Monday, June 15, 2020

T Stands for Another Week and Verbal Ramble

Hello and Happy T day.  Once again it is time for T.  Stop by and join us at Bleubeard and Elizabeth's blog and share you drink related post with us.

So this was my first week of retirement, but it felt more like the start of a normal summer break from school. I think normal is not exactly the right word, as of course right now nothing is exactly normal. 

And here's my highlights from my week.
My daughter volunteered to make more face masks for us, but she needed fabric. I knew I had a bunch of fat quarters, but when I went to get them they weren't there. So the question was, where did I put them last time I reorganized?
 I haven't done a lot of sewing for a few years, and I knew I put my fabric away. I thought maybe the fabric under my daughter's old bed, but  no fabric was there (however I did find an under-the-bed box filled with some of her old clothes, which I had her go through this past weekend when she came home, so that was in unexpected but good to be done cleaning project.) Then I went into our house addition, which was something my husband started 20 years ago and never completed, but it is enclosed so has become a great place to store things, and low and behold I found them. 

I knew I had quite a stash.
It wasn't just the fat quarters but a bunch of scrap fabric I had.
I love looking through fabric so it was exciting to go through them and get inspired to sew.
Instead of putting them back out in the addition (which is good because one big project I have is to clean it out), this time I did put the in a bin under my daughter's bed.  I hope to get sewing this summer. Let's see if I can remember where they are when I go start sewing again and want the fabric.

And I made this coconut-lime pound cake.

It's a yummy warm weather cake, but I have to say next time I am going to double this recipe as this is the smallest cake I've ever made.

Last summer the freezer we had in my basement died, and we'd never replaced it. The hubby and I decided a second refrigerator would work better for us than a new freezer. It would give us a bit of freezer space but also extra room for things we just want to keep cold. We'd looked a bit over the winter but never saw what we wanted in the price range we wanted to pay, and then Covid-19 hit and our shopping stopped. Recently though we started looking online, and last week I finally found one. In fact, when I called the store to see if they had any left, they said just one, so I bought it over the phone and then we went down in my husband's truck to pick it up.

Right now it is in our garage, but next time for daughter's beau comes to visit he'll help us move it into the basement. But we do have it plugged in and already it is coming in handy, mostly because I am only going to the grocery store every week and half or so.

And I need to share my T drink.

When my daughter visited this past weekend we went for take out sandwiches and frappes. In most parts of the country a frappe is called a milkshake. But here in New England, a milkshake is just flavored milk stirred up. A frappe (pronounced frap) is milk, syrup and ice cream. My choice is always coffee, made with coffee ice cream and coffee syrup too.
It sure tasted yummy.
And my sandwich was also particulary yummy too.

I bet you guessed it was a lobster roll. Smile. However this one is not from Pop's. (For those of you who stop by on T day you might remember I like to get lobster rolls at Pop's.) We went to Pop's but they weren't open when we got there (they close in the afternoon for a couple of hours which happened to be within the time frame we showed). So instead we went to a place near our house called Johnson's. 
The lobster roll was still yummy but not quite as big as it would have been at Pop's.

And that's the excitement in my world.
Have a great T day and thanks for visiting.


  1. Oh wow, I'm in lust. Your fabric is all beautiful and I am sure you will have fun using it this summer. Any you don't like you can overdye or paint. It will be a fun thing to see what you do with this plethora of great fabrics. BTW, if you forget where you left the fabric, just ask me. I'll remember (grin).

    That cake looks delicious. It would last me about two days and it would be gone. You are SUCH a tease. You buy a new fridge and only show us the box. How unfair is that! My friend Sally's stand up freezer died recently and she's been looking online, too. She even went to Lowe's to see one, but didn't like it. She's braver than I. She doesn't even wear gloves when she goes out, which to me is a disaster.

    Yep, to me frappe is a milkshake. It sounds perfect, since I LOVE my coffee. And of course, you had to make me hungry with those french fries (chips). I've still never tasted lobster roll, so I'll leave that to you. Thanks for sharing your week of cleaning, baking, and buying, as well as shopping with your daughter for take out (grin) and milkshake for T this Tuesday, dear. BTW, I saw the hand sanitizer in the car, too.

  2. Love the look of that cake, and the lovely food, you've made me hungry again. Glad you found the material you were looking for. Your new fridge looks to be bigger than my apartment, oh my! Happy T Day, hugs, Valerie

  3. That is a lot of fabric indeed!
    I love looking through that, too, despite I cannot sew, stupid, huh...
    LOL, I could only go for the fries, they look yummy, but lobster? Would be like eating tongue, which I did, just to proove to FIL I´m no chicken. It was even yummy, but it hurt eating it, my brain screamed naaaah all the time.
    I´d take the milkshake, too, happy T-day ;-)

  4. Erika! Not the sandwich and fries!!! Now I'm so hungry! Love the mountain of fabrics, I can see a lot from there on some designs I would love to have a mask made with. Congratulations on a new Fridge! GE has always been our fridge choice here in our house as well!

    Sending you hugs dearest Erika! And a slice of cake would be awesome (but the sandwich oh my) Okay I'm going downstairs and rain our fridge.

  5. Great to see you are enjoying getting out and about again... oh, how envious I am of your lobster roll! That fabric will make a lot of masks! I'm sure you'll find lots of other ways to get creative with it too. Sorry I've not been visiting much - busy with new stamp release - but hopefully getting back to normal for a while now.
    Alison x

  6. Lobster roll sounds fantastic! Good luck with the sewing projects.

    be well... mae at

  7. Your Lobster roll looks delicious, I remember going to see our son in Boston and DIL took us for a Lobster Roll and chips, were we disappointed when we realised they meant crisps as we call them not fries, you live and learn although we still sometimes forget.
    We have a spare freezer for summer and when the family are over, it's usually full of ice and ice cream, the DGSs can go and choose one for themselves, even the youngest found out where they were!
    I love looking at all the fabrics in Joanns, I'm not great at sewing but they sell some gorgeous fabrics!
    Enjoy your sewing!
    Happy T Day
    Jan x

  8. That is a lot of masks waiting to happen 😺 A frappe, lobster rolls, and fries, and coconut lime cake. That just screams Summer. Take care and enjoy the weather today.

  9. I am smiling as I read about you searching for the material, I'm so glad you found it, it looks an interesting box full.
    The lobster roll looks super and so does that delicious cake. It would go so well with the milky drink.
    Your new fridge looks huge, I'm sure you will soon have it fully in use.
    Stay safe.
    Yvonne xx

  10. Retirement will probably kick in as a reality in the Autumn. That pound cake is gorgeous. I'll bet it's delicious, too :) An extra fridge would come in handy, and I miss my little chest freezer sometimes, but space is a problem here. A basement would be wonderful! Lobster roll isn't something I've ever seen on a menu here, but I'd try it in a heartbeat if I ever did. Yummm! Happy T Tuesday!

  11. Glad you found your fab fabric stash-what fun! I have lots of fat quarters too;) So nice to get out and relax a bit more isn't it.. oh and your first lobster roll this season-along with your frappe choice- YUM!! Happy T day!

  12. If you forget where the fabric is when the time comes, ask the T-ladies. I'm sure one of us will remember.

    I wondered why the shredded coconut looked so huge. Because the cake is so small. What good luck to get the last refrigerator in stock.

    Thank you for your lovely comment on my blog about my art and journalng. I do love taking classes. So many toys; so little time. lol.

    Your excitement for the day? I would be over the moon to have that lobster roll.

    Happy T-Day! Hugs, Eileen xx

  13. Ah glad you found your fabrics, and old clothes if all cotton or other natural fiber is great for sewing projects too.
    I am finding we could really use another refrigerator too-we actually are more rural at the lake for getting to food stores than we were at the woods house where when we got out to the nearest town they had more big box stores and choices. I only go shopping every two weeks now for food too and allot of it is fresh foods but I don't think we have a spot for a frig-perhaps in the basement.
    Your food out looks delicious Have fun when you get to sewing hugs Happy T Kathy

  14. Looking at that fabric stash assures you and/or your daughter can make a lot of homemade masks, Erika. We've seen quite the assortment of ones in the local stores, and so a lot of people are coming up with quite creative designs these days. The lobstah roll looked good and now I think we will need to get one soon. I still prefer the old fashioned type and think milkshakes that we enjoyed when we lived in NJ.

  15. Oh my, I so want one of those lobster rolls and fries - yum! It's making my mouth water 😉. So great to get the new fridge and that's a lot of fabric you found too! Take care and Happy T Day wishes! Hugs, Jo x

  16. I chuckled as I read about your search for the fabric you had put someplace, but you couldn't remember where. I've done that: I think I put something in spot A, and it turns out it's in spot B. You probably won't really feel retired until you see the Back To School sales in August, because like you said: Summer is a normal break for you, so it feels the same as previous years. Your cake looks delicious. Getting a second refrigerator is a good idea. I didn't know what a frappe was. I've heard of them, but I never got one. I like milkshakes (milk & ice cream blended together). So maybe Connecticut, despite being in New England, is on the border of what different locations call things. I never heard of frappes until the past 10 or 20 years, but grew up with milkshakes. :-) Your food looks delicious. Happy T-Day!

  17. I want to go to Pop's but I'd gladly take Johnson's! As long as I could have a piece of that fabulous cake after.

    I've always thought a spare fridge made more sense for a smaller family than a big freezer does. You can still fit a lot of stored meat and frozen things in it but also good for all that stuff that you can't throw out but that seems to fill the fridge!

  18. wow, you've sure been busy! I had to smile about the fabric stash. me too. fabric left over from projects...why do I always feel the need to buy an extra quarter of a yard, 'just in case?!' lol. and you know you put it in a 'safe place' ... maybe never to be found again! ha ha... such yummy looking food images for T day, thanks for sharing! ;)

  19. Fantastic fabric stash. So glad you found it! I've often wanted another fridge for extra storage. The house I grew up in had 2 fridges and 2 stand-up deep freezers. We always had plenty of room for extra. We have a stand-up deep freeze in the basement and a tall dorm fridge in the garage for beverages...although right now there is half a honeydew and half a watermelon sharing space with some beer. :)
    Happy T day!

  20. You may not feel retired now, but wait until september, when schools start again and you are still at home!
    Oh that lobster roll looks so nice. I still have never eaten one. I spy some lobster claws. How do you eat those?
    Congratulations on your new fridge freezer. I actually saw it as I also read your next blog post. It's a beauty. American fridges are so much wider that European ones. Ours are a standard 50 cm. wide. They do sell the american fridges and the side by side door variety, but not many people have that much room in their kitchen and we don't have basements. (I wish)
    I'm glad you found your stash of fabric. Some great winter projects in the offing!
    I'm sorry I'm so late in commenting. I never got round to it.
    Sending you hugs,
    and a belated Happy T-Day!

  21. That's a lot of fabric to mislay - glad you found it!! The cake does look delicious - coconut and lime is a great combination! Second fridge/freezer will come in useful, especially these days! I love a proper milkshake so it would be a coffee frappe for me too! The lobster sandwich does look yummy!!! Belated Happy T Day, Chrisx


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