Monday, June 1, 2020

T Stands for Another Peaceful Week at Home

Hi everyone.
Welcome June
It is once again time for T. and share our drink related posts at Bleubeard and Elizabeth's blog.
 Boy May sure flew right by, and I am sure June will also. So for my first T post of this new month let me show you what I 've been up to last week while home.
 My online teaching took up a good amount of time, but I did manage  to do some other things just to get off the computer.
Saturday I planted my veggie garden.
 Can you find my Diet Coke in this next photo? I switched over from ice tea (my warm weather preference) because the Diet Coke bottle has a cap and it would last me all day.

And I also planted some pots of annuals on my deck.
The black dog statue was a gift from my hubby for my birthday. He bought him because he reminded him of Pete, so we call him little Pete.

And do you like my washstand planter? I splurged this year and bought a couple of new pots for my deck.
 And Pink, the metal flamingo, was a Mother's Day gift from my daughter.  It's made from recycled cans.

And if you wonder why there are oranges on the frame that supports my grape vine, it's because the Baltimore Orioles enjoy them.
Can you see all the big buds on my peony?

And I picked asparagus from my garden.
Funny story about my asparagus. I decided many years ago to plant some seeds and see what happen. When I told a lady who worked at a garden center I had planted seeds, she laughed at me and said the only way to get asparagus  was to get some plants and start them that way.
Well my asparagus seeds grew some great plants and I have been able to pick some every spring.

This time I have been craving quiche so I made a Swiss cheese and asparagus one.

And I did some other baking too.

 And when I fed my sourdough I used  the discard to make some pizza dough.
And we had some yummy pizza but I forgot to take a photo of that.
And I also made some rhubarb quick bread, which was a new recipe for me.

And finally the flower gardens are budding and blooming.

My mountain bluettes about to bloom.

 I can't wait to see my peony flowers. I have so many buds this year.

 Ad I'll have roes pretty soon.

 And buds are forming on my perennial salvias.

 And I have irises now too.

 And there's still flowers on my ground phlox.

Oh yes, and I did break the rules and meet a friend for an ice cream this past week.

Socially distantiing of course. But you can't eat something so yummy with a mask on.
And the little bit of normalcy meeting someone was nice.

And since T day is also the second of the month, it is time to repost something from the past.  Today is the Second on the Second at Bleubeard and Elizabeth's blog. This one is from June 2016. This is not my garden, (it's in a friend's)  but if I had such a cool teapot I would certainly hang it like this.  I think it is a great garden decoration.

Enough for today I think.  Have a super T day everyone.


  1. I am so jealous of your garden Erika! I love the fences it makes me happy just seeing it even with those baby plants! Those roses and irises are so delightful! Super love to see you got to spend time with your friend. Planning an afternoon tea in my garden with three of my best friends on my birthday this Thursday too, with social distancing of course :)

  2. Thanks for the yard and garden tour, Erika, everything looked great especially having fresh asparagus, our favorite spring vegetable. We grew it in VA but it never looked as good as yours. That ice cream treat looked great and no wonder there was such a big it yours or your friend’s?

  3. Your garden is looking great! Fantastic, love the wash stand and all of the other additions. And asparagus, wow! And good that you got out for an ice, that was needed. Happy T Day and happy 2nd on the 2nd, hugs, Valerie

  4. Good evening, I loved seeing your garden. You have designed the perfect veggie garden to keep the wildlife out-I love it!! I had planted seeds too for asparagus at the woods house and they were some of the nicest asparagus I had grown.
    You have a lovely flower bed too-love the tea pot, your new dog statue, the wash tub planter-amazing-Looks like warmer weather has arrived in your area.
    Happy T wishes Kathy

  5. Lovely photos of your garden Erika, the asparagus looks good. Glad you were able to meet your friend.
    Happy T Day,
    Alison xx

  6. 🌷🌹🎀🌸

  7. You must have a great green thumb, Erika. Nothing is growing in my flower bed and my irises never bloomed. The destructive neighbor killed my peonies when he was getting ready to make his fence. Another reason to feel hurt about this neighbor.

    I adore that wash stand. I have two, but the bottoms with the rollers got stolen one year. I really like that flamingo. Very kitsch and recycling at its best.

    It took me awhile, but I finally found the diet Coke. It was easier to see in the next photo, but maybe I knew what to look for.

    I should never come here hungry because you did a LOT of great baking. Good for you on the asparagus and even better the quiche you made using it. I'm not a fan of rhubarb, but the bread looks good.

    Thanks for sharing your flowers, your veggie garden, and your baking, along with your diet Coke with us for T this Tuesday. And that ice cream with a friend looks good enough to eat (grin).

    I remember that teapot and thought it was very clever. I have an old teapot and may just have a garden stake since one of my luminaries got run over by Sally. Thanks for sharing this and thanks for the inspiration as your second look on the 2nd.

  8. Your garden is fabulous! Well done -- that's a lot of hard work.

    It's nice to have a bit of normalcy, isnt it? I don't expect to be normal (maskless, undistanced) for a long while but to get together for a treat and good talk -- that's such a gift!

  9. I do love your picket fence, and your garden is wonderful. I love asparagus but have only known one person to grow their own. The quiche looks delicious. You have some delightful planters. I've had rhubarb pie but not bread; I'll bet that's tasty. Your buds are showing off this spring. So many! I think garden phlox is another name for thrift, and that's definitely on my wanted list. Yours is blooming well :) We're beginning to allow socializing with social distancing here, too. That's a lot of ice cream! Happy T Tuesday!

  10. Wow, your garden is looking amazing! You've sure been busy with all those veggies and that was a lovely mother's Day pressure from your daughter too 😀. Your peony has so many buds, it will look stunning when it's flowering! How wonderful to have ice cream too, we were out on our tandem and noticed one of our favourite ice creams shops were serving takeaway so we stopped and had one of course 😉. Happy T Day wishes! Stay safe and well! Hugs, Jo x

  11. Love your washstand and the teapot planter!! The gardens are really coming to life now aren't they. Good for you to meet a friend and have a treat. Just beginning to do a bit of the same here- but we are still in the red zone until I believe this weekend...
    Your bread sounds delicious. I love rhubarb coffee cake and custard pie. But your asparagus quiche is the one that has me drooling-yum!!
    PS- I do not see the coke bottle in the first photos...
    happy T day!

  12. I love the picket fence around your veetable garden, Erika. It's so picturesque and makes me think of the ilustrations in Beatrix Potter's Tales of Peter Rabbit. Little Pete is adorable. Yes, I love the washstand planter. Everything is just lovely.

    Happy T-Day! Eileen xx

  13. Gosh Erika you have been busy in the garden its going to look lovely when all the plants grow. I was amazed that you got the asparagus to grow, I bet it tasted good. The quiche looked delicious and so did the other thing you had been baking.
    Happy T day wishes.
    Yvonne xx

  14. Your garden is just gorgeous. The food looks great but the ice cream is all goodness.

  15. Your garden is awesome. I love little Pete and Pink, too. I want an ice cream lunch, too. Good that you were able to get out and do a normal thing. The teapot planter is is such a cute idea. Take care and enjoy the weather and your garden. Happy T Day

  16. Your garden is Amazing! I can tell that you have been busy keeping your garden and baking. OOOhhh, I want some asparagus. I love that you not only grew your own but then turned around and make an amazing looking quiche.
    Your sourdough looks good! I just fed mine today but I have the hardest time timing it so it is at peak when I am ready to use it. I wish there was a chart.
    That is great that you had ice cream and a visit with your friend!
    Happy Tea Day,

  17. Awww, little Pete is cute! And YES, I do love that washstand planter!
    Ohhh, you have so much space, beautiful!
    We have white asparagus, nothing for me. You can get the green one, also, but Hubby doesn´t like them.
    In such a yummy-looking quiche I would love to try, though!

    Went to Burgerista, people, me also, had to give address and all, masks, distance and then they sat down closely at tables as if we were in the good old days. (I took take away to share with Hubby outside).

    Ahhh, all the flowers, beautiful!

  18. Your gardens look fantastic. Is your entire yard fenced, in addition to the vegetable garden? If not, how do you prevent the deer from eating most of your flowers? I like that dog statue, and I think I have that same pet water dispenser that's in the lower right hand corner of that photo. I like the flamingo. That teapot planter in your friend's garden looks great. Happy belated T-Day!

  19. Wonderful looking food - wow! How fun you grew your own asparagus and the quiche looks like it was amazing. Your fenced garden is so lovely!!!! That dessert with your friend looks like it was fabulous. Fun pictures and post.

  20. Erika your garden is gorgeous with all the beautiful flowers , you have some lovely pots too. Well done growing asparagus from seed, I must admit steve does normally grown tomatoes and peppers from seed but this year he bought some tomatoe plants as the seedlings were too slow.
    I do love quiche too, I love it with salad in summer, your cake looks delicious, everyone seems to be cooking with rhubarb this year, I’m jealous as we can’t it here and I love it.
    Have a lovely week enjoying your garden, Jan x

  21. What a wonderful garden! All of a sudden it all bursts into bloom! Your peonies look like they will flower any day. And your roses look promising too. I love the basil growing in the pot. I hope flamingos don't eat basil....
    Your little Pete is gorgeous. He has a lizard for company I see.
    Great that you had an ice cream with your friend! yes, it has to be done sometimes!
    Your rhubarb quick bread looks really nice. Was that the sour dough discard too?
    The asparagus and the quiche look yummy too. It's lunch time here and all this is making me really hungry.
    Sorry for the late comment,
    Happy belated T-Day,

  22. All your bakes look good, especially the quiche. I love your story about the put-down from the garden store that turned out to be very wrong!

    be well... mae at

  23. I love seeing all of your plants, planters and ornaments - the flamingo raised a smile ! Your garden looks to be growing really quickly and those peonies are going to be spectacular I suspect! You have been so busy baking too! Rhubarb Quick bread sounds good! Apologies for the late visit, our internet, which hasn't been so good lately suddenly went right down yesterday and was only restored mid morning today(a local issue)Belated Happy T Day! Chrisx

  24. Loved your garden tour! The washtub planter and teapot are especially fun. Peonies are so attractive even before they open up. I should plant some asparagus, didn’t know it took so easily!

  25. OOhh my, your veggie garden is fantastic Erika !! It´s so good to see all your plants, love the little Pete, and the flamingo. You have got a lot a beautiful flowers, those irises are so pretty.
    Sure you spent a lovely T-day, no doubt with a good friend and those ice-cream ! And I have to say that those guiche of esparagus may be delicious, as the bread, yummy !
    Have a great afternoon, stay safe and
    Big hugs, Caty

  26. Lovely photos Erika. You have a fantastic garden.

  27. What a fabulous post.
    Loved seeing all of your photographs and the Swiss cheese and asparagus quiche looks very tasty.

    Happy June Wishes.

    All the best Jan


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