Wednesday, June 10, 2020


Hi everyone. Today is the first official day of retirement, but it feels more like the first day of summer break.  I am trying out the new blogger today. I don't know why they felt they needed to change the format as the old one was easy to use, but it doesn't seem too bad on first look. But finding out all the little ins and outs will come with time and use I guess. I am sure something will be different enough to make it frustrating. I am hoping since I had to learn how to ZOOM and use a few other programs in the last couple of month with online school that maybe I am  just still tuned into learning new technology.  But time will tell.

I have a new page for Art Journal Journey and Halle's Stitch in Time challenge challenge. 
I hope these ladies don't look like they are sitting in mid-air.
I made my background with a pink stencil and also some randomly stamped clocks. I then created the dress pattern pieces using an old B Line Design stamp as well as some pretty tissue paper which was pasted onto some other paper. I cut them out and added them to my page. I randomly stamped the words and the quote, added some paper flowers, and then decided the page still needed something. These ladies really spoke to me with the background, but I didn't want to add a chair or a bench, so I sat them on the bottom pattern piece.

And I liked this shadow photo I took Monday on my walk. OK, how do I make it larger? I can't remember what  I did it to make my top photo larger.

I just figured it out.  Hurrah!

And  a few photos from the garden.

And too bad for the shadow but look at the resident of my veggie garden. I've seen him everytime I go in.

Have a great middle of the week.
And as always, thanks for visiting.


  1. One of the downside of new blogger is on an iPad if you have to approve comments, you can only approve them one at a time instead of in batches. 🙁 Happy First Day of Retirement! I think the ladies look like they are sitting in a rollercoaster or on a ferris wheel and are raring to go. Beautiful photos. I think my favorite is Pete and the little petunias. Enjoy your day!

  2. Congratulations on official retirement! You'll love it -- especially come September! And I loved your art piece and the flowers, too.

    I have been trying to upload photos and get ahead on posts for when the switch is in case my learning curve is slow with blogger. Glad to get a good report from you!

  3. Congratulations on your first day of retirement! The journal page is gorgeous, bright and happy! Your garden is looking good. New blogger is not difficult, but it takes much longer to add photos, and the 'redirect' notice when you link to another blog is a pain in the neck. But we have to get used to it, want it or not! Hugs, Valerie

  4. Congratulations dearest Erika on your retirement! A chapter has ended but will always be a great memory to take on the next one! Super love those flower pots on your front porch with that very cute doggy having a nap! And thank you so much for that lovely roe photo, makes me so happy :)

  5. Happy 1st day of retirement! YOur dies look lik they might be sitting on a swing. Beautiful photos of your beautiful roses. Also a lovely shot of your dog with the potted plants.

    Enjoy the rest of your week. Hugs, Eileen

  6. Happy first day of retirement, Erika. Sounds super. Glad you like the new blogger. I don't have a need for it, but I know you will.

    I'm loving that incredible page you created for Halle's theme. I love the dress patterns with the flowers, too. This is a fabulous page for Art Journal Journey, dear.

    Speaking of flowers, your yard is filled with pots of color and beauty. They are wonderful and I love how you staged them, too. And your roses are to die for. What a joy you must feel when you see all these beauties each day.

  7. Many congratulations on your retirement now it's official 😉. Glad the new blogger is ok, as I'm on WordPress I only use blogger for the design teams I'm part of so I'm pleased to hear you are not finding it that bad to use 😁. I'm loving the shadows of the fern leaves, such a gorgeous photo! The flowers in your garden are beautiful too and I bet you don't get many slugs and hugs with your new friend in the veggie patch - yay! Have a great week! Hugs, Jo x

  8. congratulations on your very first day of retirement!
    Great art page. I went to the new one too-only thing a little different is when you go into settings some things look a little different-approving comments has a different look. all I found so far.
    Beautiful photos-I love the shadows and your roses are gorgeous-I haven't seen my frog visitor again. enjoy the rest of your day-hugs Kathy

  9. Weee, yay to retirement, I guess?
    Yes, why change a well running system? I use a desktop PC and guess go only last minute...

    I love your vintage page! And the pics, beautiful!

  10. Great page and beautiful flowers! Love your little visitor.
    Happy retirement Erika!
    Alison xx

  11. I hope you enjoyed your first day of retirement,time to enjoy the freedom of not going off to work. Well thats what used to happen, home has been your place of work for a while but give yourself a happy dance, store those memories and make room to add more.
    Stay safe.
    Yvonne xx

  12. Back again, I think I forgot to say I loved your journal page and how comfortable those two women looked sitting in time.
    Your photos were super, the roses looked beautiful.
    Yvonne xx

  13. This looks fabulous, love the background.
    I like your photos.

  14. Congratulations on your retirement! I retired 12 years ago, and I sometimes miss the routine of that time. Not sure at 70 that I could handle it now.

  15. Another great piece for A Stitch in Time! Love your photos. Your blog looks hiccups so I think you are golden! It's always a bit scary when you change something with your blog...I worry that it's really going to mess up.

  16. First of all, here is to a long, happy and healthy retirement Erika. I wish you many joys in the days and years to come. Best thing I did was retire and until this back problem a couple of years ago I have enjoyed it immensely. Do what you can whilst you are young enough.
    Now to your page in your journal. Lovely idea with the clocks and the tissue pattern. The touches of pink look just perfect on there and I am sure the two ladies are enjoying sitting in the sunshine with their rather stylish hats.
    That is a lovely photo of the shadows, think of how many you can take nowadays and all those beautiful flowers, you can enjoy them day in and day out now.
    Hugs and Congrats on your retirement
    Neet xx

  17. Congrats on Retirement Day 1! I haven't tried new blogger yet. I may wait 'til they make me ;)

    Your roses are so pretty. I can almost smell them. A toad! Every garden needs one :)

  18. Happy First Day of Retirement!
    Lovely art and beautiful photographs.

    All the best Jan

  19. I love this Journal with these details. You made it so great creatively. How beautiful your garden looks with the plants and the great photos of the toad and the shade fern.
    Have a nice day, your first day without school, you have to get used to it first!Hugs Elke


Thanks for visiting. Your comments are always appreciated!