Friday, June 26, 2020

Natural Dyeing Part 2

Happy Friday everyone.  Did this week fly by for me.

Yesterday I played again with some plant dyeing. The big differences this time were 1) I added some iron water I made to my untreated outside faucet water and 2) a few of the plants were different this time.

 This pot of water above is the untreated water from my well. You can see why we treat our water and why we don't drink it.

And here's the iron water I made. I'm not sure it is quite as rusty as my tap water.
I soaked my plants in my untreated tap water for several hours (thanks for that advice Kathy).  Then I  used the rusty water with a little bit of the iron water I made added. Last time I used hot treated water so the paper boiled in cleaner water than this time.

I still rolled my paper and the leaves and tied them with twine. 
Last fall I bought this book which is mostly about dyeing paper this way. (There's a little bit about fabric in there.)

According to this book you can either keep your paper flat and use a heavy object to hold it close to the leaves or you can wrap and tie it around dowels. I chose the dowel method for no particular reason except I did. 
I boiled the rolled paper for 3 hours,  but then I had to leave for a dentist appointment, so it sat in the hot slowly cooling off water for another 3 hours. 
I was also happy with my results this time but they sure came out different than the other day. I don't know if that had to do with the plants, the  iron/rusty water, or whether because it sat  longer.
I love the dark brown background. I did not altered these photos at all.

This one is my favorite with the giant grape leaf.

I'm thinking I am going to stitched this with my other pages and make a little book. But first I need to flatten them out which I'm pretty sure is a fact that I rolled them.

Thanks for visiting and hope you have a great start to your weekend.


  1. Sounds like you had an adventure making these papers, and they have turned out so well, so unique and naturally beautiful. They will look wonderful as a little book. I'm feeling too hot to do anything today, it's 33° INSIDE my apartment and even hotter outside. I wish I could fit in the fridge! Have a fun day, hugs, Valerie

  2. Outstanding - What A Sweet Turnout - Please Follow Through And Show Off The Future Book - Great Ideal


  3. Very striking. Another gorgeous day to enjoy. Have fun!

  4. You got it down right this time, Erika. Yes to all three. You used rusty water this time, you let it boil, then slowly cool down, and you allowed it to sit even after it cooled. These turned out great, and now you know what to do. I'm amazed, because I have never heard of wrapping paper like that. You have some beauties you can truly be proud of, dear.

  5. Lovely results!
    dyeing is always so exciting because it is always a surprise. that's a good idea to let them cool in the dye bath-they suggest that sometimes. I also had seen a video where they add a little rit dye to the dye bath-that really brings out the prints too-I used blue and also a brown. glad you made a stronger rust water solution my first attempt I had it too strong and got too much black-awesome papers Erika!

  6. Happy Friday! Wow, your plant dyeing is amazing 😁. The patterns, textures and colours look so beautiful! I hope you've had a lovely week! Happy weekend! Hugs, Jo x

  7. Wow! those colors on these are more deeper and stronger that the first ones. But both are beautiful sets on each own! these looks super special. Happy Weekend dear Erika! Hugs!

  8. Beautiful results Erika!
    Happy weekend,
    Alison xx

  9. Wow, that´s really arty!
    We get our water from a water reservoir, you can drink it straight from the tap, no iron that I could use in there.
    But actually I´m really happy with it, no need to buy it.

  10. fantastic dyeing results Erika. I think you have enjoyed your week crafting.
    Yvonne xx

  11. These are art pieces in themselves, Erika. I could see either flattening out or leaving relatively crinkled in a shadow box frame with something very simple -- maybe a trio or feathers or some birch bark. They're beautiful.

  12. That's a big WOW from me. How fascinating to read about your papers and to see them when finished. I love them but can see why you loved the grape leaf. There is so much to see in all of them, they would make a lovely book but also would make a set of beautiful prints on their own. WOW again.
    Hugs, Neet xx
    ps I would blu tack them on my wall and keep staring at them - fabulous!

  13. Gorgeous! It sounds like a time consuming process but your result is certainly worth your effort.


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