisses!!!

  18. Three cheers on your mom. That is indeed encouraging news and I'm so excited she is off the O2. That's the best thing ever.

  19. Beautiful page Erika, I love the background and that gorgeous flower! I hope your mom continues to heal. Your walks look gorgeous, I love all of the trees.
    Tammy x

  20. I'm so totally glad that spring has sort of come to your world. Your back yard looks lovely. SO impressive, with the garden and fire pit. You are living the life, dear Erika.

    I can see why you were drawn to that flower set. I think Chris and Yvonne may have the same sets, too. You created a fabulous entry. I love the little extras, including the tape and the beetle. LOVED that you recycled a tag from a shirt, too. This is perfect for Mia's theme at Art Journal Journey.

    I'm SO happy for your mother. I know you were truly worried, and I'm glad she is definitely one of the lucky ones to survive this horrible pandemic.

    I did want to thank you for your concern over my health. I assure you, I have been NOWHERE since March 15. I don't allow anyone in my home, and I disinfect everything that comes in, including my mail. I even disinfect my mailbox once a week. I wear gloves and a mask when I'm in my front yard, and gloves only in my back yard, which is enclosed. I assure you, although my symptoms may sound like the virus, it is definitely not the virus.

  21. So, so happy to hear your mother's health is improving - fantastic that she is off the oxygen support - it sounds as though she's a fighter. I love the gleam of light in your lovely page - full of the greens of springtime renewal and rebirth - what a good omen! Gorgeous daisy too.
    Alison x

  22. Brilliant news about your Mum, Erika. I'm really pleased and hope she continues to improve.

    LOVE your page - that's a nice flower. Haven't seen that one yet... will keep an eye out for it. Love your pics from the walk. You are so blessed to have so much natural beauty where you live. I'm in a very industrialised area - not pretty at all. I miss being able to walk out in the countryside. As for consistent weather - you could come here and have our endless Autumn... apart from a couple of lovely weeks, it's been really cold and very windy. But not much rain, thankfully :-)
    Stay safe!
    Cath x

  23. PS, forgot to mention your VERY yellow page, lol. Somehow I thought it was two separate posts - duh! Love the mica and how lovely to find it scattered around naturally. I had a forsythia in my garden a few years ago. It didn't last long - the birds loved it - but it's definitely a sight to behold when it flowers - gorgeous.
    Cath x

  24. Fabulous photographs, and so very pleased to read about the improvement in your mom.

    All the best Jan

  25. Hello Erika,
    Glad to hear your mother is feeling much better.
    It's funny how often your weather is the same as ours. It has been cold here too with a cold wind.
    Your AJJ piece is beautiful and I can can see why you wanted the stamp.

  26. So pleased to read about your mother - it must be such a weight from your mind (and heart). I will pray for her continued improvement.
    Your first photograph - the clouds look like big puffy balls of cotton wool (not sure you call it that over there) - we are ahead of you with the trees budding in fact we are now in leaf but even though we have had sunny days this past week it has been cool.
    Lovely page and a gorgeous flower. I take it it is one of Tracy Evans' stamps. I have been watching her most afternoons in her "Lives" and following along with some of them but my back has been bad these past few days so put paid to any more stamping at the moment. Have you seen her You Tube videos? If you get past the first bit which is full of "hello's" you can see what she is doing.
    Take care - enjoy retirement.
    Hugs, Neet xx

  27. Dear Erika, i'm so late to hear about your Mother but so happy to read that she is doing much better now.. in the blink of an eye it's incredible how all our lives are changing from one corner of the world to the next. Sending healing wishes that all will be well very soon x
    The Daisy sure is a magnificent sight how could anyone resist such a stunning stamp set, I think it will be one of my favourites for a very long time. Beautifully displayed in your journal.
    Here's hoping that those new shoots will soon bloom, they certainly lift the soul xx


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