Thursday, July 16, 2020

Critters in the Garden

Hi there everyone. 
I've been having a busy week. My daughter came home Saturday and stayed through Tuesday. I've done a tiny bit of studio cleaning and art making, and yesterday I met up with a couple of friends. One of them lives on a lake (lucky her) and so with just a few of us total we could easily social distance with masks and talk.  
Plus my hives have been awful. I look practically like a raspberry. Throw in there a doctor's sick patient visit for that. And a new antihistamine that makes me groggy as I get used to it. (I take it only at night and take my usual in the morning so I can function all day. But waking up in the morning is tough!)  

So in my cleaning and organizing I have found some stamps I've had tucked away. It is fun to take them out and play with them, and I thought the sunflower lady and the chipmunk would make the perfect page, as this is what I had been going through in my garden.
Lots of chili powder  on the ground and some netting seems to have helped the problem and I noticed I had even a couple of zucchini blossoms. Let's hope these chipmunks don't return.

I am linking my page up to the When It's Hot challenge at Art Journal Journey, ass when it's hot it is certainly garden season.

 And a few flowers for you from my gardens. 

My only roses in bloom right now is my climbing rose, which today I must  get staked up before the steamy heat returns this weekend. The upper branches are flopped over.

And my grapes are getting bigger. This is a couple of days ago and they are even bigger today!

I've put netting on my plant to save those grapes from the hungry birds, and then I added all of the colorful marking tape so that no bird would get tangled in it.  I did have to rescue a butterfly and a damselfly fly however. 

And from my walks.
I've had some morning treats as the raspberries are ripe!

And there's some cool wildflowers.

I love the flowers on this grass also! 

Hope you enjoyed the flowers today!
Have a great Thursday! Thanks so much for visiting!


  1. Mary actually looks like she doesn't enjoy gardening. That's me lately. I really like this and I love the yellow splattered background, too. Looks like the chipmunk is going to harvest more than Mary will. Nice addition to your theme at Art Journal Journey.

    Sorry about your hives. At least you had time with your daughter. Now let's see if the new meds help.

    Your flowers are stunning. Really GREAT photos of them, too. Good luck with the grapes. I;m super impressed with the netting to keep them safe from birds.

  2. What a fun journal page you have created, love the stamps you used. Glad you have made your garden critter-safe, too, so you can enjoy the produce. Wow to your grapes! So many beautiful flowers and plants too. Hope your allergies soon get better. Have a great day, hugs, Valerie

  3. Sounds like a week of ups and downs... but how amazing your garden is looking. I guess the chipmunks have been troublesome (I've got a squirrel trying to steal the birdfood, but other than that...) but the one on your lovely sunshine page looks pretty cute. Mind you, since Mary's not having much luck growing things, there's probably not been much for him to steal!
    Alison x

  4. This is a wonderful journal even if the sunflower figure looks a bit suffering in the heat, maybe because it gets too dry. Your flowers from the ridge are so pretty and your grapes would be a shame if the birds pricked everything away.
    Oh no, being stung by the bees is really bad, I'm also allergic to bug bites, get well soon.
    Greetings Elke

  5. Yes I really enjoyed your flowers very much. so sorry your skin condition as returned-so awful and I am guessing very uncomfortable especially during hot weather-take care of yourself Valerie, and I love your art today too-hugs

  6. apologies for thinking I was reading Valerie's page-

  7. Won’t be much of a garden with the chippie. I hope your squash is protected. Himself’s garden is in 2 horse troughs with fencing around. I haven’t seen the chipmunk trying to climb up. Maybe he’s happy with the seed I scatter on the ground for him. Stay cool this weekend.

  8. Oh, and the flowers are just gorgeous

  9. Beautiful blooms and I love your page Erika. Mary looks quite concerned about her garden!
    Hope the new medication helps.
    Alison xx

  10. Its a really fun and wonderful page for your AJJ theme. Mary looks like she would like to give the un- welcome critters to the garden a good talking to.
    I hope your new meds work well and you are feeling better soon.
    Super photos of the beautiful flowers in your garden and the plants you saw on your walks. Have a good weekend.
    Yvonne xx

  11. The lake visit sounds delightful! The flowers look like they don't mind the heat. I hope you get grapes. The beribboned net looks perfect. I hope the new meds help.

  12. I love this tale of woe page! I hope you have done enough to deter your chipmunks! Loving both the brightly coloured flowers and the cool white ones! Hugs, Chrisx

  13. I'm so sorry to hear about the hives. One experience with them was enough to know your misery. I hope the antihistimine works. And fast.

    Meanwhile, you have your lovely daughter, a friend with a porch by water and a gorgeous garden. Hold on to those!


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