Saturday, May 2, 2020

May 2010 ? Saturday Chatter and More

Hi everyone. Hope everyone had a great past week and start to your weekend. We had a lot of rain at the end of the week, and now sun, so I need to take the tarp off of my last load of bark mulch and let it dry a bit so I can go spread it.  Then the mulching will be done-hurrah!

It is a really gorgeous morning. I just got back from my walk.
More Pete walking off leashing training
Last night the dogs kept barking and this morning I discovered  one of my bird feeder poles ripped out of the ground.

And the feeder was under the deck. 
Mr. or Mrs. Bear must have been for a visit. Guess I need to take the feeders in at night now.
And luckily the ground was wet from yesterday's rain so the feeder pole just pulled out of the ground and didn't get all bent out of shape. My husband just straightened this one out a few weeks ago.

Update on my mother for those of you looking. She is about the same. Still fighting the virus. I wait for my daily report to hear if anything has changed. Since this virus can go on for a long period of time in some people, I don't know how long this will be going on. She has left the hospital however, BUT that is not because she is over this and better. Massachusetts is really in a bad grips right now of the virus and the rehab associated with her assisted living has opened up a Covid 19 unit so  hospital beds can open up for others who need them. So Mom has been moved to that Unit. I think it will be good because it is  associated with where she lives and it is smaller, so more patient individual care. It is also better she goes someplace we know rather than in a week being shipped to another Covid care facility we don't know.

It is May 2, and that means it is time for Second on the Second over at Bleubeard and Elizabeth's blog.

I used to make a lot of cards, and I've been thinking that maybe one of these days I need to make a few more. Here's 3 of my favorites I blogged about in  May of  2010.
I still really like these stamped scenes, even though I haven't used them in ages.

And I also have another piece of art for Mia's FLOWER challenge at Art Journal Journey.

I made this background with some paint (Dina Wakely's new spray gloss paint) and a stencil. I went a bit too heavy with the spray, but it was my first try. Then I painted some white petals which I later outlined with a black wax pencil. I added some yellow paint for the center, which I then outlined and added dots with a black Sharpie. I used watercolor crayons for the stems, leaves, water and glass of the vase, and I used my black wax pencil to draw the vase. The quote is an old stamp I've had but is one of my favorites still.

And I also noticed on Jo's blog yesterday the Anything Goes challenge at Creative Artiste #60 Challenge, and since my page is mixed media (with paint, stamping, stenciling, watercolor crayons and wax pencil) I would play along there also.

That's all for me. Hope you have or are having a nice day!


  1. I think it's good your mom has been moved back to her assisted living. She'll be familiar with the staff and as you said you know this facility. Still thinking of her and you.

    Wow! A bear! We had a bear sighting a couple of years ago, but not on my side of town. They eventually caught the bear and relocated him or her.

    Lovely cards. I like the color combination of the Bonjour! Your flower page looks so bright and sunny. I hope you get to enjoy the sunshine today. Take care.

  2. Erika, your mother is in my prayers. I wish her to be healthy again soon.
    Your page is a lovely inspiration for me, sweetie. I love that you painted the white flowers on the background and did not use a masking fluid. I will try it. The watercolor crayons really pop it. It is a beautiful page, my friend, and thank you for joining AJJ. Kisses and please be strong and stay safe.

  3. Glad your mum is still fighting back with the virus, and hope that she will be better when she is back at her own, familiar place. This must be a very worrying time for you. Love the pics of the doggies on their walk. When I used to let Scruffy off her leash she kept running back to check on me, perhaps she was worried when she didn't have me on the leash! Love the cards you made, the scenes are very pretty. And your new journal page for Mia is gorgeous, love that background spray. Have agreat day, take care, hugs, Valerie

  4. Terrific cards! A bear at your feeder??!! that would be scary ~ I'm glad he didn't break it. ~ Sending well wishes for your mom ~ Love, Karen

  5. As a city girl I'm not getting bears. It sounds like great excitement, but I'm guessing you don't want to encourage them to think of you as easy pickings ;)

    It sounds like a good sign that your mom has been moved from the hospital. It's brilliant of her place to open up a dedicated unit. More familiar environment in a smaller setting should help. I do look forward to your updates. I mean, we don't even know each other, but still... :) Thank you

  6. Such Happy Dogs - So Carefree - Love That Tongue Hanging Out - Bears - Sending Positive Vibes And Sure Hope That Mother Grows Stronger Everyday - Big Hugs


  7. Oh Erika, I am somebody who would really love and would even feel emotional if I open an envelope and see that beautiful stamped scenes card! They are so precious! Now I remember a mail I received late last year that made ms cream, it was a card that was sent from New York which made me curious because I have no family there. But then I opened it and saw that is was from Catriona Gray, Miss Universe 2018! She answered my fanmail by sending me a card with here handwritten message. It's a treasure :)

    Happy Weekend Erika and please stay safe!

  8. Beautiful cards! I guess we are lucky as only squirrels attack our feeders.

    be well... mae at

  9. That's good news about your mom, Erika. A much better spot to be, emotionally if nothing else.

    I love seeing seconds! It's always fun.

  10. Dear Erika, I hope your mother will being recovering now, I also think she will be better near from where she lives, and will receive better care.
    Your cards are simply Wonderful, I like very much those stamped scenes. Your white flowers look so pretty surrounded by pink! Great page too. I adore your dogs Maddie and Pete!!
    I wish you a very nice evening and Sunday, stay safe and I send you biig hugs

  11. These are all beautiful cards!
    I hope your mother will be well accommodated!
    The bear again, just nothing broke so the dogs barked!
    For me everything was ok, just a bit tired!
    I wish you a good weekend!
    Greetings Elke

  12. I was SURE I left a message before I mowed and did other chores today. I am sorry because once I got inside, I had no way of getting on the internet until I rebooted and rebooted. So much for me. I'm delighted to hear your mother is back in her familiar facility. I just hope she continues to improved. I only wish there was something I could do for you, but obviously, I can't, other than keep sending positive thoughts and prayers to your mother.

    I always love seeing both Pete and Maddie. They make my day because my boys hide when I bring out MY camera.

    I really LOVE your cards you made. I think my favorite has the olives and branches. They are all lovely, though, and I truly enjoyed them. Thanks so much for sharing these with us as your second look on the 2nd.

    That's a lovely journal page. I've never heard of that gloss spray before, but it sure works. And the I haven't seen my wax pencil in years, so now I wonder what I did with it. Thanks for another entry for Mia's theme at Art Journal Journey. You are kicking those out faster than I can keep up with you.

  13. Glad to hear your mum is being well looked after somewhere more familiar to her. Lovely doggies, pleased the bird feeders weren't ruined. Beautiful cards and art too Erika.
    Take care and have a good weekend,
    Alison xx

  14. It was good to read that your mom has gone back into familiar surroundings and I hope this will all help her recovery. It must be good for you as well to know she is there.
    Its good that the dogs warn you when the bears and other wild life are about. Are the bears after the food or just being destructive?
    There were lost of super art pieces you shared in this post and I really love the page you created for Mia's AJJ Flower theme. The effects you got on the glass jar looked super.
    Stay safe and well.
    Yvonne xx

  15. Prayers for you and your Mom-sounds like better care now.
    Love your cards, and your flowers are so pretty really love that one.
    Happy Sunday-hugs

  16. Looks like you had a nice walk. The bear visitor doesn't sound good. (Last year, Teddy was hoping we would run into one while we were out on one of trail walks.) I was wondering about your mother. CT started moving some people to covid-19 only places that they created in certain buildings around the state. I'm sure the worry for her is very stressful. I like the cards you created in the past.

  17. I hope your mother is doing well in her new location - that does sound much more personal - attached to where she lives, and presumably with some people she knows around occasionally. I hope she continues to fight the disease well.

    Lovely to see the bright sunshine in your first photos. I only have to protect my bird feeders from squirrels and the occasional rat, but bears...!!

    Great to get a glimpse of your card-making - yes, you should definitely take that up again! - and the daisies look glorious against the vivid pink patterns of the background.
    Alison x

  18. Saying a prayer for your Mom.

    I do like your cards - we have a lot of family birthdays in May, so I will be sending quite a few this month :)

    All the best Jan

  19. A lovely journal page Erika, I do like the strong contrast with the background and the daisies. A nice idea to outline the petals and the centres with the black crayon, it gives them that bit of oomph!
    It was a first time viewing for me of the cards you are showing us and it was quite a lovely trip that took me to various places. Reminding me of Dutch paintings, French fields of lavender and a little bit of Clarice Cliff in the style.
    So good to hear news of your mom. I am glad she is well enough to leave hospital and hope she continues to improve in her new place which sounds much better suited to her and her needs. I include her in prayer.
    Take care yourself
    Hugs, neet xx

  20. I am not sure whether my long comment has posted or not. Am hoping so.
    Hugs, Neet x

  21. Thanks so much for playing along at Creative Artiste, it was a pleasure to see you there! Your page is beautiful, I love the pink stencilled background with the pretty white flowers - so gorgeous 😁. Thanks again for joining us at Creative Artiste! Happy and creative wishes! Hugs, Jo x

  22. Thanks for joining us at Creative Artiste-your page is so pretty and cheery! Wishes for a full recovery for your mom...


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