Tuesday, May 19, 2020

T Stands for an Ending

Hi everyone. Happy T day to you.
It is time to stop by Bleubeard and Elizabeth's blog and share a drink related photo for T.
This week I am taking you into school. Yes, I know school has been closed since March 15th, but we were asked to clean our personal belongings . Rooms have been sanitized,  but the custodians want to strip floors and do the usual summer cleaning. When we all left school in March, we left everything in place, making it hard for the custodians to do that summer cleaning.
And many of you know I am retiring from teaching in 3 weeks when the remote school year ends. So not only do I need to pick up my personal belongings, I need to take them home. And after 35 years at this school, I had lots of things to clean.
We had to sign up for a  time slot to clean because of social distancing. I signed up for three  2 hour slots in a row, just because it seemed smarter to get it all done in swoop.
After the 6 hours, here's how my room looked.  I still had to clean those items on the top of my cabinets. But school was closing, so I had to leave at this point. Plus my car was packed.
And there were a few things left on my front  demo table too. And can you spot my bottle of Diet Coke? This is a T Day post afterall.
My desk looks so bare. And I decided to leave those posters up for my replacement. 
So last week I signed up for another 2 hour slot to go finish my cleaning and to double check that I didn't leave anything important behind.
I had really expected my first cleaning day to be sad, but I was so busy it was rather anticlimactic.
But when I went in for my final cleaning, the room ending up looking bare and that was rather sad.

But  I am ready to start something new in my life.
 Goodbye room 302.  
And here's something of mine I brought home. How do like this artistic mug?
 Back in 2011 ( I know this because they signed the bottom of the mug)  a couple of girls decorated a mug for me. It was made for a cell project so they colored lots of red cells and created a biological tissue mug. How cool!  I couldn't leave this behind. I think it will be a great addition to my art table and hold some pencils or something like that. 
And it works for T Day too.
Some memories are just way better than a classroom.

That's all for me today. Thanks so much for visiting my blog!


  1. I know it's bitter sweet to be retiring in the covid enviroment and are you able to have any sort of retirement party? I remember I had a small one at work-all my friends ended up being off that day, but we met our personal friends at a restaurant and then we headed off to our new woods home here in Missouri.
    Love both of your cups-the second one good memories and perfect for your art table.
    Happy T wishes Kathy

  2. When one door closes another opens. You will have so much time to do new things, I'm sure you will love it. But of course, it's sad to say goodbye. Love that mug, what a lovely idea. Happy T Day, hugs, Valerie

  3. Love the mug and very creative for a cell project ... life changes you in many ways and usually to teach you a lesson ... Happy T-day

  4. Oh Erika, I think your retiring from school won't be the way you imagined it. The quiet rooms for a start must have given an unreal feeling in the building.
    However 'new beginnings start after your last official work day and I'm sure you will be looking forward to enjoying every day of your new way of life.
    Its a lovely mug your showed us as well.
    Happy T day wishes.
    Yvonne xx

  5. Endings are always sad, but they also point to exciting new beginnings. I like the photo of the door and am reminded of the quote as one door closes another opens. It must have been fun finding treasures like the awesome cell mug made by your students. I bet it was hard to decide what to take and what to toss, too. Looks like some glorious weather for this week. Enjoy

  6. Lots of mixed emotions, Erika. I bet you'r relieved that the clean-out is done. The mug is awesome! I love your conclusion, "Some memories are just way better than a classroom."

    Happy T-Day! Eileen xx

  7. awe, bittersweet isn't it....especially after so many years. Oh the memories. Glad you took photos and shared them here. You must have been pretty exhausted that first day of cleaning!
    And so a new chapter opens in your life. Cheers to more time relaxing and enjoying life! Happy T day!

  8. Forgot to say, that is a very cool mug!

  9. Thanks for sharing your classroom and memories today, it must have been very nostalgic cleaning away all those items! Wow, only three weeks left too - so exciting 😀. Your mug is fabulous, such a lovely gift and adding to your craft desk is a lovely idea - I have a mug that I bought my dear friend (who has now passed) on my desk filled with pens and pencils (she had a thing for stationery) and it makes me smile every time I see it 😊. Happy T Day wishes! Take care! Hugs, Jo x

  10. I had no idea you would have so much in your classroom! I'm glad you were able to safely remove things and that fond memories will accompany you home :)

    Happy T Tuesday!

  11. Your cell mug looks like a mug an artist would own. And they certainly look like cells. What a great teacher gift!
    Your room does look bare. It is amazing how much stuff we accumulate. You never realize how much until it all needs to be gone. All those little things that you leave until the last minute add up. It must have been a lot of work but the room looks great! Now onto a new adventure!!
    Happy Tea Day,

  12. Rather anticlimactic ending, but I'm glad you had a chance to get all your personal items. I think you are going to be SO happy once you retire. You may sit around in your jammies till noon, or get up early and walk the dogs. But at least you won't have to worry about the fear of someone bringing something to school, which neither you, nor your husband need.

    I had to enlarge the photo to see the diet coke. Guess I wasn't looking for something black. Even read the note you left on the white board.

    LOVE that mug. I know it will find a place on your desk at home. Thanks for sharing your last visit to your school with us for T this Tuesday. So anticlimactic after all these years. I hope you put a book together of this final school year. Of course, I never once envisioned it would end like it has.

  13. Oh Erika, this post is very emotional for me. I have been a teacher for five years right after graduation, my professors asked me to join the faculty as one of the instructors and I did for five years and it was the best five years of my life so far. Honestly very tiring because teacher work is just never ending from exams to grading papers plus my 2 hour commute to school and another 2 hours going home on a daily basis was very tiring for me so I had to leave my teaching job and it was very sad for me despite my excitement for something new of course. Sad because my students have been my friends, almost all of them because we are just the same age group but they treated me with respect and with love.

    35 years in teaching, I am so so so proud of you Erika! You may not remember all your students but I am very sure most of them remember you because Teachers are Eternal. Congratulations on your next adventure and we are excited for you to take us there as well through your blogging!

    Sorry for the novel HAHA I just really was touched by this post. PS Love that Mug!

  14. Your student-made mug looks like a treasure. Sounds as if you had wonderful years in the classroom.

    be well... mae at maefood.blogspot.com

  15. That's a fantastic mug, love it!
    Wishing you all the best in your next adventure Erika xxx

  16. Thank you for all the gel printing tips, Erika. I hope I'm finally on the right track. Eileen xx

  17. One of my retirement mugs holds art things too! That is an ENORMOUS room and what a lot of cleaning. What a job -- you must have been exhausted.

    That's quite a career, Erika. I know you are ready for new things, new challenges. I also know this will never leave you. Well done, my friend. Now, onward!

  18. Dear Erika, what a beautiful post, it is full of feelings and good experiences, because you have been teaching for many years, a profession that you like very much. I wish you many more good times in the future, and I am sure you will enjoy unique experiences. We will also continue to see your precious and special creations ♥
    That mug is gorgeous, ohhh, happy belated T-day! (sorry I'm late)
    I wish you a very very nice evening dear friend, stay safe and well, and biig hugs

  19. This is a big goodbye. After so many years it is not easy to leave. And it is a different leaving as in normal times. It is a really cool mug you got from your students. I think that is many nice moments you had at school.

  20. I was sad reading your post and seeing the photos of your classroom. Tears welled up in my eyes. (I'm such a mush ball.) I love that mug your students made for you a few years ago. Happy belated T-Day!

  21. Not the best way to end your teaching career but I'm sure that you will be able to relax more now knowing that you don't have to go and sort your room out. I remember the send off I got and so sad that this won't be happening for you. Before too long though you will have a choice about what you do each day so you have that to look forward to. Love that super cool mug! Belated Happy T day, Chrisx


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