Wednesday, June 3, 2020

Counting Down the Days

Hi everyone. This is my last week with kids at school, and I am counting down the days. I am ready to be done with online teaching, as are the kids. It is going to be hard to say goodbye tomorrow when I wrap up 2 of my classes though. I'm not good with endings or transitions, but as is usual with me, once I get through tomorrow I will get over being sad pretty quick. I am looking forward to having my day at home to myself. 
Today I have a small journal page for Halle's Stitch in Time Challenge at Art Journal Journey
I enlarged this old time advertisement and used it as the main image on my page. I also added some stenciled modeling paste, some TH words, and a metal flower which I fixed up a little bit.
That's all for me today.
Hope your week is going well.


  1. Lovely page Erika! Hope you enjoy your last days with teaching, I'm sure you will enjoy yourself when it's all over! Hugs, Valerie

  2. Love the image and your additions really make it work. Very cool. Happy last days at school!!!! Hugz

  3. A nice, happy page.
    Have a good day xx

  4. Cute page for Halle's theme. How clever to find such a vintage image.

    You asked if it was hard to make peanut butter. It's surprisingly easy. I threw the nuts in my blender and turned iy on highh for 3 1/2 min. I have a commercial grade ViraMix blender. If i used a regular blender, I think it would take about twice as long and you'd need to stop once or twice to let the motor cool down. It was fun to do! Eileen xx

  5. This turned out great, Erika. An adorable Victorian piece brought to life with your magic touch of modeling paste. Nice addition to Halle's theme at Art Journal Journey, dear.

    I think you are so glad you made the right decision to retire this year. I worry about both teachers and students who go back to school this fall. At least I don't have to worry about you. Just your mom.

  6. Love this old fashioned journal page you have created Erika. I am a bit of a sucker for old adverts and love those tin ones that you see in antique shops and which I remember seeing on the gable ends of houses in France years ago. This is a particular pretty advert with that beautiful blue dress the girl is wearing.
    I was away from school some years ago when I decided to go for early retirement so was spared the 'goodbyes' which I had always dreaded. So I don't envy you, but like you I can get over the sadness pretty quickly so here's to a happy and healthy retirement for you.
    Hugs, Neet xx

  7. Its a fabulous page Erika, I am loving the vintage look to the page. Mind you I prefer our fashion styles of today, much more comfortable to wear.
    Your last teaching days must feel so different to the ones you were expecting, still perhaps you will be saved a few tears when saying goodbye. The students will miss you just as much as you will miss them.
    I hope you will get lots of messages from them and enjoy your last day.
    Stay safe.
    Yvonne xx

  8. Endings are hard, but not all goodbyes are forever. That one's up to you and your kids. Have a good week with it all.

  9. Oh how beautiful Erika! that metal Flower sure is a striking accent! About goodbyes, I'm never really good at them either. Everytime a semester ends, it's heartbreaking for both me and my students even if they are college students, they grew fond of me because they treat me as a friend outside the classroom, I even had a few classes where I cried and some of them did during our last meeting. I;m sure they'll remember you forever Erika, just as most of mines were until now :)

  10. Love this page! The old-time advertising piece is lovely.
    Tomorrow is my last day of school. I'm getting quite 8th graders are moving on to high school and I never got to say good-bye in person. We started middle school together 3 yrs ago...

  11. Beautiful page Erika, you will be excited once you are officially retired-hugs

  12. I like the old time feel of the advertisement. Woohoo! Retirement. No getting up at the crack of stupid. No crappy commute through crappy weather. No making up snow days until the end of June. If you really miss it, you could always tutor students part time Chegg the text book rental company also looks for tutors working from the comfort of your home. Hope you got to enjoy today’s gorgeous weather

  13. I love her hat :) That metal flower adds the perfect touch. Nice!

  14. Enjoy your last few days, Erika. It's a sad way to bow out but it's almost over.
    I hope your little lady isn't poking a needle at those birds... a bit worrying. it's a great advert. I used to love old ads and have lots of postcards somewhere. I really should get them out and give them to someone because I certainly won't use them.
    Have a great week! School over here only ends mid July, so it always takes me by surprise how soon US schools break up. Poor kids haven't seen much of school this year, though. My 7 yr old Grandaughter loved it at first but now she's really missing her friends and I'm missing her! 3 months is a long time.
    Happy June!
    Cath x

  15. Yes, I read you, changes are a challenge.
    Flowers always help! Hugs from here!

  16. Love this beautiful page Erika!

  17. what an imaginative journal page, i love it with your old advertising piece.
    Now was the last day with her students and now they can rest from it.
    Have a good new beginning, hugs Elke

  18. Hope all goers well with the end of the current school year, which was certainly a much different one than you or anyone else anticipated. Your retirement may be bittersweet, but I'm sure you will remain in contact with former colleagues and students. Yeah to being able to enjoy time at home and have the whole day to garden, journal, read and relax in between the usual home and garden chores. To answer a question you asked in a recent comment, No, we haven't made it to one of the NH drive-ins. I checked the showings for Milford and not only wasn't there anything I even remotely wanted to go see, but they were sold out for those showings. A couple of flea markets may be reopening this weekend and we always have fun at those.

  19. I love your page. The vintage really wears a nice dress.

  20. I love the nostalgic flavor of this!

  21. I really like this old fashioned journal page …

  22. I really like this old fashioned style journal page :)

    All the best Jan


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