Monday, May 11, 2020

T Stands for Nice Mother's Day

Hi everyone.  Happy Tuesday.
I'm wishing our hostess Elizabeth a big get well soon also. 
This week for T I thought I would share scenes from my Mother's Day. It was a real celebration because my daughter came home for a few days. I haven't seen her for a few months so that alone was exciting.
We've watched a few movies together, taken a couple of walks and we even did an online exercise class. 
And on Mother's Day we helped my husband open up his boat and bring it home from his mother's driveway where he stores it for the winter. I've never helped him open it up, and so I feel like I learned something new. It will be awhile before we go out on it, but at least he can work on cleaning and waxing it. I wouldn't think cleaning it would be fun but it's his baby so is a happy man doing that.
And I can't complain that he put me to work because I had a nice Mother's Day lunch. I got taken out for a yummy lobster roll at Pop's, which I wrote about last week for T.  It was their opening weekend so I think lots of folks had the same idea.
And they had the place well set up for the new normal we have.  Which was good because there were quite a few people there. But everyone seemed to keep a good six feet apart and respect other's space.
We got our lunch and drove across the street to the lake parking lot. And then we had a picnic in the truck.
And it was sure delicious.
The prices had gone up a couple of dollars but  the local lobster folks  have been having a hard time lately since restaurants have been closed and there isn't a whole lot of lobsters flying around the globe. It was definitely worth it. And I've heard that prices will go back down once the markets open back up and the fair weather lobstermen start getting more on the market.
Oh the taste of summer which might eventually get here.
I brought the bottle of Diet Coke from home, which is my T Day drink. 
That's it for me this week. 
I hope everyone is staying healthy and enjoying the month of May.
Thanks so much for visiting. 


  1. Your lobster roll looks delicious! So glad that you got to enjoy your favorite during this Mother's Day weekend. And that's great that you got to see your daughter. One of the hardest parts of all this is missing family.
    Happy Tea Day,

  2. Ohh... your lobster roll at Pops- How I want one too!!!
    So happy for your special day with your daughter,and as you know we had one with our son and future daughter too- and it felt so good didn't it....
    happy T day!

  3. You just made me hungry. I've never had lobster roll. Not sure I've ever had lobster, except once a friend gave me a bite of her whole lobster she got. However, I have some eggs, so I might make either egg salad or tuna salad and pretend it's similar to lobster roll (I'm apparently quite good at pretending during these trying times).

    Thanks for sharing your diet coke and your lobster roll from Pops with us for T this almost Tuesday. And AGAIN, such great news about your mother.

  4. At last you got your lobster roll, that must have been great. Glad you enjoyed Mother's day. Happy T Day, Hugs, Valerie

  5. Ohhh, that sounds wonderful!
    I miss seeing my Brother and Nieces, well, reckon it´s not the same, though.

    What a beautiful boat, too!

    You know? We stood in line forever. But I like the distance to starngers. I hate when people couch in my neck,and pre-"Corinna" that happened too often.
    And yes, it is respect people finally have to learn! I hope it stays in their minds...

    Truck meals are the best, I have sweet memories of our travels throughout Australia here.

    Well, enjoying, it´s ickily cold, the coldest May I´ve evern known. But the sun is out - a happy T-day to you!

  6. Your lobster roll looks delicious, reminds me of when our son and DIL first went to Boston to live, our DIL took us to the city and we saw Lobster rolls and chips, we all thought how delicious, when it arrived the three of us couldn't stop laughing as it was a roll with a packet of chips, we were expecting fries, we call fries chips in the UK, we still laugh about it now when we go to San Francisco if we see it.
    Pleased to hear you had a good visit with your DD.
    Happy T Day
    Jan x

  7. It sounds like you had a special Mothers day and the lobster roll looked so delicious. Its good that folk seemed to be considering each other while waiting in the queue.
    Will you be helping your hubby with the boat? or leaving him to be happy pottering on with the boat himself.
    Happy T day wishes Erika.
    Yvonne xx
    Stay safe

  8. I'm glad you had a nice mother's day. The lobster roll looks delicious. Happy T-Day!

  9. Sounds like a perfect Mother's Day especially your lobster roll picnic. Better weather on the way this week. Take care and Happy T DAy

  10. A perfect Mother's Day for you! your daughter home, boat getting ready, and Lobster rolls at your fav place. awesome!! Happy T hugs Kathy

  11. What a fantastic Mothers Day! Great that your daughter could be there. Really special.
    Your lobster roll looks really scrummy. I have only had a piece of obster once in my life. (and I liked it) so Iwould definitely have a lobster roll!
    You don't mention your mum, so I assume things are pretty much the same. Best wishes for her.
    Happy T-Day,

  12. Getting the boat ready is an encouraging feeling :) Soon enough the weather will be suitable for getting out on the water. It looks like they had it all set up well for their take-out business. It helps to know they're taking it seriously. The food looks delicious! Happy T Tuesday!

  13. Your lobster roll looks delicious - yummm and it must have been lovely to have your daughter home to share Mother's Day together.
    Avril xx

  14. Ohh, I think your lobster roll may have been delicious Erika !! Happy T-day !! and Happy belated Mother´s Day too! Enjoy your family!
    I wish you a very nice afternoon, stay safe, and
    Big hugs, Caty

  15. So pleased you were able to see your daughter Erika, I really miss my kids. They both called today though, which was lovely, I talked to my son for nearly an hour as he was taking his daily walk. And then my mum and dad called, I feel very blessed today!
    Alison xx

  16. Great to see the boat, it must be fun getting it ready for the summer season 😀. Are you allowed to take it out yet with the lockdown? How lovely to have a lobster sandwich from Pops, happy days and so yummy! Happy T Day wishes! Take care! Hugs, Jo x

  17. You described my perfect idea of a Mother's Day meal, Erika. Pop's lobster roll looks absolutely delicous!

    Happy T-Day! Eileen xx

  18. So pleased you got to see your daughter - I see my youngest son when he brings us shopping but I do so miss seeing the other two and my grandchildren....but for now this is the safest option! Good to see that the boat is being prepared too! Your lobster roll look so delicious, I have only eaten lobster once and I still recall how tasty it was! Great that they were organised with the queues! Happy T day! Chrisx

  19. That lobster roll looks yummy! I love lobster rolls - when I was in Maine (many years ago) I lived on that. So delicious.
    I see that you don't have to wear masks (or maybe I just don't see them in the photos). In California you couldn't stand in line like that without wearing a mask. I actually don't even feel comfortable anymore if I go out in public without a mask (except for walking in the neighborhood) and I'm weary of people not doing it.


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