Sunday, May 24, 2020

The World is Green Now

Hi everyone. Happy Sunday.
And here's a journal page for you today. 
Some spring flowers, a spot of latest page for Art Journal Journey.
It's amazing how in 1 week everything has gotten green. Wonderful beautiful green. We had some summer weather, and now the weekend is back to comfortable working weather before the next round of heat arrives.
 I think this year might be my year of the garden. Yesterday afternoon I filled some new patio pots with soil. It was more hard work but I can't wait to put my flowers in them.
Pretty soon there will be irises. One of my favorites.
 And roses too. Another favorite. OK, I have lots of favorites.
 And there are wild johnny-jump-ups in my garden. Some people may think they are weeds because I didn't plant them, but aren't they pretty? And those tiny little purple creeping Charlie flowers. 
 And here it is ground phlox season too.
 Last year I moved this peony plant to this sunny spot. It obviously loves it because you might be able to see all the buds. I counted 15 on Friday, but today I see a few new ones.

 The oaks are a bit behind. In fact the pollen from them is horrible right now and driving me crazy.
But this view from my Friday morning walk is pretty.
My husband has been busy cleaning his boat but he took a break and added the flag for Memorial Day weekend.
And I baked some interesting  brownies the other day.
They're blonde brownies with chocolate chips and walnuts, but the new ingredient was 2 tablespoons of instant coffee. Adding the coffee really changes the taste. And made them yummy!
I found the recipe in an old cookbook. I've been going through them trying to find some new recipes to try.
I think this one I got the recipe from came out in the 1980's.
Hope everyone is having a great weekend.


  1. Hi Erika! I'm sure you are very happy that your world has turned green at last, enjoy! Your garden is looking good. And the boat, too. Good job I don't have a boat, it would be hard putting it onto my balcony! Love your beautiful journal page, a great way to celebrate the new green and flowers. Have a lovely weekend, hugs, Valerie

  2. Another gorgeous page, Erika. And this time on burlap that I love! The purple-yellow pansies are beautiful, as the photo from your walk. Thank you so much for joining me again at AJJ. Hugs, my dear friend.

  3. I love your journal page. Those flowers remind me of iris folding. They are adorable and I really like that background, too. It's a great page for Mia's theme at Art Journal Journey.

    I'm in awe. None of my irises bloomed this year. It's like they refused to come out of hiding. And your roses are doing a lot better than mine. They are looking very healthy and full. I had phlox in MO, but it doesn't like to grow here. The plants I brought with me never took well and died the next year. And don't get me started on my peony. It had been my grandmothers. I brought it with me and it bloomed every spring. BUT, the neighbor to the north hired someone who cut and roto-tilled everything even CLOSE to the line, which included my peony bush. Add to that the wall, and that neighbor is NOT on my nice list.

    Your husband's boat is quite festive with the flag. Nice look. And that's a gorgeous boat, too.

  4. Oh gosh. I was writing along and published without thinking. It won't be long till it's bedtime for me. That cookbook LOOKS like the 80s. Tell me you remember how popular those sweaters with the pads in them were. The hair styles were classic, though. The brownies sound good. Coffee makes anything better (grin)!

  5. I love the roses on your page. Yes, Johnny Jump Ups, I have some too. Their little pansy faces are so cute. As is your garden owls. Tree pollen was nasty this season. I think our trees are a little ahead of yours. Oh, I had that cookbook! I loved the Bishop's Cake recipe from that. Also a chocolate chip cookie recipe. Enjoy your day!

  6. The brownies look and sound wonderful. I will have to try adding coffee to mine next time.

    Lovely flowers.

    Love your cool flowers on your journal page too - they are super fun and whimsical.

  7. Ohhh, beauties all around, boat included!
    Way too cold here, still...

  8. A wonderful imaginative journal page!
    Nice photos from your garden and others. Delicious the cake looks like!
    I wish you a beautiful week in May, Elke

  9. It really is spring now Erika! Those flowers are so lovely! Please share us when the Iris opens, I am so excited! I once bought an iris plant from the cooler cities here but they wilt and died after just a week because it really is hot here (I don;t even know how they manage to grow them but it's pretty cold in that city since it's high in the mountains. I love the art and how the burlap background accentuate the colors! Happy Memorial Day to you and your husband Erika! It's a holiday for us at work since I work for North America Team but I still have to work today to finish my deliverable HAHA

  10. You have a good amount of gardening space and such a wonderful selection of plants. The view from your walk makes me want to head down that road. Lovely. I can imagine the taste of the coffee in the brownies. I'll have to try that sometime :)

  11. Wowwww what a great post Erika !! I loove your Art journal page, full of happiness. Your garden is so beautiful, love your flowers, all the flowers, and the cake may be delicious.... umm Would take one for after dinner :)
    I wish you a very happy new week, full of activities and creativity too,
    Stay safe and big hugss

  12. I love the Silver Palate cookbook and I haven't looked at it in a long time. hose look delicious! And so do your wonderful plants. Yes, it may well be year of the garden!

  13. A beautiful page and your garden is looking lovely Erika! Those brownies look delicious too.
    Alison xx

  14. On a catch up mode Erika, I love this journal page and how you used the hessian background, it looks so natural with the flowers and you know I am always up to pour a cup of tea.
    Your garden is looking lovely with the pretty flowers showing themselves in the borders.
    Stay safe.
    Yvonne xx

  15. When my friend was alive she used to bake me a big batch of Brownies for my trip to LA and leave them on my pillow for me to see when I arrived. How I miss those Brownies but they were never coffee flavoured ones - bet they taste yummmy.
    Love the road you walk through, it is so pretty lined with the trees and so straight! Are the johnny jump ups what I would call pansies? They look like them with those cheeky faces - if I had them I would want them all over, they are so pretty.
    I came here to admire your journal page but got side-tracked with the garden. Love how you have used a burlap page and put this image in the centre. I have never used a burlap page yet but would love to do so. I think it looks lovely with those flowers and the teapot is perfect placed at the bottom - quite an elegant teapot too.
    A lovely page on a lovely post.
    Neet xx


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