Thursday, June 25, 2020

More of My Memory Book

 Hi everyone. Happy Thursday!

I'm back today with some more pages from my retirement school memory book. I've been working  on it as well as some other art projects,  a little bit of each at the same time. And on top of that I am doing some cleaning up and rearranging of my happy place. I brought home a bunch of old school books when I cleaned out my classroom that would have otherwise ended up in the trash. I don't want any of them to read  but their the covers are good sizes to use for journals. And  that means I needed to find a place to store them until I use them. Time to do some rearranging I guess.   

I really should do some purging, but I can't say I am in the mood to that right now. 

The biggest problem with my rearranging and still doing art is so many of my supply bins are on the floor that I can't easily get to those that I want.

My first page has some info I cut out of the student handbook. Since it has a one handed clock (decided it was more interesting that way) I am going to link it up to Art Journal Journey and Halle's Stitch in Time challenge. The 35 represents the number of years I was at my job and then I added this cool DNA stamp as a border image. 
The other page that makes up the spread next to this time one has a DNA theme to it also, but I'm sorry I can't share it as it has student photos with it.  You'll just have to believe me that the 2 of them work together so well (smile).

This next page is an old photo I took for a T day at my desk.  I liked it though, so I added it, as well as some cut outs from the poster I am using as additions to the book.  That snake is pretty cool looking, even if I am not a snake lover, and works great as a page border.

And here's a couple of more pages.
One of the images from a mobile that a student made, and my drawing of a moving box.

And lastly, a drawing of my whiteboard. Since I am short, I couldn't reach the top of the board without a step stool. Kids used to leave me notes on the top part.  One of the kids drew a line across where my erasing stopped and called it the Mrs. Nelson line.  I really liked the line so I reproduced it in my book. I thought I had a photo, but I guess I never took one. 

Hope you enjoyed your visit today,


  1. Fun pages full of great memories. I love the 'Nelson Line' - sounds like something nautical! You are having fun creating the pages and they will be a great read in years to come. Here it's too hot to do anything inside and even hotter outside, help! Have a great day, hugs, Valerie

  2. Love the DNA stamp! I bought my first good set of stamps yesterday, a silicone one, such fun!
    Agreed, the snake is a hit with function.
    It seems your students really loved you, do you miss your work? Cute fish, too.
    A nice day to you, hugs.

  3. Such fun memories. I like the Mrs. Nelson line. The humidity broke down here. Hope you're having an equally beautiful day

  4. These page are awesome! What a great idea to create a memory book of your time teaching, I love that snake and how you re-created that fun whiteboard!
    Tammy x

  5. I'm so glad you have created this book. I'm SO enjoying reading your thoughts over the 35 years you taught at that school. I also like that schedule and the clock which is great for Halle's theme at Art Journal Journey, too.

    That drawing of the white board is wonderful. Most impressive and how much the kids appreciated you, too. I look forward to more of these, soon.

  6. The Mrs Nelson line made me grin, I did wonder if they ever hid your step.
    Fabulous memory pages Erika.
    Good luck with your sorting out your craft room, it will be hard to throw anything away, just in case you might need it in future.
    Stay safe.
    Yvonne xx

  7. The memory book from school with the great ideas pages is fantastic!
    You were very creative, beautiful!
    Happy Day, hugs Elke

  8. I'm with Iris! I am so amazed by the DNA stamp! At first I thought it was a cutout but then yeah, it is a stamp! Love it!

  9. I'm completely in love with this book you are creating. I am a big time Science nerd...with a splash of math. :) Who knew that logical left-brainers could be so creative. LOL
    Sorry I am late in visiting your piece for A Stitch in Time...its been a crazy busy week.

  10. I'm impressed with this journal and the fact that a) you thought of it b) you are actually doing it and c) that you are doing it right away, while all is still fresh. I love the inventive approach you've taken on the various pages. Youll enjoy looking back on this one!

  11. What a great idea - wish I had thought of something like this. I love the way you have laid out your pages and it is so interesting seeing your teaching days/years.
    I never imagined you being small (the Mrs Nelson line) - funny but I am so tall and the kids called me the jolly green giant due to my jacket I wore at the time.
    Such memories, I should write them down if nothing else.
    My friend at school was the Record of Achievement Coordinator and one year the books were faulty so had to be thrown out. he gave me lots and I used them as photo albums - did a set of 10 volumes chronicling our visit to China.
    Happy Days Erika,, nobody can take them away from you.
    Hugs, Neet xx

  12. These are such fun pages and full of some great memories … special :)

    All the best Jan

  13. These are delightful pages, Erika. Every one of them makes me smile. Hugs, Eileen


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