Saturday, May 9, 2020

Think Spring and Sunny Days

Hi everyone. It is a lazy Saturday morning here in New Hampshire as our weather isn't very good. I will show you more further down in this post.

So even though the weather is horrible right now, it is a good day as today is the third year anniversary of my husband's kidney transplant. And the little kidney  that could, as they called his replacement, is still going strong. The one in him and the one in me. 

And for a quick Mom update, she is still stable. Everytime I call the nurses tell me how cute and funny she is. I wish I remember the cute and funny lady when I was a kid-ha-ha. But I am grateful she is such a good patient and is not getting any worse at least so far.

So for art today I have this happy page. No sun shining here in New Hampshire so I thought a sunny page would do at least me some good.
The background is me cleaning off a painted stencil and a light handed spray of Dina Wakely's yellow spray paint. Then I used some newsprint tissue paper and double stamped the daffodil lady. Once on the tissue paper and then on some white Bristol paper which I colored and fussy cut.
This stamp image is one I've had forever from Stampotique. She is giving the Queen wave as we call it, and I sure love her flower crown.
I also used another old Paula Best stamp for the sun and the daffodil word is another ancient Technique Tuesday stamp. I used some yellow paint for the quote, which is another ancient stamp from Postmodern Design. (Yes, I have been pulling out old stamps lately. I will say I don't get as much art time now that I am home teaching but what I get is more quality time as I am not as tired after a long day out.)
And finally, I finished her off with a few gold sequins.
I am linking this page up to Mia's flower challenge at Art Journal Journey.

And as I mentioned earlier, I would show you my weather this morning.

 The poor flowers, especially the cherry blossoms.

Makes me want to cry.

Hope it changes over to rain soon.
Enjoy the start of this weekend and thanks for visiting.


  1. Hi Erika. Good news about your husband's kidney that you donated, and good to hear that your Mom is still holding her own. Love your sunny and sparkly journal page, so pretty. But the weather looks so cold, ouch! And we're supposed to be getting the same tomorrow, help! Hope it soon passes. Have a great weekend, stay warm at home. Hugs, Valerie

  2. All that snow makes me want to cry, too. Snowing here, mostly flurries hasn't accumulated on grassy surfaces. Yet. I'd rather see you Daffodil Queen dancing on the green lawn. Glad you and your husband are doing well. Happy to hear your mom is improving. Isn't it amazing that other people think one's parents are cute and charming? Happy Mother's Day to you

  3. We're having quite the cold snap here, but nothing like yours! I'm glad your mother is making such a hit :)

  4. Erika! I just saw those colorful blue and purple hyacinths the other day, I am so sorry they had to be snowed on. I know snow can be very devastating and can get really cold but please allow me to tell how beautiful that last photo you shared is! It's like a fairy tale for me. I wish I can see snow someday just like that :)

    PS Love the cow statue on your garden! Super cute!

  5. Eek! Snow??? There again, we're forecast winter type weather this coming week, so I'll be complaining then, as I am now because the time I set aside to go read in the sun is pointless - dark clouds and way too much cloud!

    I love your 'ancient' images, Erika. Sometimes the old ones are the best and I really love your Daffodil lady! She's seriously whimsical and so much fun. It's a great page, with all its old additions. Old isn't necessarily useless, as we only learn as we age, lol. Some of the older stamps are the best in some circumstances. I have loads of original PSX, Hero Arts, too ;-) I do enjoy the fun in current trends, though, I have to admit.

    Good news about your Mum. Still praying.

    Just spotted your photos of all your memories - wow. It would be lovely if you could include some of your old school paraphernalia into a journal, even if it's a junk journal. That would keep your memories safe, too. I made one with some of my older backgrounds I didn't want to use but didn't want to lose and some really interesting looking scratch sheets. It turned out great and I still have it - with some empty pages just waiting.

    Hope the snow thaws quickly and you get the sun back. Not looking forward to another wintry spell here. It's been such a treat to have some sun to read in and to encourage my plants - not to mention drying the washing really quickly! At least that makes me feel less lazy ;-)

    Take care. Happy New Kidney day to your hubby! I have a friend who had a spleen and kidney transplant around 6 years ago and she's so fit and healthy, with only the occasional odd problem. The pandemic has held up her adoption, but she can't wait to be a mum. We so take some things for granted.

    Happy weekend! Stay safe ;-)
    Cath x

  6. You are showing icy photos. I hope the sun will melt the snow soon. I love your sunny page. It looks warming.

  7. This is great news and all the best to your husband!
    Snow, how much that is and the poor flowers.
    Your journal is beautiful, I love the saying!!!
    All the best and take care of you and stay healthy, hugs Elke

  8. Erika, these are good news for your mother. Hope she recovers quirkly.
    And... snow in May? Wow! Unbelievable! It is 30 Celsius degrees in Greece!
    Your daffodil queen is adorable! What a beautiful page, Erika! Thank you so much for entering this lovely page at AJJ! Hugs, my dear friend.

  9. It was good to read some uplifting news about your mom and how the kidney transplant has been a success, indeed a time to count blessings.
    Not so good about the snowy photos you shared, I hope it has melted away , the plants don't need that dropped off on them at this time of the year.
    I also loved your journal page and the happy image you shared, I gave her a wave back.
    Stay safe and keep well.
    Yvonne xx

  10. Happy transplant anniversary and Happy Mother's Day. And very good news about Mom. I hope she keeps fighting like that. I'm glad she still has cheer and I hope ou do too with this news.

    Loved today's art piece!

  11. I still have my organ donation pass in my purse, right there to find.
    Hubby does not.
    There were many scandals here where rhich people got an organ despite being in line.
    It´s a shame.
    And it is.
    But when I´m dead, I´m dead and really do not care whom I help, do I?
    So: To the kidney, the donor and your Hubby! And to you, too!
    I cannot imagine Hubby being gone. And with the pancreas history in his family I have to live with that, too. Loads he cannot eat, come pain I have to try and be strong and not flip.

    "as long as we live..." Our marriage girl gave us similar words, not even knowing how sick Hubby is.

    But, eeek snow!!!
    Way too cold over here, also...
    Warm hugs to you!

  12. Your page is sooooo fun! Love the whimsical flower - makes me smile.

    Oh my gosh - your weather is frightful! I would definitely cry. Mid August though I know I will wish I had your weather! Your yard is beautiful though - all the pictures are truly pretty!


  13. A lovely sunny page to ward off the snow! Hope it warms up soon.
    Glad your mum remains stable.
    Alison xx


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