Sunday, May 10, 2020

Happy Mother's Day

A short post  to day but I wanted to wish everyone who is a mother or grandmother (of any sort, people, pups, or kitties) a very happy Mother's Day. (And I know some of you celebrated back in  March).
My good news is my mom is down to one liter of oxygen after being at 6 a couple of weeks ago. When I called yesterday she had been up, gotten dressed and was sleeping in bed. (This is something my mother does as she hates staying in nightclothes all day.)
That makes my mother's day.

And here are 2 of my babies .
My daughter is home for a few days (no biggie as she is also working from home.)
And I've been told we are going to get take out from Pop's for lunch today to celebrate. So a lobster roll may be in my near future. That will be something exciting in these stay at home times.
That makes my day also.

And I want to share a tag I made for Tag Tuesday as their latest challenge of Haberdashery.  Thank goodness they included a definition as my idea of the topic was hat making. So much for my vocabulary.
Here's my British English (sewing bits) view of the topic!

I thought this was quite appropriate for Mother's Day also.
Hope your weekend is going well and thanks so much for visiting!


  1. Glad you had a lovely day, love the pic of your 'babies'. Have fun with your take out! GREAT news about your Mom, she's one tough old girl, that's for sure, kudos!
    Love the lovely tag, great colours, thanks for joining us at Tag Tuesday again, much appreciated. I think millinery is hat making - would make a good challenge theme, too! Hugs, Valerie

  2. Praise God for your mother's recovery. I am so happy to hear that Erika, I am continuously praying for her total recovery very soon. Love that art you posted and I am happy you are celebrating this special day with your daughter!


  3. The tag is very chic. The lady reminds me of Jackie Kennedy. Good news about your mom. Nice that your daughter can spend time with you. a lobster roll for lunch is pure heaven. I hope the snow melted. Happy Mother's Day 🎨 (art supplies instead of flowers )

  4. I'm so happy for y'all! This improvement is welcome news, and I'm sure Mother's Day has special joy for you now :)

    Take out sounds like a great idea :) I love your stylish lady's hat.

  5. Happy Mother's Day to you, Erika, and a special shout-out to your mom as well. It was great to read the good news that she's doing better. What good news on your special day and hers! Cute pic of your daughter.

  6. Great news about your Mum, Erika - yay! I bet you feel as if a weight has been lifted off your shoulder. I feel it for you ;-)

    Absolutely love your tag. It's perfect for Haberdashery... and reminds me of the old sewing patterns I had, though mine don't go back QUITE that far, lol. Love the wording, too. Excellent. Sometimes tags are such a pleasant change, and especially with the newer bigger tags - so much potential.

    Have fun with your daughter and enjoy your lobster...sounds really good. Must admit I'm a bit bored by my food at the moment and long for a meal out, or a good browse around a supermarket, instead of dashing in and out!

    Happy weekend!
    Cath x

  7. Hello Erika thank you for the lovely comment you left me.
    I have skimmed over a few of your previous posts and (as always)wonderful arty projects was so sorry to read that your mom has had this awful virus so your post today is the perfect mothers day gift - with your mom sounds so very much improved and your daughter with you too - both wonderful news :)
    I can't believe its the 3rd year kidney anniversary too - wow really was it that long ago...And what fabulous finds you found clearing your desk/classroom, so many varied goodies - you'll have great fun with all that and I can't wait to see what you do with the cow.
    Wishing you a good week ahead - stay safe and well... Gill xx

  8. Great news on your Mum Erika! I am sure that made your Mother's Day. Hope you are enjoying your day. I love your tag. Was a bit stumped myself at first but it was a very enjoyable theme. Thanks for joining us at Tag Tuesday.

  9. Such good Mother news on Mother’s Day! ☺️

  10. Big BIG yay to your Mom´s recover! And on that day, too, sad I missed it, sorry...

    Hubby got a new old sewing machine! Post to come. My Mom could not sew, neither do I. But Hubby promised me a dress!
    Hugs from here!

  11. So happy to hear your Mom feels better!! ♥♥♥
    A beautiful tag Erika!
    Big hugs,


  12. I hope you had a lovely Mothers day Erika. The good news you shared must have made your day special. Its good that you have your daughter home for a short while as well.
    Was the take out delicious, I hope there will be photos soon.
    Yvonne xx

  13. Fab design on your tag. Love the colors and elements. Glad to hear about your Mom - super news. How fun to have your daughter home too - I know it was a treat. I had my daughters over too and cherished every second! Hugz

  14. Three cheers on the good news about your mom -- best Mother's Day gift ever, I'd say. And then the second gift, your daughter! And then Pops! I'd say a four star day for you! I know it had to be a very happy one!

  15. I´m so happy your mother is recovering Erika !! That´s the best news. I hope you spent a lovely Mother´s Day, here it was on last Sunday 3rd. Great photograph of your babies :) Enjoy!
    I wish you a very nice new week, stay safe and big hugs

  16. I'm simply thrilled for your mother. So many her age have not shared the same fate. This made ME happy, too.

    Loved seeing two of your babies, and like you, I thought haberdashery dealt with hats, too. Maybe something got lost in translation when the definition crossed the ocean (grin).

  17. Just having a little catch up Erika, I'm so pleased your Mum is recovering well, it must be such a relief. That's a super photo of your daughter, she's certainly happy to be home for this special weekend.
    Love the tag and I'm glad you got the definition right - didn't realise there was such a difference.
    Avril xx

  18. Lovely art and photo Erika! Hope you had a great day! xx

  19. marvelous tag! the woman reminds me of old vogue sewing pattern covers! thank you for linking to tag tuesday! xo

  20. Love your tag - very stylish and all about home sewing.


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