Wednesday, May 20, 2020

It Was One of Those Days

Hi everyone.
Let me start my post with a tag for Pinky's ANIMAL challenge at Tag Tuesday.

I started with some printed number tissie. Then I scraped on a bit of paint. The silly cat is from TH.  I stamped the top border image in white, and then I added lots of paper dots which I decorated a bit. I debated on a quote, but I think his expression says it all.

So yesterday was one of those days. I gave a quiz to one of my classes, and then what did I do?  I deleted them all by mistake. Good thing Google classroom lets the kids keep a copy so they can resubmit them to me.  But instead of being able to grade them afterwards, now I have to wait for the kids to relink them.
And I had more kids oversleep too for this same morning class. So I had to redo class later in the day so they could take their quizzes. But at least I didn't delete those.

And Kathy asked yesterday if I was going to have a retirement party. Well, last Saturday I got an text from a friend who said "Happy today was suppose to be your retirement party day." Huh?
Then a text quickly followed from another friend that I wasn't supposed to know about that.
So a party was planned for myself and another friend who is also retiring. Our whole department was invited, our book club friends were coming, my husband and daughter had been invited, my other retiring friend's family was invited and even a friend of mine from North Carolina was coming north for the party. But it had to be postponed because of covid-19 right now.
I have to say I didn't want a party, but when I found out one had been planned, it made me sad it wasn't going to happen. I think it is going to be rescheduled in the future, so I will just have to wait and see.

But I did make a really easy sourdough bread that I started Monday and finished yesterday. And it was delicious. You might have heard of this recipe but you mix the ingredients, let then sit in a covered container for 18-24 hours. Then you shape the loaf, let it rise for a bit, and then bake it. No kneading, no electric mixer needed, not a lot of work time time nor any big messes.

And some very nice weather means I head outside after remote teaching most of the day, and there hasn't been a lot of art time. I'm really ready to remedy that; good thing we have the long Memorial Day weekend ahead. And including today, only 12 teaching school days left.
Time is flying, isn't it?

Thanks for visiting my blog.


  1. Mama said there'd be days like this. I love the tag kitty's face. Your retirement party news is sad and happy at the same time. Something to look forward to. Some of us need your recipe including your sourdough starter plus step by step. A potential blog post topic 😉 Looks like another nice day. Have a good one.

  2. Love that gorgeous pink cat, so pretty. Thanks for making this lovely tag for TT, much appreciated. Your bread looks wonderful. So sorry about your party, but I hope you will soon be able to celebrate. I feel bad today, so am staying home. Take care, hugs, Valerie

  3. I am sorry that the planned activities must be eliminated. But never mind, it was done to avoid exposure to viruses that occur like in my country.
    Keep up the spirits ... your cat image is cute.

    Greetings from Indonesia

  4. What a shame about the retirement party, but it'll be fun if it gets rescheduled. I tried sourdough back in the day, but I failed. It didn't need _much_ attention but apparently needed more than I gave it lol Your bread looks delicious!

  5. Oh Erika that is so touching for them to prepare a party for you. I t might be postponed but surely it will be much fun when the date comes that all can party safe :) Love the colored paper dots on your art it gave it so much life!

  6. Oh, maybe a party this summer? I hope so. It would be so sad not to have it. Even if you didn't want it originally!

    I'm glad you are having good weather. And you'll have more art time, too. Happy weekend!

  7. What a sweet and adorable tag. That cat looks as frazzled as you were today. Glad there are only 12 days left this year. Still hoping you will make a book of your final year of school. It's too bad there couldn't be a party for you, but at least you have something to look forward to. Wow, I am Jonesing for bread about now.

  8. Love that pink kitty! Great tag, and the bread looks delicious! X

  9. What a shame you'll miss your party, but now you have something to look forward to, as well as retirement - yay! I bet you can't believe it's finally here ;-) Almost...

    LOVE your tag, Erika. Those cats are SO much fun but you've used this one beautifully. Love the vivid colours and that pink cat looks fab.

    Now, a no-knead recipe for sourdough is just what I need! I found a great one but it was kneaded - can't do that any more - so I'm off to hunt for the one you used ;-) Thanks
    Almost weekend and a bank holiday for you, too. Wonderful. I think we have one coming up but probably at the end of the month.
    Have a great weekend!
    Cath x

  10. It would have been a lovely thoughtful surprise party your friends hoped to organise, still it will be something to look forward to after the lock down. The days sure seem to be passing by quickly until your last day, it will be here soon.
    Your sour dough bread looked delicious.
    Stay safe.
    Yvonne xx

  11. Your card is simply gorgeous, Erika!
    I invite you to my blogaversary. Have a look on my blog, my friend.

  12. A Very Inspiring Post - Outstanding


  13. Happy non-retirement party to you, Erika, but when you finally do get to celebrate with family and friends you will be so happy to do so...good things will have to wait, sadly enough.I have never tried a sourdough bread, but understand many people are doing that especially now. Glad yours turned out so well as there's nothing quite like fresh home-baked good!

  14. It can't be easy getting to grips with all the new technology needed to teach your kids but it's a brave new world we are in now! Loving your gorgeous looking bread and what a shame about your retirement party!! Loving your tag by the way, that quirky cat is super cool! Thanks for joining us at Tag Tuesday animal theme.
    Hugs Pinky


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