Monday, May 25, 2020

T Stands for Summer Things

Happy Tuesday everyone.  This weekend we had comfortable but not really summer like weather, but last week and starting again this week the heat will be back.
It's week 11 of online teaching out of the 12 weeks we'll be required to teach.  9 days with kids left, which is both exciting and a little bit sad.  To be honest, I am not thinking about the little bit sad part, since we always have summer break, it mostly just feels like summer break is almost here. and that is exciting.
This past weekend was a long holiday one  here in the US, and although it had a different feel than usual, we did a few summery things. One of them was having our first firepit of the season.
 My daughter and her beau came for a visit for part of the weekend,  and it was a nice way to spend some time relaxing. 
Some of you have said I have a lush lawn. This photo above shows the good part of my lawn. On the other side and around the firepit is a lot of bare ground. It also looks more lush when it is recently cut, as it is here. 
My husband and daughter built the firepit maybe 6 or 7 years ago from a kit you could buy at one of those big box stores.  
From this view you can not only see the firepit they built but the fenced in veggie garden and my screen porch.
We grilled up some sausages and hotdogs , as well as some onions and peppers and corn on the cob. 
Maddie thought she might like a taste too, as you  can see part of her head in the photo. She didn't get any of my dinner, but I made each of the dogs a hot dog that they got after we finished. I am too nice or what?
 And you can't tell what my drink was because I used my stay cold cup, but it was filled with some red sangria. It was fruity and really delicious and I must say I had a refill or two. But with lots of ice in my cup, there wasn't as much sangria per serving as you might think for the size of my cup.
Since it is T day, this drink is my ticket in. Stop by  Bleubeard and Elizabeth's blog    and join us for T. All you have to do is share a drink related post.
 And after dinner we could sit for a long while chatting. 
It made for a great summer like evening, especially since this particular day was really warm.
More of that weather is due back for this week. Let's see how many of the kids actually show up for my ZOOM classes, especially from my afternoon group.
That's all for me for T this week. Wishing you all a super T day and thanks so much for visiting!


  1. Looks like a wonderful weekend with your daughter. The food looks delicious and is making my mouth water. Your yard is lovely and is perfect for entertaining.
    Happy Tea Day,

  2. A fire in a fire pit is a fine thing! We have so many trees there's no place we can put one. We tried once, and burned some branches, and realized it wouldn't work in our yard! So I enjoyed your fire photos.

    be well... mae at

  3. Wow, that was some celebration. Loved seeing the firepit full of activity. Love the view showing your garden and sun porch. Maddie got rewarded in the end, didn't she. Pete, too, I take it. The sangria sounds perfect for the celebration. Thanks for sharing your first firepit meal of 2020 with us, as well as your sangria for T this almost Tuesday. How's your mom?

  4. Awesome weekend with your daughter and her beau. I love a fire pit-and I see you have a grill that swings away-that is such a good idea-right now I have a permanent grill that is super heavy to lift.
    glad you had some nice family time hugs
    Happy T Kathy

  5. Gld you enjoyed the weekend with your family, the garden looks good. How nice to be able to grill things there. It will be a bit sad to end school, but think of all the good things! Happy T day, hugs, Valerie

  6. Looks like you had a wonderful weekend Erika! I love your fire pit. Our son built one from old bricks a few years ago, we've never used it as a barbecue though, we burn garden waste in it.
    Happy TDay!
    Alison xx

  7. Ohhh, you have a hammock!!! How beautiful!
    Great fire pit, too. Let´s hope our cheapy-bbq makes it one more season!
    We had one BBQ and now it feels like late autumn again over here. But, well, a happy T-day, right!

  8. Your food looks delicious and I like Sangria too, here we can buy it ready made.
    I love your fire pit, it's so lovely sit around eating and chatting, it looks a lovely place to sit.
    Have a lovely T Day
    Jan x

  9. Your weekend sounds good with your daughter staying over. I am looking at your photos and seeing all the greenery has me thinking of how much I am missing walks.
    The fire pit must give out a lot of heat, delicious food and I'm sure you enjoyed the drink you had to go with it. I'm pleased the dogs got a treat, ours used to wait so patiently when we cooked on the Bar B Q we couldn't refuse them either.
    Happy T day wishes Erika.
    Yvonne xx

  10. It was a nice weekend and your yard looks lie a tranquil spot to enjoy Summer.Your dinner looks yummy, but you needed to make S'mores while you sat around the fire. Have a Happy T Day

  11. Thanks for sharing your holiday cookout meal, Erika. The fire pit looks really good and I will send the photo to a friend who is planning to buy a kit for her husband’s birthday gift. And since we also live in NH maybe one day we can visit and have a social distance meet and greet. No visitors allowed here at the mill apts for the foreseeable future๐Ÿ˜• Hope the end of the school term goes well...we enjoy retirement and you may as well.

  12. I know I say this every time you post that idyllic fire pit seating area, but Oh! What a lovely spot! :) I love how it's a bit distant from the house and up against that green edge while providing a homey view of your house and garden. A peaceful scene :)

    Those veggies look delicious. Lots of ice always makes it look like you're drinking more than you actually are lol Happy T Tuesday!

  13. Your yard is lovely. How nice your daughter and beau coul join you. The fire pit is beutifully made. The foood looks scrumptious.

    Happy T-Day! Eileen xx

  14. Looks like you had a lovely time with your family! Your fire pit looks amazing and I love a good BBQ, that sandwich looks so yummy ๐Ÿ˜€. The sangria would be very welcome too ๐Ÿ˜‰. Happy T Day wishes! Take care! Hugs, Jo x

  15. What a great fire pit! Do you use it to keep warm or to BBQ on? (Or both?) Excuse my ignorance but I have never seen a fire pit in real life, so I don't know what you do with one. But chatting and catching up around the fire with a mug of Sangria sounds like a very good thing to do. And of course you can have as much sangria as you want in your own yard. You don't have to drive home, lol!
    Your food looks really yummy (But then you always eat yummy things).
    Happy T-Day,

  16. PS btw, the blog post you commented upon, was my Friday post. I linked the wrong one by mistake.

  17. Wish we could have a fire pit- I love the smell of burning wood! We have a lot of yard space but hubby wants nothing to do with burning. So I get to enjoy the scent when a few neighboring people use their pits:) We did some grilling though too- nothing like corn on the cob from the grill for me- I love getting some of the kernels brown and caramelized! Cheers and happy T day!

  18. It looks like a wonderful holiday weekend. I'm so glad you could spend time with your daughter (and that fire pit and all that was on it look fabulous!)

  19. How great that your daughter and boyfriend could visit! We are still only allowed to face to face at a distance of two meters with only one other person and only outdoors! The fire pit looks such a fabulous idea, both for cooking and to sit by! Hope your school week goes well! Happy T day! Chrisx

  20. Your lawn does look fantastic. It's very green. I love that fire pit. Great way to spend a Summer evening. My weather has been like yours: it was cold last week, then warmed up this week, with Summer like heat and humidity. Happy belated T-Day!

  21. Sounds like the perfect weekend. Your food looks great and the sangria sounds wonderful. Great fire pit!!! Not many days left in teaching and then new adventures! Hugz

  22. Firepit season is a good season. Relaxing, chatting, eating and drinking. Good times with friends and family.
    We have 6 days left of distance learning. My twice a week scheduled Google meet sessions with a student are officially done. He is leaving on vacation. I'm keeping busy helping out at school with locker clean out and organization of the bags for curbside pick up next week. What an undertaking!!!!

  23. What a lovely weekend you had …
    Here in the UK we are still restricted on family visits …
    Skype has been wonderful but I'm so looking forward to seeing family, grandchildren and all and enjoying a good hug :)

    All the best Jan

  24. Ohh what a fantastic day you spent Erika !! A fabulous family barbecue. I love the hammock, and how beautiful the firepit was. Happy belated belated ♫ ♪ T-day! (Sorry I'm very late)
    Maddie is very patient, oooh, who can resist her tenderness? I don't, and yes, you are very nice to give them hot dogs ♥
    I wish you a very nice weekend (very hot here), stay safe, and
    Big hugs,


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