Thursday, June 11, 2020

Art and Blooms

Hi everyone. I meant to write this post this morning and this day just got away from me. Mostly a printer that didn't want to print what I wanted it to . Technology can be so much fun, can't it?
It was a cloudy day today with off and on rain. I was suppose to go out for lunch with a couple of girlfriends to celebrate one of their birthdays, but because of the rain and the fact that there is only outdoor dining right now, it didn't happen.  We were going to get take out sandwiches and sit socially distanced from each other, but our sandwiches ( and each of us) would have been pretty soggy.
So I stayed home and did a bit of studio picking up and a lot of art. One of the things I worked on was my "scrapbook" with my teaching things.
Here's a couple of pages that go side by side.

I cut most of these items out of an old periodic table poster that I had up in my classroom. It had a rip in it and I knew if I left it in the room my replacement would have thrown it away.  So instead I am using bits of it for my pages. I'm adding the elements (for those of you who remember about the periodic table) in order of their atomic number, so there is a spread before this one s helium has an atomic number of 2.
The DNA was an image in a magazine I cut out.

And in between rain showers  I went out and snapped some flower photos as the grey sky always makes the colors pop. Plus I love the water drops on them.

(FYI-Sizing photos is not as simple as it was on the old blogger.)

Have a great Friday and start to your weekend.


  1. Love your biological piece, great idea to use the parts like this. The rainy photos are fabulous, you got some rain, how lovely. The flowers and leaves look beautiful. I have a new printer since a couple of months, with ink bottles instead of cartridges, and up til now it's working well, hope it stays that way. Have a great Friday, hugs, Valerie

  2. Distant sogginess would not be fun, I agree. But now I´d like a sandwich and don´t even have salad.

    I love your work, sad the new teacher would´ve thrown it away.
    There is a mini-mini space in mybrain remembering that periodic table... deep down! ;-)
    But number 2 sure is something you can have fun with.

    Beautiful, beautiful rain-pics!
    Likely, after weeks, we might get plenty of rain over the weekend!
    Today might at least warm up, so to a happy Friday :-)

  3. Yah, I'm already loving this book and you have just started. I'm SO glad you are doing this. Sorry the rain cancelled your time with friends. You got lots of rain, though. I can tell from the rain drops on the flowers. I bet someone could make incredible digital art out of those, too. Have a super day, dear and keep working on your teacher book.

  4. What a lovely post! All those beautiful flowers just made my day. Resize photos on Blogger? So it is possible. Can you do a tutorial please. I’m having problems.
    Yes, I remember the Periodic Table. I remember how amazed I was how it all fitted together beautifully. Loved the logic of it and have always found it a great help with my chemistry.
    Have you been out on your porch yet?
    Have a lovely weekend,

  5. Wonderful pages and beautiful flowers!
    Hope you have a great weekend Erika.
    Alison xx

  6. I have NEVER seen more interesting and really striking water-drop photos. Usually there are just a few drops and it's very pretty but these look almost like alien creatures -- very beautiful ones! I love them all. And your bio journal is a great idea and terrific memories of your time teaching.

  7. You pages are such a great way to capture your teaching memories and keepsakes, I love it! Wow and your photos are amazing! Those water droplets and the clarity of the images took my breath away, such superb photography 😁. Happy Friday and Weekend! Take care! Hugs, Jo x

  8. The water drops on the flowers creates such great photos.

  9. Sorry your lunch date got cancelled, but better weather days are still ahead. I like the DNA page and though the He for Helium went with the DNA helix. Your flowers are amazing and the rain drops make them look like they've been Bedazzled! Have a great day!

  10. Erika! I am so amazed by the flowers!!! They look like crystals! At first It thought they were photoshopped to have such dews but they are all real! Love love them and you took them in perfect timing with perfect clarity! Thank you for sharing us these beautiful blooms! I love the Iris the most, the different sizes of water beads are just mesmerizing!

  11. OOh Erika, Your Art journal pages are Amazing !! I love this concept, the idea to put the Adn and those images together. Great quote ! Hope you could meet your friends soon, without rain.
    Your photographs are Fantastic, I loove the drops of rain over the flowers, that´s magical.
    I wish you a very happy weekend, and send
    Big hugs, Caty

  12. just a quick answer to your query about the photo collages. It's an app I have on my phone. It's by Becky Higgins and it is a free app. It's called Project Life. The only thing I purchased is the ability to write on top of the photos and that was only one or two dollars. I spend about 5 minutes each night using the photos I have taken during the day. Easy peasy!

  13. Hi Erika, I really love your art pieces. The DNA is excellent. Yes, I know about rain. These photos are superb. Great macro shots.

  14. First of all Erika, the photos of the flowers with the raindrops look beautiful.
    I smiled at your thoughts about technical machines, I thought I had the prize in that department. Its always a bonus for me if they work, let alone do what I was expecting them to do.
    Your journal pages look fantastic, its going to be a wonderful journal full of memories.
    Stay safe.
    Yvonne xx

  15. I Love That Helix - Dig All These Photos - Stay Creative - Makes My Heart Happy


  16. I'm sorry your lunch got rained out. Your flower photos are gorgeous. I'm surprised they'd make photo-sizing harder. That's a shame.


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