Friday, May 8, 2020


Hi everyone. Happy end of the week.

So yesterday Yvonne left a comment on my cleaning out my classroom post about hoping I didn't threw out good art supplies. 
I guess she thinks just like me (and many of you most likely also).
And while cleaning out, I also decided I found enough bits and pieces to create a journal, and that idea had me looking carefully for things I might have otherwise tossed out.
So I thought today I would show you a few of those things. I unpacked only 1 bag today, so there are many more things hiding in my bags.

So many supplies I had bought, and if you look into the bag carefully you might spy several years of teacher ID's I found in the back of one of my desk drawers.

Ok, that is mostly plain stuff. 
But over the years of having kids in microbiology make board games for one project, I collected quite a bit of play money, dies and game pieces.

 And underneath are some old books either for the pages or to use the covers for journals. 
And above are a few periodic tables. I am going to put bits and pieces into the journal that's brewing in my head right now.
I think this one (below) might be good for a cover-maybe?

 More bits and pieces still in a bag. I only brought home two mugs from the collection behind my desk that I used (as well as all the students who made tea or cocoa. I tried to keep a big supersized box of both not only for me but also for the kids.) I'll have to save those for T day I guess.

And this periodtic table was in pretty tough shape, and I ended up cutting it up to bring it home. I don't have anyplace to hang it up, but I think it will be excellent to cut up and use some of those wood carved images.

 And I had some of my rubber stamps which came home. And see the blue bottle top?

 Pink sand from Bermuda. I haven't been to Bermuda but a student had been and brought me a bottle of some, so I had to bring that home. I need to find a little tube or vial so I can put it next to the sand from the pyramids in Egypt that an Egyptian student brought me.

 A half filled box of gloves for my husband, Some cool plastic slide holders and an old slide box. No ideas for those yet. 

Some stickers for the journal.

 A talented woodworker (now also a biologist as he is out of college), made this cool board for a project.  I think this could make some kind of cool wall hanging. Or?  Hmmm.

And one my favorite left behinds by a kid was this wooden cow. My husband rolled his eyes when he saw this, but I think some paint opens up a few possibilities.  I also had that small bookshelf in my car too.

And this scale was a find I used as a classroom room decoration which is now going to go in my kitchen. I love that this older scale is in 
grams, not ounces.

And finally I'll toot my horn (which I am not good at), but I got an award from Rotary for starting microbiology. And they spelled my first name wrong. But that's part of the story. 

I taught this class in conjunction with the local technical college. It was the first in the state for this class.  And one of these I should dig out and show you a letter I received from one the senators from New Hampshire which is mounted in a red United States senate folder. It was a complete surprise.
So this sat on my desk and will now be hung in my studio.

And one last looking down view of some stuffed bags and a few books.

I was really surprised with so many things I managed to find. Hope you didn't find my post too boring.
Have a great start to your weekend.


  1. This was a fascinating post Erika. I loved seeing what you have collected over the years. My fave is the cow, but there are lots of cool things. I, too, came home with a car full after my last day at school. I'm looking forward to seeing what you make with some of these memories. Have a restful day today, hugs, Valerie

  2. Wow, a treasure trove! You will have fun making that journal!

  3. You brought home lots of fun stuff and memories. I really like the sun/sunflower stamp and the cow might be fun out in the yard. Hope you don't get too much snow tonight. Take care.

  4. Oh, and I'm sorry they spelled your name wrong on the award. It's a cute presentation for a teacher.

  5. Ohhh dear oh dear, always nice to get new stuff. One can always find new things the problem is if we need it ? lol lol
    and NOOO did not find your post boring..have a great weekend dear friend

  6. Gosh Erika, there is a lot of interesting things in there, some things to inspire you and to remember. I looked at each photo twice.
    Love the cow.

  7. Cool! So many fond memories will come back to you as you use these materials in years to come :)

  8. Ohhh, horrible childhood memories of my teacher in chemistry who was not able to explain properly.
    He was funny, made jokes, but he could not explain!

    So nice with the sands!!! And that board!
    LOL, I can understand your hubby with that cow!
    Yup, grams. Ounces are a mystery to me, well, thanks internet not really, but... no clue in my brain.

    You´re not alone. I have an ID where I´m "Maria". Maybe cause I look so innocent? ;-)

    No. Not boring at all!
    Now my brain looks for the name of that teacher who ... was not like you! Sadly.
    Isn´t it amazing how a teacher can get kids to love to learn and others just make them loose out?
    Like one math teacher who announced when popping in firstc time "girls have no idea of math" and had stuff like... "the tank is so far away from you, when you stretch your arm fully out and try to cover it with your thump - how far away is the tank?"

    Bet your pupils understand and love you!
    And will miss you.

  9. Oh My.... you did get some interesting items to save and take back home with you. You are going to have many super crating sessions using them and I am grinning at the thought of how and where the cow will be used. Have lots of fun using them Erika and each time you pick a piece out I think you will recall quite a few memories about the piece.
    Stay safe.
    Yvonne xx

  10. I cannot WAIT to see your retirement journal! What fabulous things you saved for it. I get the saving things from the office -- I did that too! Well done!

  11. Some wonderful treasures and memories Erika! xx


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