Sunday, June 14, 2020


Hi everyone.  Hope you had a nice weekend.
Our weather was cool with a mix of sun and clouds. It was perfect outdoor weather to try some easy marbling.
I took a marbling class at an art college several years ago, and it was fun but needed several products. I've also tried the shaving cream technique which is pretty easy and gives some cool results too.
Then I saw these Marabu easy marbling paints and since they weren't very expensive, I decided to try some. 
This is a photo I found on the internet, not my paints.

So I got a disposable roasting pan and added a bit of water to it. Then I used my paints. They come with a small opening so you can shake the paint onto the water.

 I saw online where you could use a skewer (like the wooden ones you could slide food onto to grill) and swirl it through the paint, but I didn't have any luck doing that. When I tried it the paint  just clumped up into a big mess.
But if I  tilted the pan and swirled the water a bit to move the paint around, I got some interesting effects.

Some of these papers I dipped just once in the pan and some of these I dipped  2 or more times. Once you dip the paint on the top of the water sticks to your paper so you have to spread new paints. 

I used a pan that was big enough to  dip my 11x8 inch paper into. 

All of these were done on watercolor paper. I also tried some on a bit of black cardstock.
The cardstock wrinkled quite a bit more but gave a totally different look. 

I made a whole stack of paper and I'm sure you'll see some used for backgrounds soon. 
It was a fun couple of hours of play.

I hope you like my papers .
Thanks for visiting.


  1. Wow, you must have had fun playing, you have made so many lovely papers. I love the black ones, too, most interesting effects. Looking forward to seeing what you make from them. Have a great week, hugs, Valerie

  2. Wow, how cool is that?!!! I hate the word, but "awesome" comes to mind! Stunning!
    Reckon I´ll have a look if we have these here, too, and if: Birthday pressie for big Niece! (A ten-year old can do this, right?).

  3. Wow! Some great papers there, Erika and great colour variety. You'll be using your stash for months ;-) I have background making sessions with inks and paints and always have a nice stash, but don't use them as often as I should because that's the part I enjoy most, so I make another one for whatever I'm working on. Sad, really. I am using some of them at the moment, though. It's the ones you love most that are often hardest to use - they're just so pretty as they are, lol.

    Happy Monday!
    Cath x

  4. This looks like you had lots of fun Erika and you must be so happy to have a stock of wonderful backgrounds to use. The colour effects look beautiful.
    Stay safe.
    Yvonne xx

  5. Oh wow, Erika. You read my mind. I was going to do a marbling technique for my 2nd Thursday tutorial this month, but I don't have the same paints you used. I love what you got and now I know that skewers probably won't work. Looks like I have to find something different for this month, since you got such great results from your play time. You got a LOT of papers, too. And beautiful colors, too.

  6. These are all very good Erika! I love to see the different color combinations that you used especially my favorite was the blue-gray-white one! You really have a very artistic mind as to how you get to use these kitchen stuff in producing such lovely artworks!

  7. Your results are terrific! I haven't done marbling in years and it was always fun. My favorite year was when we dipped Christmas glass balls -- they're beautiful! I look forward to seeing your papers in action soon.

  8. Wow! You got some beautiful effects Erika! Looking forward to seeing these in your art.
    Alison xx

  9. These papers are great and so varied. Some are bright while other give a totally different look. One day I will try this but I don't have these paints

  10. That is so cool! You got some great effects. When using the skewer to run through the paint, you need to barely touch the tip in the paint and water and to gently pull. Otherwise, you'll just stir the paint into the water.

  11. I've never tried any marbling technique and don't know of these paints. It looks very interesting how to do it and your results are pretty. Fascinating how different it looks on the black paper.

  12. Wowzer! Looks like you've been having lots of fun, and some amazing results too. All those backgrounds should keep you going for some time! Some really magical effects - I particularly like the last few - like galaxies and shimmering clouds in the night sky.
    Alison x

  13. ooo... These are lovely. I like how the patterns and colors came out.

  14. You certainly did have a great time with the marbling paints and some very colorful and abstract looking results, Erika.


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